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Samurai_Budgie Blog

Level 20, Guitar Hero II, and Warhawk

I was bored and I haven't blabbed on here for a while so I thought I would. First off I hit Level 20. Yay me. Errm...

I never intended to get Guitar Hero II for the Xbox 360. Heck I never intended to buy a rhythm game full stop. Back at E3 I saw a game which changed my mind. Do I even need to say what that game is? Rock Band. Next to Metal Gear that is the game I'm now most looking forward to, I really wanted a small taste of the game myself but obviously that wont happen until it gets released here in the UK next year. So I got Guitar Hero II. It's as awesome as everybody says it is but I'm absolututely terrible at it. I could blame the fact I'm left handed or something but I won't. I suck. I'm trying to get better (I only got it a few days ago for crying out loud!) So hopefully I'll be good when Rock Band eventually does hit shelves.

On PS3 I've finally found a game I enjoy that isnt just a port, As the blog header suggests that game is Warhawk, I tend to favour using the tanks myself, I'm not that great in the Warhawks and being shot down by homing missile turrets gets irritating rather quickly.

On a non gaming related note I've got school tommorow and as it's sixth form and I'm only doing subjects I want, I'm kinda looking forward to it. I'll be bored after a week but oh well. All it means is that games aren't going to get as much love as they have on my almost 2 month holiday. GCSE results were fine I got what I wanted blah blah blah.

Yeah I think I'm done talking. I'M OUT.

Snaaaaaaaaake! and other off-topic ramblings

Metal Gear!?

Metal Gear kind of rocks. I completed Subsistence (Well Snake Eater but you know what I mean) and whats amazing is even after ages of playing it I learned something I didn't know before.

If you use the CQC move that pushes them to the floor you can hold them up while they lay down EGADS, I did not know that. I'm sure many of you do but hey I'm waffling here.

What game should I complete next. Hmm... I think I might just train my Pokemon up or play Portable Ops. I'm going away to a friends in Grimsby till Monday, He asked me to bring the Wii along but I would prefer bringing the PS3 and a stack of PS2 games I can thrash people at. But whatever.

Anyway, HotSpot was good, better than I expected at least. Jeff did a great job hosting. Still it felt a little quiet without Rich.

I never thought I could enjoy Phoenix Wright as much as I did.....

I just rented it and I must say I'm impressed. I went from 'mm... a lawyer game *yawn* To actually liking the characters and wanting to help the vicitim and catch the villians!

That was all I really wanted to say.. I finished it a couple of hours ago and now I'm bored.. Dreading the HotSpot. It's just not going to be the same without Rich.....

E3 2007 - Microsoft.

First to the plate and I'm neither more of less excited, I like the look of Mass Effect which I never bothered looking into before same with Assasins Creed, Call of Duty 4 also looks fairly interesting. I immediatly checked the charlie oscar... whatever to find a 'too many connections' error - No major surprise and I haven't bothered checking back.

Halo 3 looks as good as I expected and I couldn't resist laughing when Gears of War was shown for PC and the guy said 'surprise!' Overall I think they did a good job. The only major thing I took away from that event was Sonic on 360 TONIGHT! ZOMG!

Scene it was an interesting announcement. A blatant Buzz! ripp off but there's no denying how fun those games can be when you've got you're non gamer friends and family around. The new Viva Pinata caused me to laugh as well, It will likely end up being some sub-par minigame collection (well it is a minigame collection but calling it lame isn't fair at this point)

Shame I'm playing through Gears and The Darkenss but I'll end up with that at the end of the month at the latest. Won't pass up 2D Sonic with achievements!

Although the event was filled with cringe-worthy events too, Notably Peter Moore singing and 'Dig deeper and harder' joke from the Call of Duty people. (could be wrong on that one though I think it was CoD)

Well that was my first LIVE E3 event, I watched last years but due to a lack of paid membership I didn't see it live. Liking the nice new emblem. I guess the ball is now in Nintendo's field.

