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SamuraiRaven Blog

Death in Family

    Will Wednesday at 5pm my Great-Grandmother died. It was to be expected because she was so old. 86 if you really want to know.If everyone keeps asking me if im alright i will SCREAM.

    Then they tell me i must be the strong one because i wasn't crying. Some gave me a dirty look. I just had to :roll: , because i would have snaped. I really didn't know her (Great Grandmother im talkin about). She lived with me for the past 2 years but still i really didn't know her.

   PLUS when i use to talk to her she would say hateful things to be, like "Look how fat you have gotten now", or "I look just like your mother and will turn out to be like the sl**, because you know the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree." I hated when she would compare me to my mother, knowing i HATED her. Yes i do hate her, but that a hole other story.

    It wasn't just me she would say hateful things to. She said it to all of her great grand-children, expect her 2 gifts from god, great grand children, my other cousins. They were treated like GODS. Believe me everyone in my family saw it 2.

   But she wasn't all bad. She did send me money once in a while. And she did pay for the new house i'm about to move into.

   I'm not going 2 her Funeral. I hate them. It's just a feelin i get when i get in a church that makes me sick. I know i'm going to hear from all of those other loud mouth relatives on how rude i was on not going. But my grandmother and talked and she said i don't have to go so i can say screw the rest off the who say any thing smart.   

Do you all think im wrong 4 not wanting to go to her funeral? 

French Boys

I'm so mad that I spent over 20 bucks on getting a French pen pal. I got of them for twenty bucks. Four of them gave my the wrong address. The other on Jean-Paul, we were talking for a year then we sent each other pics. and he sents me one pick after that.

He said we had nothing in common because I loves Anime and playing Tekken 4 all the time, but all he hates anime and thinks Tekken 4 sucks. WHATEVER, his lost. BUt you know what that jerk could have gave me back my pic. I don't want to be friends with anyone if they hate Anime. You just have to b crazy. How hard is it to find a pen pal in this world. DANG What's a gurl have 2 do?


Lady J

P.S. I hope this isn't to long for you StarFlame :P


Can some one please tell me where i can find a copy of the Live Action Tekken for a cheap price?

Class of 2007

Sorry people i haven't been blessing you all with my presents here lately. I have been so busy with exams, end of year projects, and work. Man i'm so glad to say that as of now I'm a Senior. OH Yeah Class of 2007 RULES.

Im so happy that exams are over. I only had 2 (thank god). Ecology (i don't see why i have a 100 in that class) and Geometry (I need everyone to take the time to pray that i passed my geometry exam lol.) When it comes to geo. i just don't get it. On the homework and quizzes i get 100 or 80 but the tests it's 50s and 60s. I believe i could do a lot better if it wasn't for my teacher. She makes the whole class fall to sleep. just ask StarFlame15 she had her.

Im so happy the projects for the end o the year are over. I love history and was looking forward to our project we had to do. Then he tells us we have to be in groups. I was like ok at first less work for me. BIG MISTAKE. they drove me crazy. (YES even more crazier than i am now). We had to make a board game. I can up with a name of the game, the game, instructions, and something else but i just forgot. i'll remember later. ANYWAY. I left them with the box and Game board. The box was o.k it could have had just a little more color to it but it was OK. BUT the game board the made looked like a kindergartner did it. The boxes were all on even and everything. Even my little cousin said the board was UGLY. So what did I have to do. YEP i redid it. I had to the whole class was going to see and even half of the school. See my class was going to give use grades on how we did. This one member of my group, who i really really really hate (yes i know it is wrong to hate someone but you would to if you know her), got the nerve to get in my face and tell me to take a chill pill because it was just a grade. Yes she did get in my face. And knowing me and my temper i got right in her face. then words were said. THEN she said i was a female dog so you can guess what i did next. I punched her so hard i think i broke her nose amd my hand. I didn't get in any trouble because my teacher is to cool to write people up and the girl knew that if she go in trouble again her parents where going to kill her. Our game got a 100 but our team work got a 70 because of the fight. Well she got a 70, i got an 80 because i won the fight most people told me.

