You can use xbox1 for music and movies jsut need to buy a dvd remote and yea way back when when i bought a ps2 in 2002 that was a big draw cause dvds were getting popular and my family didnt own one so they chppied in to help pay for it they payed 50 dollars i payed 200.
read the topic I have Wii60 360 cause I love xboxlive and halo and all the good xbox 1 games DOA PGR plus they have rare so as the N64 fan i was back in the day i fellow rare till death.I have a wii because I love zelda and the new motion thing is cool As a huge madden fan the new way to play put fresh air into the game for me same with zelda and ssx and sonic.
The reason I don't have a ps3 not that many games a care about there's GT5 DMC4 and MGS4 and DMC might and plus 600 dollars is a steep price to pay If it was 400 id consider it.Plus I don't have an HDTV in my room and the one in the living room is always used by other people family family freinds etc so you know blue ray not a big plus for me.So tell the reasons why you have your consoles and give a good reason why you dont have the others .Sorry for bad grammar btw.
KILLER I have a feeling the channel will be a chat channel like xbox1 had you and all your freinds go thier and talk and this means metriod smack talk sweet.
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