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SargeGunnerz Blog

Sarge's Random Rants (7) "I Get By"

A few days ago I discovered one of the greatest, and probably on of the most underrated and forgotten songs on Rock Band. It's called I Get By, by Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives. If you can get past the band name it's a great song. It's one of those bonus songs. I first played it on drums and it was awesome. I played it on hard. I hated the vocals at first but when I actually sang them myself, they're exciting and a lot of fun to sing especially at the end. So if you own Rock Band you should definitely check it out.

Sarge's Random Rants (6) Bioshock

In Spike Tv's VGA's Bioshock won game of the year........not too surprised. It was an awesome game with the deepest story I've ever seen. I kinda thought an online game would win it maybe. But kudos to 2K for making a great game!

Sarge's Random Rants (5) Vendetta

I've wanted to play guitar ever since my brother got one a while ago. I picked his up a couple times and i really want to learn to play. Well i edited my Christmas List and I added the Dean Vendetta XM guitar. It's $120 at Guitar Center. It doesnt look that good but it sounds great and my parents would only buy under $200. It got great reviews online and it's supposed to be a good beginners guitar, so hopefully i get it for Christmas. If you want to see it here's a link. I'm getting the natural finish.

Sarge's Random Rants (4) Best of '07

So i voted for the Best Of 2007 Games. After looking at the list, I decided to pick Rock Band for a couple of reasons.

*I don't have Call of Duty 4 yet, and I haven't played Halo 3 or Bioshock in a while.
*I thought that those games would get the highest votes.
*They did.
*I was right.
*Rock Band is underrated.
*Rock Band is awesome and unique.
*I kick ass at it.

So that's basically why i chose Rock Band. Right now it has only 2% of the votes so i guess it's not gonna win but o well I still have the game.

Sarge's Random Rants (3) Rock Band DLC

I just got to level 10 on Gamespot and i got the tagger badge. So thats pretty cool. But that's not what this blog post is about. I just bought the Black Sabbath Pack and the David Bowie Pack off the marketplace for Rock Band. I'm very satisfied with the sound and I think they're all just as great or even better than some of the songs orginally on the game. I'm going to buy the Police and Metallica Packs when I get more points. They should be great!

Sarge's Random Rants (2) Got My Guitar!

So I just got my Rock Band Guitar shipped to me today. Played a couple of songs with it, and it feels good. Strum bar feels better and it's registered every note I've played. Hammer-ons and pull-offs still work fine so I'm happy. I just hope my kick pedal doesn't break now.

Sarge's Random Rants (1) Broken Guitars All Over the Place

I've known about Gamespot blogs for a long time and I finally decided to share my thoughts with the world. Or at least the part of the world that looks at random people's blogs.

Well about a week ago i discovered my Rock Band guitar wouldnt down-strum anymore. My brother didnt believe me he thought i was just missing them all. So I went to the main menu and tried to navigate it by down-strumming. Nothing happened. But this happened at perfect timing because they are shipping out free guitars and kick pedals to replace the faulty ones. My kick pedal is doing fine so far. My dad placed an order for the guitar a couple days ago and they said i should get it either Tuesday or Wednesday. Today's Wednesday so I'm hoping I get it tonight. I've been singing while my brother's playing drums and I've had enough. Not that singing's really boring, I just miss all those sweet guitar solos.

But if anyone wants to play with me on Rock Band, my gamertag is Sarge Gunnerz so message me if you ever want to play. I'll play whatever instrument.

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