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Halo 3 Complete - 1000gs

Oh, yeah! It is done. 1000/1000gs. The wonderful tweaks to Lone Wolf last week added sword games and upped the player count to 6 in match making. Both changes gave me the perfect opportunity to get both the Steppin' Razor and Overkill achievements. I picked up the chops achievement the other night and finished off the campaign scoring this morning. I have to give it to Bungie for making achievements that are hard, but not unattainable.

How about you folks? Anybody else close or already there?

See how you compare by checking out these stats I pulled from Bungie's latest news:

  • Campaign Complete: Normal -- Completed the Campaign on Normal Difficulty: 43.28%
  • Campaign Complete: Legendary -- Completed the Campaign on Legendary Difficulty: 15.14%
  • Graduate: Graduated from basic training. Stick with it to earn your Spartan insignia: 66.92%
  • UNSC Spartan: Promoted to Sergeant. Proven in combat, you are a Spartan: 52.07%
  • The most found metagame skull? Black Eye skull with 34.26%
  • The least found metagame skull? Tilt at 22.98% (Go find it, jerks! It's one of the best skulls in the game!)
  • At 6.21%, Steppin' Razor is the hardest multiplayer Achievement to earn, with Two for One right behind it at 6.77% and Overkill nipping at its heels (6.75%)
  • 8.68% of players have unlocked the Marathon Man Achievement
  • 1000/1000 Gamerscore: 2.07%


Oh, yeah. I'm all done with Bioshock! 7 days of pure gaming enjoyment. If you haven't played it yet -- get off the computer right now (after leaving a comment of course) and get it! Great visuals, excellent game play, interesting story, a perfect all in one package. Sadly, it is all over. Back to Halo. LOL

PS3 Song

Ran across this video a little bit ago: PS3 Song. I was actually doing a little research on tiny URL and this popped in one of my searchs. So funny, I thought I'd share.


Halo 3 Multiplayer = Time Killer

Yes, been playing a lot of Halo 3 multiplayer of late. Basically to the point of ignoring other games. Those poor other 360 disks, sitting in their holder and feeling lonely. Yes, Halo 3 sucks time into a vortex of nothingness Fortunately, all is not lost. I did make it to Spartan Officer. Feel the love. Oh, yeah. Now I just need to finish off those achievements. Might be the first FPS I might be able to get 1000 on. Well, until they add another 250 points to screw me over with again.

Woot! Level 21!

Well, about freakin' time! I swear I spent the last year at level 20 here on Gamespot! Finally over the hump, so to speak. Guess I'll see if it takes another year to get to 22.

Peace out.

Halo 3 - Mission Accomplished

Yep finished Halo 3's campaign mode last night on Legendary! Awesome run and end was a trip down memory lane. Although tough in parts, I found this version a bit easier then the first two. I didn't bother bother playing the first two on the harder difficulties, so maybe it is an unfair comparison. I've been playing co-op on Heroic with my daughter -- what fun! And the forge is a hoot! What fun. I just wish the campaign was a bit longer. The ride was over much quicker then I hoped. Oh well, there is still multi-player to enjoy.

Halo 3 - Fallout and Fanfare

Wow, its only been a few days since launch, but the after effects of the H3 launch were pretty big. Besides taking down Live, well at least the web site and forums, it also killed the feeds to many popular 360 sites like 360voice and MGC. 360voice decided to upgrade servers, things were broke anyway, but they are still in the middle of recovering. Live is back to normal, but wow! I read somewhere that there were close to a million on-line! That's big!

So, I'm starting to hear all the Halo 3 "day after" stories. Some co-workers were "out sick" the day after launch. My neighbor's brother stayed home 3 days to get his Halo fix. Sad to say, I don't have Halo 3 yet, so no Halo flu for me. How about you folks. Any dedicated gamers?

All in all, Live! problems aside, Halo 3 launch appears to be a big success. What do you think? Was it worth it?

I'll reserve my own judgment about the hype until after I've given the campaign a try.

Oblivion -- Down and Out, again!

Well, I finished Oblivion: The Shivering Isles, completing the game's achievements -- again! I was all happy when I finished the game the first time - gaining all 1000 pts of glorious gamer score. Then, MS changed the rules and Oblivion gained another 250 points -- and forced me to spend another $30. Yikes! Dedication had the better of me, and Shivering Isles was a compelling enough story, that I bought and, finally got back around to finishing it.

So, I don't mind the whole 250 pts extra, but I'm a bit miffed that MS adds those points to the game only for paid content. Seems that if you are going to add points to the game, it should be free. At least Epic has since released the new multiplayer maps for free, nice if you don't mind the wait. But CrackDown only add 100 free and added another 250 for paid content that is a bit dubious. I spent a lot of effort playing the CrackDown races, but they aren't really that much fun. I seriously doubt too many people will bother with those achievements.

What do you folks think? Extra points good, bad, or indifferent?