I mean most of the games that was from a movie sucks big time!
And yeah ppl are more concentrating on graphics rather than the quality of the game. This is why FF7 is debateable as the best FF, it has great storylines, nice gameplay, but the graphic is not as beautiful as the later FF series...
Imagine FF7 with FF12 graphics.... *drool*
I agree ps1 was harder,but try to imagine FF7 with the graphic of the FF7AC movie :D
you will see a lot of improve of graphic and story line and battle system ,but mostly graphic,but there isnt better then FFX,but FFXII rules too,cool and long game,now you can play a MMORPG in your PS2 :)) LOL,just kidding,just MMORPG battle system so you need to play it,if i was you i could not wait for play it :))))
I finished Rouge Galaxy and .Hack//G.U vol.1 and look i read that he is don't liked FF so i explained him that the RPG games isn't stooped,you see ? he thinks they stupid so i explaining to him that they not-i am a FF Fan why i will say something about RPG ??? and i love GOD i just giving him a advice that he will not say but things about RPG games gotit ? :) . and sorry for my mistakes i a Russian so i cant write good at English ok ?so lets start a new friendship :) | back to the topic Call_me_Saint ,try what gun said to you,who knows maybe you love it...
The game is nice but i recommend to you FFX - this is the best RPG to the PS2 (my opinion),but Valkyrie Profile is interesting too,what you most like ? graphic ? take Valkyrie ,if story go on FFX,if its too old for you so take FFXII it have a battle system like MMORPG and kinda action,but i don't think that vagrant will be greatest hit... your choise
stop saying this game or that game are stupid. we could also say that u'r action or fighting games are stupid, relying solely on button mashing and no-brainer at all. but that's so not true.
u should learn not to play RPG, but learn how to respect other ppl's perspective and opinion.
you should play .hack//G.U vol.1-its a good RPG game that is a story that you play in MMORPG,i saying give it a try,if you like Anime its for you its Action-RPG, i love it :)
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