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Sasquatch_223 Blog

'Tis the season to be... bored? I hope not!

First, let me explain the title. It has snowed so much here that the buses have stopped running, so my Christmas-Eve-wish of spending a day downtown shall not be granted. *fail face*

Anyways, I want to say,
Merry Christmas to everyone!

Thank you Ashleigh and Alyssa for the wonderful PMs!

Ellen, your secret Santa gift has been sent to your hackermail account! I hope you like it!

I hope you all get what you want for Christmas, and more! But please remember...
"Careful the wish you make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take. Wishes come true, not free."

(These are lyrics, but I don't think anyone will know where they came from. *evil cackle*)

La la la!! (updated slightly)

Who was the last male you talked to?:
I won't answer my father, because I have a feeling y'all will be disappointed. So.... I guess it's Woody, if it's just, you know, talk. Because I chatted with him on the cl.assroom domain. He was very nice and asked me if I'd like anything from Korea, since he's going back on Christmas vacation. But it it's actual TALKING, that would be Julian, just before I left school. This is what happened-
Julian: I just got asked a really weird question.
Me: What?
Teresa: Will you fly to the moon for me?
Julian: No.
Me: Aw, Julian! You should have said yes! That would have been ever so sweet!
(this is a first, yeah? Me being a hopeless romantic?)

Who is someone that can always make you laugh?:
My hilarity-causing friends from HK aren't here, so that would be Teresa.

What were you doing at 10am this morning?:
Umm... writing a comparison essay on the musicals our cl.ass watched.

What were you doing an hour ago?:
Doing stuff for my fanfic50 challenge!

Do you plan on moving within the next year?:

Are you wearing anything on your feet?:
Socks. Grey ones.

What are you looking forward to in the next 3 months?:
Strangely, going back to school. It's just really really boring without school. And I'll miss my friends. And no, I can't just go visit them because a lot are going back to China or Korea or whatever (like Woody is. He actually lives in the same building as me.)

Do you remember your dreams?:
Most of the time, no. Unfortunately.

Where did your last hug take place?:
I think yesterday...

Have you been to a baby shower?:
No. I don't even know what that is. Must be an American thing.

What cell phone company do you use?:
*fail face*

What color is your hair brush?:
Umm... brown? I think?

Do you watch the Super Bowl?:

What about World Cup?:

Do you sleep with a teddy bear?:

What is the last movie you watched?:
Home Alone! (again)

What movie do you think everyone should watch?:
Umm.... everyone, let's see. Not The Silence of the Lambs. Not for everyone. A masterpiece of a movie, but rather inappropriate. So I'd say, Love Actually.

What is your middle name?:
I don't have one.

Do you have your future children's names picked out?:
Welll.... I don't actually want children at present, but I don't know why I keep deciding on names. Anyways, they change a lot. Depending on the books I'm reading... *fail face* Right now, I have a few names stocked up: Jean Louise (To Kill a Mockingbird), Petra (Orson Scott Card), Andrew (OSC again)...

What color is your mailbox?:
Grey. Like every other mailbox in the building.

What brand is your computer printer?:

Who was your Kindergarten teacher?:
I really do not remember.

Are you taller than your mom?:

Do you have any bruises right now?:
I seem to have perpetual bruises on my knees.

Are you cold right now?:
Yes... since I'm sneezing a lot...

How many years older and younger than you are you willing to date?:
Ha ha ha!! Ho ho ho!!

What brand are your favorite jeans you own?:
Please refer to previous quiz.

What is the closest red object to you?:
A pencil sharpener.

Do you play games on your cell phone?:
Jean Louise is in a coma.

Do you look more like your mom or dad?:
People say my dad... but I can't see why.

Do you have an iPod or Mp3 player?:

If someone doesn't like you it's probably because:
Well, I tend to talk a lot, and extremely fast. And about random things.

Who was the last person in your bedroom?:
My sister.

What are your plans for this weekend?:
I have none. Except go on the cl.assroom domain again and chat with people... again.

