Name - Sango
Meaning: Coral
Titles - Sango-chan, Youkai Taijiya (Demon Exterminator)
Eyes - Brown
Hair - Dark Brown & in a ponytail
Gender - Female
Age - 16 yrs old
Race - Human
Birth - In her small village of demon exterminators.
Attacks - Hiraikotsu (Demon bone boomerang)
Friends - Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, Kaede, Kirara, Shippou, and her brother Kohaku.
Seiyuu - Kuwashima Houko (***) & Kelly Sheridan (Eng)
About the Demon Hunter] - Sango grew up learning how to kill demons. She lives in a village that is filled with Youkai Taijiya (Demon Exterminators). These Taijiya go around and slay the many demons that attack villages and kill others. They bring them down, and use the parts of their fallen bodies to make new weapons to fight against them with. They also use what they can of these dead demons to repair their weapons. The use of demon parts help their weapons be strong with the force of the Youkai strength added into them. Sango is one of the best of the best, within their circle of Taijiya at the moment. She uses a huge boomerang type weapon called the Hiraikotsu. This weapon is made of the bones of many Youkai. This weapon is strong against the demons she fights. Using the boomerang I think would be the hardest part of all. Sango throws the large bone over her shoulder and it hits its target almost every time. It then returns to her and she catches it with one of the latches at each end of the boomerang and it usually makes her slide back a few feet.
Sango's story in this Feudal Fairy Tale begins when a calling for some exterminators is made. Sangos father is the chief of their exterminators and so he calls on his children to accompany him along to this great castle. Upon arriving they are attacked by a great spider Youkai, who is taken down quickly. It was perhaps to easy, as Sango thought. After the spider is brought down, her brother is taken over by the main Youkai, who is sitting off on the sidelines enjoying the show. Her younger brother, Kohaku, is possessed, and used to kill the team of demon exterminators. The only one left was Sango, whom he battled with for quite some time, until they were both attacked by the castle rulers guards. Kohaku dies from the arrows, and Sango passes out from weakness, who is thought to be dead.
The great Lord is found out for the fraud he was, and was killed by the young master of the house. He soon learns that Sango is in fact not dead, and he nurses her back to health. She soon hears that her village was attacked while she was away, and everyone inside was killed. Naraku has his part in this story, half false. He told the young master that a half-demon called Inuyasha came and destroyed her village in search of the Shikon fragments that were being held there. She comes forward demanding her armor be returned so that she can go and wreak revenge against this half-demon for killing her kin. It is all so found out that Inuyasha was not the true perpetrator, and she soon joins him in search for Naraku who decieved her.
She joins them in search for Narku, in hopes that she can gain some sort of revenge for her family and friends. Soon she finds herself face to face with her brother again, but this time he is not so much her brother anymore, then a puppet of Narakus. Her new purpose is to find a way to restore her brother to what he was, as well as getting rid of Naraku along with the rest of the group.
Portrait of a Slayer] - Sango can usually be found sitting somewhere, yearning to see her little brother again. Although she had a great life growing up, her happiness has been changed into an amount of sadness to be reconned with. She believes that she could have stopped her brother from dying, if only she had been given the chance. Her vengence to be rid of Naraku is as great as the rest of them. As they have all befallen some sort of tragedy because of this worthless half demon, Naraku. Sango usually wears her Taijiya outfit almost all the time, undeneith a pretty kimono. The main part is two shades of pink, a darker pink and a lighter pink. The skirt she wears is a greenish color, while she wears a sort of blue cape over her shoulders. When she is in her Taijiya outfit only, her hair is pulled back into a ponytail and she has Hiraikotsu snuggly fit over her shoulder. When she is not fighting demons, she wears her normal kimono, along with sandles and her hair is let down. When not using her weapon, it is strapped around her. I wonder, myself, how she can manage to carry something like that. ><'
Hiraikotsu] - This great demon exterminator weapon was created by using the bones of fallen Youkai that they have killed. This makes the weapon stronger and more able to defeat their foes, the Youkai. Sango was trained at a young age to use this weapon, and she is the best of the best within her village of Taijiya. Her weapon is a vital part to killing the demons when she goes hunting. With this weapon, she can actually go and fight a demon by herself and defeat it. With such a strong addition to Inuyasha's group, Sango helps defeat many demons in their fights along the path of destroying their main target, Naraku.
I copyed it from an e-mail a friend sent me:P
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