Nope but I am one of the few people who did not really care for Borderlands but I am going to check our Rage. Most of the ID games I like so we'll see.
Cheats...depends..if it is a cheat to unlock something cool or changes the game play a bit then totally. My favorite is still the paintball feature in Goldeneye 007. Using cheats to make the game easier I have not done that since the konami code days. Most games now are easy enough to handle without them.
Games like Mount and Blade and Tropico 3 do the right thing, instead of having difficulty settings like hard easy normal you instead customize things the way you see fit. While your total difficulty is determined by a certain percentage. For instance, in Tropico 3 you can determine the following at start. Game Duration, Political Stability, World Economy, Starting Population, Random Event Frequency, Tourism and a bunch of other stuff.
I really like that idea. I also like games that allow you to adjust the difficulty when you get stuck at a certain part. This seems to be a feature in a lot of games these days.
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