How many keys are on your keychain?:
I'm not trusted with keys. *fail face*

When was your last encounter with the police?:
Well, I watched CSI last night. Does that count?

Do you sing in the shower?:

Do you always wear your seatbelt in the car?:
Yes. Without exception.

Orson Scott Card's books are awesome!! (note I didn't say OSC is awesome)


1. What is your name?

2. Do you find it annoying when surveys ask for your name?
No, I enjoy it immensely.

3. What do you plan to buy in the future?
Presents. Though that'll be difficult because I'm extremely close to being broke, even though I never buy anything. Oh wait, I'm broke because I have no source of income.

4. Where did you get the underwear you are currently wearing?
Marks and Spencers'.

5. How many pairs of Converse do you own?

6. Who is your favorite "That '70s Show" character?
I don't watch it. *fail face*

7. There is a mummy standing behind you. What do you do?
Smell his/her bandages. It's creepy though, whenever you tell someone NOT to smell something because it stinks, they immediately smell it anyways.

8. What do you think of Miley Cyrus?

9. Do you tend to think that you are always right?
Ha ha. Ha ha ha.

10. Top Five Favorite Songs:
Since I renewed my obsession with books, I sort of slacked off the music part...... *fail face*

11. What was your favorite toy as a child?
I think it was that little vacuum cleaner thing that had plastic balls inside and would go pop whenever I pushed it.

12. Have you thought more about your funeral, or your wedding?
Hmph. My funeral. Satisfied?

13. Dinosaurs or Unicorns?
Dinasaurs. They're not imaginary, people. Unlike something I could mention.

14. What is your favorite musical?
The Drowsy Chaperone. Dude, it's totally underrated. Practically no one's seen it, but it is absolutely ingenious.

15. You need new jeans. Where do you go?
Don't wear 'em.

16. Do you play the Sims 2?

17. Do you think Harry Potter is at all immoral to read?
Hell no. People always find reasons to persecute great things.

18. What do you think of Maroon 5?

19. What about Coldplay?
They're cool. Except I haven't listened to any music for like a month...........

20. Fall Out Boy?
Pretty good, I guess. The only time I ever listened to them was on the plane.

21. Katy Perry?
Ahem. Ahem. Ahem.

22. How about The All-American Rejects?
Heard of them, never tried their music.

23. Have you ever snuck into an R-rated movie when you weren't old enough to see it without parents?
I didn't SNEAK IN, per se. I saw The Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal at home. Is Kill Bill R? Hmm, if it is, I saw that at home too.

24. The Wii or Xbox 360?
Don't give a damn,

25. Team Demi/Selena or Team Miley?

26. Do you know many Emily's?
Like... two? I don't know.

27. What do you think of the Jonas Brothers?

28. Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out?
Um. Once?

29. What is your favorite kind of Girlscout cookie?

30. Do you enjoy surveys?
No, I aboslutely despise them.

31. What do you hear at the moment?
Something someone said to me. Happy with that?

32. Why do you think so many people love myspace?
I don't know. How would I know?

33. What do you think of people who do illegal drugs?
Um. WHY?!

34. Do you watch the Olympics?
The diving bits. They're cool.

35. What are your top five favorite stores?
Ha ha. Very funny.

36. Do you like the new Weezer album?

37. What did you think of Panic at the Disco taking out the exclamation point in their name?
I don't care... I don't know.... why would I?

38. What is the worst job you have ever had?
Ha ha.

39. Have you ever been to Minnesota?
No. Never been to the US, period.

40. What is the strangest thing you've ever seen on TV?
I think it was on MADtv. I think the TV show is totally pointless, even though I heart the magazine. (and I'm too young to know whether it's been going downhill since... when, again?)

