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Sasquatch_223 Blog

My name is Charlotte, and I have a life. No, I don't.

I've realized that practically everyone on here calls me Sas, Sasquatch, or something similar. Well,this post is to tell everyone that my name is Charlotte, and I have a life. No, I don't. My idea of a perfect holiday is getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from typing on this website too much. My current wishes are:
1. That Jorja will reply to my letter
2. That my mom's gift for my AEA,all the seasons of CSI I don't already own,will arrive today.
3. Thatthis stupidsuckyschool keyboard'sspacebar will stop getting stuck (this entire sentence was typed without using backspace once, justto prove my point)

Okay,I'll admit it. I officially do not have a life. I am a loser. Happy now?

If one puts a pop tart into a toaster then duct-tapes the handle down so it won't come up, after several minutes a three-foot blue flame will shoot out,the pop tart will be launched into the air, and transformed into a Flaming Pastry of Doom. Then the toaster will explode. BTW, only the strawberry-flavored pop tarts work for this,apparently.

I don't know if this works and I'm too scared(that my parents will kill me)if I do it. Besides, we have an oven tosater, not a popup toaster. Anyways, if anyone has tried it can you please tell me what happens?

I am a Chronic Idea Stealer (This one's stolen from Jordane, aka marginator)

AWARD TIME! (I am totally unoriginal and cannot think of anything remotely interesting to post here, so as mentioned in the title, I am stealing Jordane's idea)

WEIRDEST PERSON I KNOW: (sorry if most of the people here aren't on
Jayme~Honestly, how can she be so weird? I just don't get how random she is. I am weird myself of course, but I'm no match to Jayme. She actually wanted to name her hamster the French for "crap" or something. Thankfully for all deadpan people with no sense of humor, she named it "Cilo" instead. Apparently the Italian for "sky". Correct me if I'm wrong. Plus, she always cracks me up.:D:D:D This is for you, Jayme, if you're reading this (it's highly unlikely)

Would be my sis, Yolanda. Unlike the previous award, THIS IS NOT A COMPLIMENT. I mean, that girl asks for the toilet in the middle of a meal, and when she comes back, all my mom's food has gone cold because that little brat had to poo.

Claire. This is a compliment. Kind of.

Yuki. This is not a compliment, it's an "insult" version of the above award.

Natalie. I drabble to her about CSI all the time, and she listens. At least, she tries to. She is currently mildly fascinated at the fact that she shares a first name with the Miniature Killer.

Well, quoth Miranda from "The Devil Wears Prada":
"That's all."

For now.

*bangs head on desk* Oh Wendy, oh Hodges *shakes head and sighs*

Lab Rats~Wendy: "Oh my god, what are we,12?" I just love Annie's recaps over at Totally hilarious! :D "If by 'are we 12?' do you mean 'we pretend we hate each other because we secretly want to do it in the supply closet' then, yes. YES, YOU ARE BOTH 12." ROFLMAO :D:D:D How funny can she get? I don't care what anyone says, Annie is WAY better than Jennifer Simonovic (however you spell her last name).
Since this is a Wedges post, we might as well repost wallace's spoiler: [spoiler] In 813 Wendy and Hodges work "closely" together and in 815 Mandy gives Hodges relationship advice [/spoiler]
Oh more spoilers: [spoiler] In the promo for "Grissom's Divine Comedy" Warrick is laying out flowers for someone. I wonder who? Let's hope it's Catherine and they've finally realized they love each other. If it is Catherine, ~SQUEEEEEEEEE~ [/spoiler]
Sorry for the spoilers, if you don't want to be spoiled. :P Oh, and I am watching "The Chick Chop Flick Shop" next (not coming) Sunday. I'm looking forward to watchingWendy being sliced up and Hodges little "But adequate" slip. HEH.

Quizzie Stolen from Leilani (Blk_rse88)

STEP ONE : Spell your name with bands/artists:

C arrie Underwood
H ilary Duff (if she can be considered an artist)
A vril Lavigne
R ed Hot Chilli Peppers
L ed Zeppelin
O zzy Osbourne
T he Beatles
T ina Turner
E minem
-- The shoes you wore today : Flip-flops

-- Your weaknesses : Vomit

-- Your fears: My piano teacher, Weird Old Men With Bad Grammar

-- Your perfect pizza :Ham & Cheese (no pineapple, surprisingly. I don't like pepperoni either. Must be a genetic thing. My dad hates pepperoni.)