Work isn't over but now i get to get bad hours because school is over which means MORE MONEY, which also means MORE SHOPPING. OH Yeah. See there are two other high school girl working at my job. Will now on is gone because the other 2 just didn't get along and kept gossiping about each other. So i just need to get the other on fired. Any one have any ideas?


  Lady J 

The Ghost at my School

I'm postive their is a ghost at my school. See thursday as i was walking past the Gym of my school, i thow a piece of paper at the trash can an missed, but didn't pick it up, then i felt something as if someone had pushed me from behind and i fell on the floor. I looked behind me and didn't see anyone, also i'm 100% postive that i didn't trip. See in the 70's or 80's some janitor died when he fell of the ladder and busted his skull all over the gym floor.

But the whole me falling thing was not the first time. See last school year it happened again when i thow a piece of paper on the floor and didn't pick it up. Then i felt someone push me again and no one was their.

When i got back to class and told everone the storie. They all told me about when they would walk past the Gym and it felt like someone had pushed them too. Monday my teacher said that we would go to the gym and see if it happens.

A little Bio on Sango

Name - Sango
Meaning: Coral
Titles - Sango-chan, Youkai Taijiya (Demon Exterminator)
Eyes - Brown
Hair - Dark Brown & in a ponytail
Gender - Female
Age - 16 yrs old
Race - Human
Birth - In her small village of demon exterminators.
Attacks - Hiraikotsu (Demon bone boomerang)
Friends - Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, Kaede, Kirara, Shippou, and her brother Kohaku.
Seiyuu - Kuwashima Houko (***) & Kelly Sheridan (Eng)

Sango-chan [About the Demon Hunter] - Sango grew up learning how to kill demons. She lives in a village that is filled with Youkai Taijiya (Demon Exterminators). These Taijiya go around and slay the many demons that attack villages and kill others. They bring them down, and use the parts of their fallen bodies to make new weapons to fight against them with. They also use what they can of these dead demons to repair their weapons. The use of demon parts help their weapons be strong with the force of the Youkai strength added into them. Sango is one of the best of the best, within their circle of Taijiya at the moment. She uses a huge boomerang type weapon called the Hiraikotsu. This weapon is made of the bones of many Youkai. This weapon is strong against the demons she fights. Using the boomerang I think would be the hardest part of all. Sango throws the large bone over her shoulder and it hits its target almost every time. It then returns to her and she catches it with one of the latches at each end of the boomerang and it usually makes her slide back a few feet.

Sango's story in this Feudal Fairy Tale begins when a calling for some exterminators is made. Sangos father is the chief of their exterminators and so he calls on his children to accompany him along to this great castle. Upon arriving they are attacked by a great spider Youkai, who is taken down quickly. It was perhaps to easy, as Sango thought. After the spider is brought down, her brother is taken over by the main Youkai, who is sitting off on the sidelines enjoying the show. Her younger brother, Kohaku, is possessed, and used to kill the team of demon exterminators. The only one left was Sango, whom he battled with for quite some time, until they were both attacked by the castle rulers guards. Kohaku dies from the arrows, and Sango passes out from weakness, who is thought to be dead.

The great Lord is found out for the fraud he was, and was killed by the young master of the house. He soon learns that Sango is in fact not dead, and he nurses her back to health. She soon hears that her village was attacked while she was away, and everyone inside was killed. Naraku has his part in this story, half false. He told the young master that a half-demon called Inuyasha came and destroyed her village in search of the Shikon fragments that were being held there. She comes forward demanding her armor be returned so that she can go and wreak revenge against this half-demon for killing her kin. It is all so found out that Inuyasha was not the true perpetrator, and she soon joins him in search for Naraku who decieved her.

She joins them in search for Narku, in hopes that she can gain some sort of revenge for her family and friends. Soon she finds herself face to face with her brother again, but this time he is not so much her brother anymore, then a puppet of Narakus. Her new purpose is to find a way to restore her brother to what he was, as well as getting rid of Naraku along with the rest of the group.