41. Do you watch informercials when there is nothing on?
Hell no. That's something my sis would do.

42. What is your favorite Disney Show?
Ha ha. Ha ha ha.

43. Have you ever seen the Wedding Singer?
No. WTF is that?

44. Top five reasons people rank things:
Um. Because it's fun?

45. Have you ever gone camping?
Yes. Like, once.

46. What do you miss most about elementary school?
*sticks fingers in ears* LA LA LALA ALALALALA.

47. What do you do when you want to fill out a survey, but none of your friends have posted surveys that you have not taken yet?
Nothing. I'm lazy. I let my friends do all the work.

48. What is your favorite kind of DQ Blizzard?
Never had one. Really sad, considering... yeah.

49. Has anything funny ever happened to you while in Wendy's?

50. What is your current job? If you are applying anywhere, where?
Ha ha. Ha ha ha.

To all who haven't watched/aren't going to watch The Happy Place (CSI 902)

Dude. Totally watch it. Okay ep, but with dubious concepts. Hypnosis? Seriously? Big-ass GSR moment in the first five minutes. That alone is worth watching. Yeah, Sara's still there. Continuation of Too Tough to Die.

Yeah. So watch it.

Sorry I can't say more, up to my eyebrows in homework.

P.S. I got a low, low, low, low, low, low, B in math. I worked hard for it so I feel okay. And at least I didn't get my first C ever. It can only get better, because next term we're doing algebra!!! *insert huge smile here*

Degrassi is educational? And my toe freaking hurts!

Starting today, my cl.ass will be watching an episode of Degrassi every Friday. Apparently, it's part of our Health and Career education. I don't particularly LIKE Degrassi, but I'd prefer it to doing Life 101, which is basically a whole bunch of shrink quizzes. So yeah.

The toe issue-it's sorta hard to explain in sentences, so I'll do it as a timeline:
10:50-We all watch Degrassi. Since Sean Y got his seat switched a few days ago, the desk beside me is free. So Jack took a chair and sat beside me.
11:20-We finish watching Degrassi. Jack goes back to his seat, but leaves the empty chair there.
11:20 to 11:30-Not used to having a chair but not a person there, I keep stubbing my toe on it.
11:31-I finally have the sense to put the chair back in the corner, where it belongs.
12:00-We leave for lunch.
12:30-Teresa, Julian, Jack and I come back to the cla.ssroom after eating to work on our storyboards. Jack gets the chair and sits beside me again.
12:45-Since we're all talking too much, Mr. Clifton orders everyone back to their assigned seats. Jack leaves the chair where it is.
12:46 to 3:00-I repeatedly, repeatedly, stub my toe on the very same chair. I don't know why I didn't put it away. I must have had something clouding my judgement. Though it most probably was not the baked beans I had for lunch.

But it's entirely my fault. I don't know why I didn't have the sense to put the chair away the second time. I don't mind Jack sitting beside me, the chair just gets really annoying.

It'll heal, though. So how is everyone? In your opinion, did the blackout day work? And do you guys think Degrassi is educational, in that sense? (in today's episode, Emma on Degrassi yelled, "Mom! I'm not having sex!" and the whole just giggled.)

Seriously. needs to change back. The new layout sucks balls.

Great Reads-Lately I've started reading a lot again. I lapsed a little after Twilight, but I'm back to "normal" now. I went to Central Library, and tried out some classics. (I checked out The Scarlet Letter year before last, but I found it really hard to get into) Fortunately, that wasn't the case with The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells. Those are both books on my reading list, and yippee! I'm almost done with the entire list. I just finished The Silence of the Lambs today. I thought the movie was brilliant, but if it was, the book is indescribable. Seriously one of the best books I've read in my life. So anyways, I'm in an opinionated mood, so here are the books I've put on my summer reading list, plus my rating and thoughts-

