@Edge15 @Saintdoc41 She is a journalist. If she does not want to be criticized she should quit. I have my Master's degree, and she may be more educated but those comments do not belong here because they are one, not substantiated and two bias. good day. :)
Jess, Newsflash for you if you don't want the government in your life get rid of your cell phone, computer, and never go outside. Please get educated and stop making stupid comments!
Mark, you are supposed to be a non biased media representative! It is sad to see this Sony fanboy article! Both Sony and Microsoft know and love games this is why they are both successful! Please stop the fanboy wars and just report the fact that you loved what Sony is doing without bashing Microsoft in the process!
Both Microsoft and Sony have showed that they love gamers and most of all they love our money! They are both businesses trying to create a successful model to reach gamers. This useless conversation about who is knows games and loves games is just juvenile! Both companies know and love games and that is why they both successful!
Saintdoc41's comments