@kbenn777 On that rig, it'll run on all medium with probably about 30-35fps I'm thinking... @Alfredo14 Your rig would have run Crysis very nicely, except, you have a 8500... You should consider upgrading.
WSGRandomPerson, there is an official date for the PSP Slim's release, it says in Game Informer that the Ice Silver Daxter PSP Bundle will be released on the 10th of Sept, which is in a week, and the Ceramic White Star Wars PSP Bundle is being released on the 9th of Oct. And finally, the Piano Black PSP will be released on the same day as the silver one as I'm told. If you still aren't sure I'm correct, ask your local Gamestop or EB Games store for the release dates, they told me it was the same as what Game Informer had said.
Why does Gamespot have to show examples of load times with games like WWE and Test Drive Unlimited? How about showing examples of the load times on REAL games.
Death_Masta187, if you learned to read everything they say before you start commenting, you would actually notice that the shorter bars indicate better load times.
Sam_Fisher_932's comments