@Karmazyn @SadPSPAddict Agreed, and it will be some years before I consider buying a full retail game as a download unless there is some major incentive to do so. But arcade games that usually only offer a few hours gameplay and then you are done are somewhat different. I know minecraft is a bit different in terms of re-playability but.......
@shark_tsuki @Atragon @SadPSPAddict lol - no it isn't. I can play minecraft until my console breaks - don't need internet, don't need to re-download it. Also I have it on a removable hard drive so I can take it to a different console if mine does break! This is no different to a disc - once the console breaks it is no more!
@Atragon @SadPSPAddict Or at least until the console breaks!
I get that point of view but 1. you miss out on loads of great arcade games and 2. no-one knew minecraft was coming to disc eventually and given how well it sold from XBL that there were that many people who still wanted to buy it!
SadPSPAddict's comments