Sablicious' forum posts
Is this a toke jopic? o_0 Why one of the glitchiest, laggiest, poorly conceived sequels to a sure-fire winner ever isn't in 'Game of the Year' contention? o_0
I think a more pertinent question would be why it isn't in the 'Cock-up of the Year' category!:roll:
TC, I don't think ANYONE loves Quears 2... period! I mean, fanboys of the first game would absolutely loath what they've done to the game (both gameplayand infrastructure-wise). Those new to the franchise wouldn't bother with it's on-line component due to the interminable lobby limbo. And even those who wanted the shottynerf'd from the first game would still be far from content at elements like the broken chainsaw, horrid lag and utterly inane matchmaking system.
Only an Epic Gamesyes-man who's in fear of losing his/her job could possibly profess to even remotely liking this game. (...and even then they'd surely be lying!)
The games and 'epic' failure on so many levels it's deserved of an accolade for it!
After giving the game one last try, in the hope that maybe the recent update may have done something to address the raft of problems with Gears 2's on-line gameplay/infrastructure, I've come to this conclusion:
The trade value of the game will yield higher quality gameplay as a deposit on something else than as an actual game like Quears 2!
This game will go down in the annuls as biggest cock-up of a sure-fire winner sequel in the history of gaming. :roll:
Any info on when the PAL version of SSFII: HD Remix will be available on the Playstation Store? The 360 version looks to be on Live already. But I only have Ps3 compatible joysticks (+ the competition in fighters seems to be better on PSN), so I want the Playstation version.
A li'l help...?:?
Seeing as how broken multiplayer is - infrastructure AND gampelay-wise - and given this very aspect of Gears is essentially solely responsible for its success (the linear campaign and ho-hum story surely weren't it!), do you think Gears 2 is one of the most abject examples of a developer gaff in gaming history?
I mean, how could Epic botch the most integral element of the game so? Is that bucktoothed, never-been-kissed, poindexter 'Cliffy Dweeb' really that conceited (/deluded) he thought he could ruin the multiplayer portion of Gears 2 and still expect it to be welcomed with open arms? Are there really people in the world that utterly dumb?!
No(its the best fighter). Mortal Kombat is the worst fighter.
Yeah being able to win a match because your opponent is unable to pull off his combos means you have a ton of skill, and when you can both pull off your combos and you get your butt handed to you repeatedly then its because the game sucks lol. _AbBaNdOn
No. Mortal Kombat never tried to be a respectable 'fighter' so much as a kitch gore showcase. It's almost a genre unto itself. Although its gamplay too was definitely sucky, a competent player would more often than not come out on top of his/her less-skilled oppoenent... unlike Spam Claibur IV, suffice it to say. >_>
As for the latter part of your comment - you're smokin what now...??:?
A vast and staggering majority of people either will not or cannot learn to play a fighting game with a deep control scheme or combat mechanics. By having one you automaticallly alienate a large portion of the prospective buyers.
The easier they make it to pull of snazzy combo moves, juggles and special attacks the better the person is going to feel about playing it and thusly the more popular the game is going to be. This in the end translates into more money as more people buy the game that otherwise might have been intimidated by something more complex.
It all comes down to money and honestly the market for deep, difficult and rewardingly complex fighters is extremely small in comparison to other genres.
So people by and large are inept, ignorant and lazy... right?
Tell me something I don't know!:roll:
This is the casuals' generation of gaming. Everything about the games of today screams mainstream and casual. The only areas of import to mainstream gamers [of today] is graphics and hype. Hype a game enough, give it nice enough visuals and you're virtually guaranteed to move units. And compounding this, with the solidifying of the on-line infrastructure, games are being made more and more half-baked and content devoid than ever before.
This is the vertitable 'McDonalds era' of video gaming. >_>
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