Damn, forgotten nostalgia................Sad really how things went, I know many old school gamers love the Dreamcast. I'm old enough to have owned the megadrive (Saturn) and the Mastersystem before that. Its bizarre to ponder the fact that Sega got 3 consoles deep in the game then bowed out. This is a nice feature because the Sega consoles deserve recognition. Its easy to forget.... Gamers, its part of your history.
Interesting, but this is a long way off in terms of threatening the already existing console markets. I can think of multiple negatives in regard to this which counter any positives. Price balanced against lack of disc ownership etc for one. Fascinating stuff but when you consider the whole picture it is not so clear cut. Also, it would have to be impeccably reliable and successful enough to last otherwise those who bought into it would loose out.
This game is of no interest to me. Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band is one truly amazing album. However, this news does not excite me, its interesting though.
I highly doubt that Europe will see a decent price drop any time soon. The UK especially is a total rip off market, we have to wait longer, pay more...........but we get less !
Never mind comparisons, I have all three current gen consoles. The fact is my PS3 hardly gets any use, it needs some good exclusive titles for crying out loud !!! We need some good games for Sony's machine, that's more important than splitting hairs over visuals !!!
Its annoying that Sony took so long to rectify this. I have 2 Six Axis controllers but I really miss the rumble so I will end up buying one of the new controls..............probably.
Sanguis_Malus' comments