-Bartimaeus Trilogy (The Amulet of Samarkand, The Golem's Eye, Ptolemy's Gate) by Jonathan Stroud: 7/10. My friend Jayme suggested I read this series, and I tried them out. They're quite good, and I don't mean to be offensive here, but to me the author lacks creativity. TAoS took me TWO DAYS to read. I felt there wasn't a lot to hook me in, but the wry humor is admittedly rather amusing.
-Twilight Saga (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn) by Stephenie Meyer: 8.5/10. A really easy to get into series. The books aren't what you're looking for if you want a light read, yet they're not too thought-provoking. There's a lot of vivid description of settings, objects, and most importantly, feelings. That's what I admire about Stephenie Meyer's writing, along with the obviously original concept of a human and vampire falling in love with each other.
-The Princess Bride by William Goldman: 7.5/10. As good as this literary fairy tale was, it actually went below my expectations a little. Despite being a fairytale-like story, it's not a light, airy book, and that's what I like about it. It has elements of realistic fiction, including concepts like sacrifice and perseverance, which is what's different from the clas.sic fairy tale (think about it. Snow White never had to make any sacrifices. The Little Mermaid, maybe. She DID give up her family to go live with the prince as a human.). Another special thing about this novel is that it's timeless. There's no specific bearing to let the reader know what time period everything's happening in. Therefore, people can still read, understand and enjoy The Princess Bride, years and years from now. Apparently, William Goldman's churning out a sequel, and I'm looking forward to it.
-Gemma Doyle Trilogy (A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels, The Sweet Far Thing) by Libba Bray: 8/10. A fantastic series I managed to stumble upon. This trilogy of books is set in the Victorian era, where women are oppressed, and a lot of them are kept from realizing their true ambitions. Libba Bray combines this struggle against oppression with the blessing, which is also a curse, of escaping into the Realms, a mystical place Gemma can access through visions. That's the wonderful element that makes me want to recommend this series to everyone, along with Libba Bray's wry, sardonic, almost Gothic sometimes, st.yle of writing.
-The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells: 8/10. A science fiction cl.assic, this. The Invisible Man went up and beyond my expectations of it. I enjoy modern sci-fi, of course, but I can honestly say I did not expect The Invisible Man to be as good as it was when I read it. Even though it was written more than a hundred years ago, it was still as gripping and thrilling as any modern sci-fi novel. Some of the language and phrasing is rather hard to understand though, this novel having been written in 1897.
-The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath: 8.5/10. This semi-autobiographical work of fiction reads more like a historical account, or a biography. Normally not the type of book I'd read. The Bell Jar pleasantly surprised me, though. It gave me a lot of insight into Sylvia Plath (as Esther Greenwood)'s mind, and was a fantastically descriptive (in terms of personal feelings) book.
Janie Johnson (THe Face on the Milk Carton, Whatever Happened to Janie?, The Voice on the Radio, What Janie Found) by Caroline B. Cooney: 7.5/10. I really got into TFotMC. I was really expecting WHtJ to be absolutely brilliant, but it totally disappointed me. Apart from that, this is a pretty good "realistic" series. The third person narrative that incorporates many of Janie's thoughts is a great way to channel this tale. Caroline B. Cooney really allows the reader to emphsize with Janie's struggle for identity, and that's the big uplift it gets after the terribly written second book.

Friends-I may be starting to, sort of, maybe make friends. Though my super-fast speech freaks a lot of people out. So, yeah. It's been sorta rainy and cloudy lately, so everyone's been hanging in the library a lot.

Today the weather was really weird. It's autumn, ya know, and it's supposed to be dry and crinkly. The leaves were. The sky was blue, but it was raining. It was really wonderfully contradictory and poetic when I was contemplating it from my high vantage point on a swing.

Freedom-I wrote my descriptive essay about it at school today. I don't believe I have enough freedom now, as an *ahem* "35-year-old with cats". I asked my mom if I could walk to school alone. She insisted on going with me. For heavens sakes, THIRD GRADERS walk to school alone!!! Yeah, I know it's all in the interest of my safety, blah blah blah, but it burns to know she doesn't think I'm responsible/smart/alert enough. And the really demeaning thing is, I know I'm not good enough, but I have no way of finding out what to do in order to prove I am.

Last, but certainly not least, how is everyone? Things on the blog front have been really quiet lately. Please tell me how you're doing!


