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SanAndreasfan Blog

I'm on the first page of the journals and so is JD and RDK

cool...since stuff has been deleted im number 9m RDK is number 7 and JD id number 6...i doubt this will stay like this for long but i shall enjoy it while it lasts:DAlso the stuff that was deleted on mine had no comments so:twisted:i feel sorry for soul asylum...from 3000 and something comments in one night he comes chrashing down into the hundreds.:lol::P

im back from suspension!!!

well im back although it was a day..i was on the computer after school nded i could have been posting but i couldn't...if u read my sig...u would know.also school is pretty good i take the train htere and i have a free im set:D

school is starting tommorrow!!!1!

[color=black]noooooooooooooooooo[/color]!!!! why?!?!?!?!?i hate school...[color=red]now i'm barely gonna be able to get on[/color]:cry:so i won't be here for a while...i might also get XBL...if i do...then u all will barely hear from me..but i'll try and get on the comp. in the weekend

i broke my psp

so i gt 1000 posts....alright now im excited...and 2 days before school starts8)now should i post for every 500 posts or every 100 posts?

Stealth(no spoilers)

well i just saw stealth was a pretty good dad is watching brothers grimm right now.....all thx to bear share...anyway i give stealth a 8.0/ wasn't as good as i hoped but it still caught my attention

what's going on??

when i checked my reviews this morning it said i have 0 when i'm supposed to have 14?????????????for some odd reason it was reset..i think..