Formula 1 is driving me nuts (haha... pun)

Seriously though, The Formula 1 coverage in the UK is becoming ridiculous, Martin Brundle is good but the other commentator is terrible did anyone hear him when Jenson Button won last year? If you didn't ten here you go Just kill me now. He needs to be fired right away but thats not my main point.

Everyone's jumping on the Lewis Hamilton bandwagon. Don't get me wrong I like the guy but the coverage is becoming a pain to watch, In the three quarters of so of a hour leading up to a session its Lewis Hamilton blah blah blah again and again. I guess we Brits need something to boast about in sports we don't have too much luck in football (soccer to all you Americans) But it's just so damn annoying!

I think Silverstone proved what a rookie Lewis is, I personally don't think there was anything wrong with the car, I mean look at what Alonso did in the exact same machine. Lewis sat thinking 'OMG This is my home race must push harder etc' Notice the muck up on his first pit stop?

I'm not critisising him it's just he's not Michael Schumacher in his prime. I'm not going to deny what he has already acomplished but he's still a rookie who's sat in that car probably starting to feel cocky and arrogant and that can only mean bad things in the future.

Forza 2 Rules

Been playing it the last coupla days and I love it. Not to good at the painting as I would have hoped but practice makes perfect, I tried making a Sonic car (Well what did you expect) and it didn't go too well. I still get a nice few cars if I stick to just putting flames or tribal shapes on it but thats hardly the most original thing on the planet. I'm still obviously playing catch up with 360 games the next one on my list is Dead Rising, I'll probably wait until the end of this month for that though. Anyway there's my amazing blog update so if you don't mind I have a date with the fridge.

Now an owner of an Xbox 360

I bought the Core like I mentioned before, Mainly because 1. One of the things I am expecting to hear at E3 is news about the Elite coming to Europe. All I want from that is the Hard Drive, I don't like the tacky black colour. 2. I'm an impatient sod who wants STUFF NOW! 3. I like upgrading what I want from the minimum instead of being piled with things like Blu-Ray drives... I still have my PS3, Thats not going anywhere, Exclusive or not Metal Gear Solid 4 will be better on PS3 so thats where I'm buying. Seriously though this opens up a range of new games I am going to end up buying like Forza 2, Dead Rising, Gears and Halo 3. I got Fuzion Frenzy 2 (Easy achievements *evil laugh*) and Viva Pinata which I wanted to try anyway. On Live Arcade I got Uno and Pac-Man CE. Any other games people can recommend me? Live or disc games.

Time to party!

No more school until September, No more Exams till my A-Levels, No more sodding Oblivion which I've finally dragged myself through. Just RELAX!

Jealous much?


Now there isnt a lot of people that can stand up and say they have all three consoles, Are they mad or geniuses, Believe me owning all current gen consoles would be wonderful and it was only the other day I realised it was only one I was missing, The Xbox 360.

The £180 price tag for the core isnt bad here. Thats the same as the Wii. I can see myself gettting well into the achievements and it'll be great to be able to have the great games on the system I want to try but barely or haven't played (Dead Rising, Gears of War, Viva Pinata and the upcoming Halo 3) I believe I will have one eventually, Heck I'm tempted to pop into town now and get one, But I'll definitly have a 360 before the end of this year. Whether I get the core or the premium I have not decided, As with the core I can just upgrade the bits I want, Which suits me fine, I don't need it all at one, A headset and Hard Drive aren't that essential seeing as I'll just get a memory unit to store saves of rented games that I'm getting achievements for.

It's not a question of is it worth it because I know it is, My problem is do I really want it, Or is it just the whole I've got the money to spend so BUY IT NOW!

I guess if I'm still thinking about a 360 in a few weeks then I'll bother at some point but right now, Nah. If anyone is actually reading this crap, What do you think?

Halo 3 beta with Crackdown!

Now its just Crackdown, with I hear a plug for Shadowrun? (Never played it myself) Seriously, From what I've heard Crackdown is an enjoyable game, Yet, Game stores are going to just die with the flood of trade-in Crackdown's they'll be getting from the die-hard Halo lovers that couldn't give a damn about Crackdown.

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if they stop accepting the game as a trade in after 20000 copies get handed back.