Out on your own, cold and alone again

Hi people. So, yeah, I'm bored bored bored to death 'cuz I'm sick. I'm not so sick I lie in bed all day doing nothing, but I'm sick enough that I'm not supposed to go to school.

Me: *eats Fisherman's Friend lozenge*
Uncle: *looks at packet* This stuff's like cocaine.
Me and mom: *WTF faces*

Random Kid: *randomly standing in a random spot on the sidewalk outside school*
Sophia: *sticks head in front of kid* Hi.
Julian: Swear at him!
Sophia: *starts dancing randomly*

*in cl.ass*
Sean: Do you speak Mandarin?
Me: No.
Sean: *speaks Mandarin*
Me: *replies in terrible, horrible, no good Mandarin*
Sean: I thought you said you didn't speak Mandarin.
Me: I lied.

Question: Would you rather use a fastish (a little bit faster than regular) postal service that costs a lot, or a slowish (a little bit slower than regular) one that costs almost the lowest in the world? I'm a pennypincher, so I'd have to say the latter. In HK, an airmail letter only cost HKD$3, which is like less than 25 cents American. In Canada, though, it costs CDN$1.6, which, as you probably know, is almost the same as American. According to Heather, it's like around 2-3 days faster, but that might be due to the fact that Vancouver, Canada is more central than Hong Kong, China. So what do you guys say?

By the way, Ellen, Heather, have you guys heard anything from Charlotte? If you have, can you please tell her I said hi and get well soon?

I'm learning a new language!

About my last post-I think it was a mistake now, but I'd still like to help anyone with anything they need help with. I thought Lil's and Ellen's posts were wake-up calls, but my own post was the real one for me.


*drawing and coloring in cl.ass*
Jessica: Pretty please? Draw a video camera for me. I'll give you my gel pens and my pencil sharpener.
Me: I don't accept bribes. Plus, I'll just burn your eyes out with the atrocity of my drawing.
Mr. Clifton (teacher): Interesting...
Me: *whiplash*

Nick: *repeatedly taps ruler on table*
Me: Would you like to know something about yourself?
Nick: Okay.
Me: You're annoying.

Two of my rotation groupmates, Jason and Abe, and I have this inside joke. Gender confusement. Immature? Maybe. Fun? Definitely.

School is okay. Math is monotonous, and we have to write everything in cursive. But on the plus side, we get to learn sign language. The provincial curriculum says we have to learn one language at school besides English, and Mr. Clifton picked ASL. It's quite fun, and I "swore" a lot during lunch using my hands, I think that was more immature than the gender confusement thing. But even more fun. Our final assessment for ASL is to pick a song (not a nursery rhyme or anything) with lyrics, then sign out the lyrics as the artist is singing them. Sound difficult? It is, but we've got a lot of time to practice. Any suggestions for the song? I think a good one would be not too fast, with lots of repeating words or phrases.


P.S. You may have noticed I'm not using smileys. It's not because I'm sad, it's because I'd like to try (for a while, if I don't like it I'll switch back) expressing myself with ONLY words. So... yeah.

How stupid I've been.

Ellen and Lil's latest blogs opened my eyes to the fact that I've been such a b!tc* I was always thinking about myself, and the move, and OMG I've lost a book! when I really should have been here for my friends. Please don't say anything to the contrary, because it's true. I hereby resolve to do ANYTHING I can. I textmailed Leilani earlier, and she told me to be there for Heather, because everyone else's problems are beyond my maturity level. I think, being a friend to people older than you involves the responsibility of helping whenever I can with whatever. I'm so sorry I was such a(this long word was censored when I tried to post it. It's the really long combined cussword on Lil's LJ). I'd really appreciate it if you'd forgive me, but I'll understand if you don't want to, because now I've realized how much of a hypocrite I've been, and how I don't deserve to be forgiven. Leilani's theory that everyone is a hypocrite might be true, but I was acting with way too much hypocrisy.