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SamuraiRaven Blog

Schools are the root of all evil

I has been a long time since I have done a root of all evil so this time I have chosen my School. They work me all day to get good grades then when I want to chill back a take a class I want to take they tell be not or they change my schedule for me.

I have been to my guidance councilor three times this year so she can send off some papers for college. First time she lost it. Second time she mailed them to the wrong school. Third time she was on vacation for 2 weeks.

I was already accepted into 3 colleges and because of her dumbness I have only one college left that and accept me if I can get the papers in on time.




Harry Potter 7

On December 21, they announced that the 7th book to Harry will titled Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. :D The release date has not been set yet but J.K said herself that it is "LIKEY" to be released my May of 07.

This will be that last Book for Harry. :cry:

I'm still trying to find out more to keep you all posted.

P.S. If you find out any info can you post it here PLEASE.

Why I hate people

Will not all people. Just stupid ones. At least stupid people that come into my job. (I'm a cashier)

1) Go to the register with the light on.

       So many people come up to me and ask me where they can get checked out at. Many of you have shop at Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart, or etc, and when you are ready to checkout don't you go to the register with the light on. I hate it when people ask me what register I'm I at even though there is only one light on. I can understand if there wasn't a light on. *I really hate it when people ask me what register I'm at even when I'm standing in front if it.

2) Don't get a basket full of stuff if you know you don't have the money.

         Why do people get a basket full of stuff knowing they don't have enough money and when they get up to the register they have to separate what they want and don't want. The one thing that really ticks me off is when they wait until I have rung it all up and then they look though the bags a fish out what they don't want (And they have the money to pay for it all or they know they only have about 20 dollars) then I have to take some of the stuff off. I can't push the ITEM VOID button to many time because the manage gets mad.

3) Please put thing back where you get it.

      It drives me crazy when people get something and they put it back someplace else even, knowing that where they got the item in the first place it just rest across from it (not even a good 6 inches away). I can understand if it is on the other end of the store but if i is right in front of you please put it back. 

4) Don't ask how much something is when there are huge signs all over the store saying "Everthings a Dollar".

         All over the store is signs that say "Everythings a Dollar," there is even a man who says over an intercome that "Everythings a Dollar." I can understand if it is a somthing little like a cadybar and you want to know if it is a dollar also but sunglasses, huge bags of chips and paper plates. Come on people use your brains.


Jesse book club

I guess this would be easier for people to see what i'm reading instead of e-mailing me all the time. Don't get me wrong I don't mind but in two days I had 208 e-mails and only 73 of them were junk mail. So here it is.


Samurai Girl- By Carrie Asai

Books in Series: 6

Summary: The main charter is Heaven Kogo. She was adopted my a wealthy family.She in put into an arranged marriage with this jerk. She has a cool but very sad wedding. There is sword fighting and ninjas. But her brother (the only person she can really trust) dies saving her. She runs away to this dudes house named Hiro. He protects her and teaches her how to fight. Later Heaven and Hiro discover Heaven true past and a lot bit of why people are after her.

Quote from book:

"When I was 6 months old, I dropped from the sky- the lone survivor of a deadly Japanese plane crash. The newspapers named me Heaven. I was adopted by a wealthy family in Tokyo, pampered, and protected. For 19 years, I thought I was lucky. I'm learning I was wrong.

I've lost the person I loved the most. I've begun to uncover the truth about my family. Now i'm being hunted. I must fight back, or die. The old heaven is gone.


My review: I love this book. As many of my friends can tell (because this is the first book I tell them to read.) It just gets better and better in every book. The books are only about 300 pages. If you love to read Adventure, Romance and Mystery this is the book for you. Its really a now book. It has 50 Cent and Gwen.

****You don't want to buy only the first book.****** 

Next on list (Almost finshed) Sweet-Blood, more on it later.


Ranma 12- By Rumiko Takahashi (The creator of Inuyasha)

Summary: Teenaged martial artist Ranma Saotome (who is a boy) went on a training mission with his father one day ... well, actually they'd been training for years, but this day is different. At a legenday training ground in China, the two had a little accident. A fall into some cursed springs triggered a tranformation. Now, every time Ranma is splashed with cold water, he changes into a girl. His father, Genma, when splashed, changes into a panda! Does this complicate their lives? You bet.

My review: Do i really need to. If you are a ture Inuyasha fan you need to read this manga. Yes it has been changed into a tv series but I love the manga better. The show is old but is still one of the best anime ever made and is still being bought everyday by millions of people.

It is really funny because Ranma is always making enemys and his enemys are in love with his girl self. Let just say Ranma has been kissed by people of the same sex. 

Next on list (almost fiinshed) Bleach, more on it later.

Happy Birthday 2 Me

Happy B-day 2 me.

Happy B-day 2 me

Happy B-day to Jesse

Happy B-day to me.

How old r u now?

(Don't you just wish I would just tell you)

How old r u now?

(Not going to happen)

How old r u?

(I not going to tell ... Any of you)

How old r u?

    Ok. Ok. I'll tell you but don't tell any police. 18 dang now i'm legeal. Great no hitting little kids in the head with a wooden baseball bat. NO getting into fights with people at Mc Donalds or Wal-Mart. Dang I have to re think my way of life all together.

IT would be a better B-day if I could spend it with my best bud. But as I all was say LIFE SUCKS.

At least I have you all. :lol:  

My Best Bud is the root of all evil

I have done a " ___ is the root of all evil" in a while so i decide to do one one my best bud, Star Flame15. (I'm not really mad but I had to tell someone). 

See she is moving back to Puerto Rico:cry:. And now I have to spend my Senior Year alone. No friends. I know StarFlame you are going to say I will have BeastInuyasha but you know as while as I do that as soon as he sees Sabrina he will leave me as quick as you can say PUERTO RICO :roll: That jerk.

Dang can't your step father wait until the year is over?

Plus who will keep me from killing Emily Davis? You know she won't last two minutes in that school because i will kill her as soon as she looks at me. I will need another Lawyer very soon because Mr. Morrison won't help me anymore. :twisted:

Life sucks. I want to be home schooled now. There is no reason to be at school. (It won't even be any fun to flirt with Cory any more, who will i have to tell it to.) :cry:

Anyone looking 4 an exchange student who is always getting into trouble because of her mouth? I won't survive in High School alone. :D


I will miss you my best best bets best best best bud in the whole wide world. See i told everyone i was right about life sucking. I'm a genius. A soon to be sad and lonely Genuis.

Now matter what you are still my best bud. I will miss you. My life won't be the same without you.That took to long to write.

P.S. Adam will miss you too. I bet he is missing you  now. :lol:

Project Runway "A must see"

Project Runway is off the chain. Here are my reasons why you must watch it:

  • It's a reality tv show about 16 Fashion Designers who are fighting (not fist fighting) for a chance to make it to Fashion Week and win 100,000 dollar to start their own business and aa new car.
  • They give the contestants crazy jobs to do like, design a new look for the Postal Workers and Barbie, and they have even told the to design a look from what they can find in their rooms (Curtains, Beds, Table covers, and Chair cushions), and one time they had to design something from the clothes they were wearing. Let's just say one person wasn't really wearing much and her model's butt was showing.
  • A lot of people are really talented and some make you wonder what were they thinking joining this show.
  • But you really have to watch out for some of the contestants because they will stab you in the back. You really can't trust anyone.
  • And the judge's are mean. They will sometimes remind you of Simon.
  • If you don't even have to know anything about fashion to really understand the show.
  • They help teach you some fashion do's and dont's.
  • The show isn't just full of women. Their are some men who are better then the women.

There is more but you have to watch the show for yourself.

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