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Sasquatch_223 Blog

I HATE my stupid snotty baby sister!!!!!!!!! :(

EVERY SINGLE TIME I WATCH CSI/TRY TO READ A BOOK IN THE LIVING ROOM, SHE SUDDENLY STARTS DOING SOME INCREDIBLY MESSY THING WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE/PLAYING THE PIANO (thank goodness for closed-captioning (or, if you prefer, subtitles), they let me know what everyone's actually saying)!!!!!! Plus, she always sneezes 'cuz of her allergies, and her snot and boogers get EVERYWHERE!!! Also, today she was eating bread after school, and for some unknown reason, when she finished eating, there was a large chunk of butter (about 2 inches by 2 inches) on the F-L-O-O-R!!! And, EVERY SINGLE TIME she eats those chocolate-filled biscuits, she licks all the chocolatey stuff off and leaves the bickies in a heap on her plate!!! MY GOD!!! I just DESPISE her!!! %^$%&$%#%@&%&$ that stupid sister of mine! P.S. I would have done THE TOPIC TITLE ALL IN CAPS but the thingy wouldn't let me P.P.S. I was so angry that I forgot to sign this blog post :oops:


As you can probably see, I am SHOUTING. Five people had to do their presentation today, and thankfully I wasn't one of them. We're picking names out of a hat (bag, actually, one of the flimsy annoying hard-to-rub-open grocery store plastic bags), and I'd probably get picked earlier than if we did alphabetical order, because my last name starts with a T. We got some laughs out of the people who already went, though. Benson, who was Chinese, kept mispronouncing "Tutsis", saying it as "Tutus". In his presentation, the enemies were the Hutus, so it kinda sounded like this: "The Tutus killed the Hutus" (read aloud). Also, Vivien, who's German, thought "machetes" was pronounced "ma-chets", and with her accent, it sounded like "matches". After Ms. Rossiter, our teacher told her it was "ma-chet-ees", she continued deliberately saying "matches", and in the end Ms. Rossiter said: "Vivien, you don't use matches to kill people!" Another chunk of news: There's a Valentine's Day dance (a little late, I know) tomorrow, and rumor is that Mr. Davis (English teacher) asked Ms. Stellwagen (Drama) to it. My friends Holly and Jayme are going to check it out for themselves. They're not even going to wear dresses or anything, just jeans. A couple people from my grade went too, but none have dates (with the POSSIBLE exception of Alanna and Fin). None of my advisory buds are going, because our advisory would probably get an award for: "Most Emotionally Devoid Advisory- No Romanticism, No Roses Received By Mr. Reid's Order On Valentine's Day (I mean, some people got THREE roses, and our entire advisory of 21 people didn't get a single one)! Oh and at last period music, we had some kind of written theory work stuff to do, so Asha, Claire and I passed notes. I wrote in orange highlighter: "ASHA wants to be POPULAR." I mean, it's true. She's always talking to Vivien and her sidekicks. So, back to the note. When Asha read it, she turned around and said just loudly enough: "So does Charlotte." "What the heck!?!?!?!?" I replied. "I'm not fraternizing with Vivien!" Then she started denying any effort to be popular, so Claire butted in. In the end, Claire and I won the argument, because, as they say: "Two heads are better than one!" Signed: Doer Of All Things Stupid, Charlotte ;););)

Some Little Things That Happened To Me Over The Last Few Days...

1. Last week or something, I ordered a new CSI novel and a new Calvin & Hobbes comic. 2. Yesterday, I showed Mr. Gillis (he's my Science teacher) my sea urchin photos, and he said they were "excellent". Yay! 3. Today I was told to choose a disease to do an assignment on, I wanted to get psychosis but it was taken, so I chose Multiple Sclerosis instead. 4. Monday: Izzy accidentally broke our rotten vinegar-soaked boiled cell membrane egg (not her fault) and my lab group didn't get to bounce the egg and slice it open. Plus, at the end of the lesson, I had to throw the gunky eggy vinegary hot watery stinky mixture in the beaker away, since I was the only one not TOTALLY DISGUSTED with the smell. Mind you, I didn't LOVE it, but I didn't exactly throw up either. Besides, it's good training for the stink I'll have to endure if I ever become a coroner. 5. The Chinese Funeral Boys (Curtis, Benson, Samson, Ryan, Rick, and Kenny) were nonstop Skyping in every class. I sit next to Ryan and Benson in English, and next to Curtis in Humanities, so I knew exactly what they were chatting about. RUNESCAPE!!! Or: run escape, which was their typically uncreative (increative? Decreative?) "code name" for that horrible computer game. 6. This actually happened a long time ago, but I'm quite proud of it. I got a 9/10 (Knowledge & Understanding) and a 8/8 (Presentation & Organization) for my Humanities poem. Whoop-de-doo! Yuki, who sits across from me, only got a 2/10!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry, I can't help evilly laughing at people when they get lower marks than me. Signed: Doer Of All Things Stupid, Charlotte ;););) P.S. I haven't mentioned my nationality or anything. Anyone care to guess? Post a comment! I really want to know whether I write like an American, a Canadian, an Australian or a Britishian (dunno what the actual term is???)

Some Pointless Stuff to Make My Profile Appear Less Empty

OK, first I want to make it clear to everyone that I do not usually write blogs. So please tell me if I've violated some sacred rule of blogging or something. Anyway, here goes: Sports Day today. Our house lost. Hmm, what else can I write? Oh, right. Ordered a new CSI novel. Reading "A Night To Remember". For some reason I'm thinking "Fugly farmer hat." Who can fathom the weirdo mind? Not even the weirdo herself. Erm......... Yes, right, I'm also wondering if there's an I Stalk Sara Sidle club, I tried searching but was too lazy to sift through all the search results. Can't forget to write this: My hair's all hard from the green hairspray. Speaking of "Hairspray", personally I do not enjoy the movie. Neither do I enjoy "High School Musical". Sorry if you're a supporter of those movies, in my opinion they suck. Well,I've always been bad at conclusions and last sentences and endings and stuff, so... erm, BYE!