mgs4 is a ps3 exclusive. But the franchise is not sony exclusive.
SamGv's forum posts
Demon souls is not a good game, don't believe peoples opinions about it, atleast rent it before you buy.
MAG is might be okay until BFBC2 comes out.
AC2 is definitly one of my favorite games of last year, it's totally worth the $$$.
Why is DS not a good game?
The game isn't about getting kills as much as it is about getting objectives. You have to stick with your group or you wont get that much XP.
The game basically forces you to play as a teamplayer.
To everybody saying the game looks like a PS2 title. It is a port of a PC game which was modeled after a PS2 game lol.
No excuses sir. It's s game that could run on my DS and now is being ported to 360.
Fail. Uh.. what else... oh yeah bad game is bad.
"graphics look horrible, looks like a ps2 game"
arma 2 max settings same graphics 4 gigs of ram, no lag.
Turn down the view distance and turn of AA its a waste and doesn't help.
capcom said they will no longer make exclusives. So, this is just a timed exclusive, for now anyway.
if you can't max it, 360 will look better.
The only reason it looked and played better on PC is because they put for dev time into the pc port. I doubt there will be any big differences between two unlike besides resolution.
If you haven't been spoiled by U2, KZ2 or mw2 then yeah MAGs graphics are fine.
First off. MAG hasn't been released yet and reviewing a game off the beta is not only a very stupid thing to do but it is also very unprofessional. Especially since the game will launch with more skills, weapons, armor, levels, faces, voices, options, more features, a more polished game pretty much.
Secondly. The servers do not go online until release day, and even on release day no one will be able to get into a 256 player room for awhile since every starts off at level 1 and it takes a while to work your way up.
Now, there is ABSOLUTELY no reason to bash MAG at all. Te graphics are fine, not CODMW2 or Killzone 2 but it's a trade off that was needed for the larger scale, which is the game's selling point. The game does not have "stiff" combat, what you are experiencing is the lack of auto aim. The game does not have "ps2" graphics, no PS2 game could run MAG, and in some areas the game looks REALLY good.
MAG is pretty much being hyped AA. if it gets a lower score than that it's pretty much the reviewers saying "it's not COD, therefor it's bad"
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