Portrait of a Demon Exterminator [Portrait of a Slayer] - Sango can usually be found sitting somewhere, yearning to see her little brother again. Although she had a great life growing up, her happiness has been changed into an amount of sadness to be reconned with. She believes that she could have stopped her brother from dying, if only she had been given the chance. Her vengence to be rid of Naraku is as great as the rest of them. As they have all befallen some sort of tragedy because of this worthless half demon, Naraku. Sango usually wears her Taijiya outfit almost all the time, undeneith a pretty kimono. The main part is two shades of pink, a darker pink and a lighter pink. The skirt she wears is a greenish color, while she wears a sort of blue cape over her shoulders. When she is in her Taijiya outfit only, her hair is pulled back into a ponytail and she has Hiraikotsu snuggly fit over her shoulder. When she is not fighting demons, she wears her normal kimono, along with sandles and her hair is let down. When not using her weapon, it is strapped around her. I wonder, myself, how she can manage to carry something like that. ><'

Hiraikotsu, Weapon against Youkai [Hiraikotsu] - This great demon exterminator weapon was created by using the bones of fallen Youkai that they have killed. This makes the weapon stronger and more able to defeat their foes, the Youkai. Sango was trained at a young age to use this weapon, and she is the best of the best within her village of Taijiya. Her weapon is a vital part to killing the demons when she goes hunting. With this weapon, she can actually go and fight a demon by herself and defeat it. With such a strong addition to Inuyasha's group, Sango helps defeat many demons in their fights along the path of destroying their main target, Naraku.

I copyed it from an e-mail a friend sent me:P

Commercials are the root of all evil

I have another series to add to my "_____ root of all evil". I hate commercial. Yeah their are some funny ones but still they cut out time out of some really good animes. Like Nartuo. Today their were four comercials. FOUR. They could have shown some more Nartuo with that kind of time. Or when i would be watching Teen Titans this summer, when it was all about Raven, i hated when it would get good then it would go to commercials. I HATE IT. :lol: I konw it does save them money when they do put in times for comericals.I can't help it, it drives me crazy. How about you? 

My school's Robotics team is the root of all evil

How rude. Last year i worked my butt off for a team that makes robots and competes with other teams all over the U.S. and just because this year my dumb so-called father and step mother wouldn't take me to the meetings they (meaning the team) didn't let me go to regionals. I can't help it i don't know how to drive and they kept complaining about having to take me to my meetings. I did go 2 all major meetings. Who helped them get into the newspapers because of her beatiful pics of robots and helped them get MONEY. I did. Who came up with good ideas on how to get money. I did, but did they ever use them?  NOOOOOO. So i was stuck with my dumb so-called father, step mother and her slow 3 kids. But i really should thank them because if it's was for me not going i would still be living with my dumb so-called father. Right? Of course i am. I'm always right. :lol:    

BB&T is the root of all evil

As all of my friends now I have a shopping addiction. Not with clothes but with books, mangas and movies. Will one day I had to go to the dentist and it's not to far from Barnes and Nobles. And how can I go pass a book store and not buy anything? See my grandmother let me borrow he debt card and told me to use it for emergency only. I had to use the card because it was an emergency, seeing I only had $20 and still hadn't eaten lunch and need to give my aunt gas money. To make a long storie short, I spent about $70.88 on books and mangas. I figured I could get the bank statement out of the mail at the end of this month. BUT NO. The dumb bank sent it 2 weeks early and I got caught, but being the first grandchild I got off easy. Let me stop lying I had to pay her back with is a 3 days pay. I hate banks.

Oh oh oh I know who the sunflower samurai is

I just rented Samurai Champloo vol 7 (with is the last vol I think). I was off the chain (my three fav words). Really sad but off the chain. Anyway do you really want to know who is the sunflower Samurai? PM me if you want to know so I don't spoil it for the others. Anyway you get to see Jin with his hair down and you learn Jin's life story. Let's face it they have never told much about Jin. But if you don't want to see any of the boy almost get their a**es kicked then don't watch it. Let me not tell anymore because I don't want to spoil it.
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