@mr_huggles_dog: Well, maybe all of them, but most of them are actually pretty good. My friend just got a console and he still doesn't know what to get for it, I might suggest a few of these.
Sanligo's forum posts
Good thread...sucks about the posts.
I'll answer anyway.
I own about 8 and have traded about 6 for credit for more games.
Which games? I can't think of 8 good games that came out this gen.
@onesiphorus: That is quite possibly one of the stupidest forum rules I have ever seen. Very well I'm sure there are better places to go to ask an honest question and have an honest discussion.
In any case, I did make a post, and I can't delete it. May as well have the discussion.
It's great for helping to prevent spam and troll posts. While you are obviously doing neither in this thread, it'll still probably be locked, unfortunately.
It can't be too effective if I am able to make a post without having 500 posts. Doesn't seem like there is anything to prevent a troll from doing the same thing.
@superbuuman: You know what I mean haha. I am actually curious. I am rather disappointed by the lineup so far.
Ask a mod to take this to games discussion forum.
Why? Isn't the point of System Wars to debate which if any, of the console is best and is worth a buy? What better reason is there than the games, or lack thereof? Shouldn't the games be THE reason to buy a console?
@thehig1: You know what I mean.
@superbuuman: You know what I mean haha. I am actually curious. I am rather disappointed by the lineup so far.
@FoxbatAlpha: So far all I have been playing is last gen games, and Shadow of Mordor.
@onesiphorus: That is quite possibly one of the stupidest forum rules I have ever seen. Very well I'm sure there are better places to go to ask an honest question and have an honest discussion.
In any case, I did make a post, and I can't delete it. May as well have the discussion.
Not including remakes, obviously. Actual next gen games. Of the ones you bought, which ones were actually worth it?
I just realized that the only one I own is Shadow of Mordor and the only one I want to buy so far is Dragon Age.
There are more coming out eventually (Witcher 3, Bloodborne and many others) but right now the pickings look pretty slim.
What are some fictional worlds that would fit perfectly over an existing game's gameplay?
For example, a Stargate version of X-COM would be perfect.
Also, in before Elder Scrolls: Lord of the Rings, or anything Elder Scrolls really.
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