-- Goal you'd like to achieve : Become a coroner

-- Your best physical feature : Elbow (what? I like it)

-- Your bedtime : Anytime between 11pm-3am

-- Most missed memory : I dunno

STEP FOUR : This Or That...
-- Pepsi or Coke : Sprite

-- McDonalds or Burger King : BK

-- Adidas or Nike : Nike

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : Lipton

-- Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

-- Cappuccino or Coffee : Latte

STEP FIVE : Do You...
-- Smoke : No, it stinks

-- Sing : Only in my head

-- Dance : Nope, I suck at coordination

-- Take a shower everyday : Vital in this tropical climate.

-- Have a crush : Yeah... kinda

-- Think you've been in love : No

-- Want to go to college: Yeah

-- Like(d) high school : Not in high school yet, but I don't think I'll like it. All those "popular people" *shudders* Not that there aren't popular people in my life right now.

-- Want to get married : Maybe...

-- Get motion sickness : No

-- Think you're attractive : Um, not physically

-- Think you're a health freak: No, unless mini-marshmallows are healthy

-- Get along with your parents : Most of the time

-- Play an instrument : Piano

STEP SIX : In the past month, have you...
-- Gone to the mall: No, I always feel guilty when I spend money :oops:

-- Eaten Sushi : Does seaweed wrapped around plain rice count? I hate fish...

-- Been on stage : Yeah

-- Been dumped : I've never been dumped (or been the dumper)

-- Gone skating : Yesterday

-- Made homemade cookies : Hell, I've NEVER done that!! I don't even have an oven!

-- Gone Skinny dipping: I don't want to face an indecent exposure charge and be fined

-- Stolen anything: Candy from my sister

-- Played a sport: Does typing count? I typed so much over the Easter holidays, I thinkn I've got Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

-- Age you hope to be married: Did I say I actually WANTED to get married?

-- Numbers of Children : I don't think I want children. They drive me round the bend. (Frankly, I drive myself round the bend too)

-- Describe your dream wedding: See answer to question one of step seven

STEP EIGHT : In the opposite sex...
-- Best eye color? : I don't care, as long as he's smart and preferably likes CSI

-- Best hair color? : See answer to above question

-- Short hair or long hair? : Short

-- Height : See answer to question two of step eight

-- Best weight : See answer to above question

-- Best articles of clothing: See answer to above question

-- Number of people I could trust with my life : Zero. Not even myself.

-- Number of CDs that I own : Um, I've never actually admitted this to anyone, but I do not own any CDs. That's right. None at all. Go on, say it. I know you want to. All together now: SAAAAD.:(

-- Number of tattoos : Zero

-- Number of piercings :Ears

--Last dollar spent: Grapefruit soda (hell, that was like a week ago)

--Last beverage:Iced tea

--Last movie: Bee Movie

--Last phone call: Vivian

--Last song played: See answer to "number of CDs that I own". Figure it out.

--Last thing you ate: Grilled cheese sandwich

--Have you ever dated a best friend: Never dated anyone, period

--Have you ever skinny dipped: You asked that already

--Have you ever lost someone you loved: Who hasn't?

--Have you ever been dumped: You asked that already too

--Have you ever been drunk and threw up: Too young to drink

--Have you ever ran away: Wrong grammar. Should be "run away". No.

--Have you ever wanted someone you thought you couldn't have then found out they liked you: I don't think I've ever found out that someone likes me, so... NO.

1. Prince Edward Island

2. Antarctica

3. Paris

4. Los Angeles

5. New York

6. Barcelona

7. Sicily

The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp + A Stolen Idea

So, I watched "The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp" last night. PROPOSAL!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D Okay, that bit was GREAT. More than GREAT. Oh, David Rambo co-wrote this eppie with Jaqueline Hoyt. And Anita Gillette, who used to play Quincy's wife on Quincy, M.E. was back as Lily Flynn. Greg asked Lily out to dinner! LOL :D! I don't know if this was just my imagination, but Ronnie seemed to stare at Greg a lot throughout the episode. Okay, you probably think I ship Landers (Ronnie/Greg). I don't. I just thought Ronnie seemed a little overly interested in Greg.

1/2 Idea Stolen From Ashleigh:
So, Ashleigh did this "Top Ten Favorite Couples" thing for TV ages ago, and I decided to steal half her idea. I'm only going to put 5, and I'm going to throw in book couples too. Here goes

Top Five Favorite/[insert adjective here]est Book Couples:

5. Jason & Marceline (Book: Jason and Marceline)~ Jason and Marceline love each other but they dump each other because Marceline is too different and Jason just can't accept it. Later in the book, though, they hook up again. So all's well and good. Oh, and they ferociously battle against each other in Scrabble. Hence the pic:

4. Stargirl & Leo (Book: Stargirl)~ Kind of like the above plot, except Stargirl is even more different, and they don't get back together in the end. Too bad. I :cry:ed when I read "Stargirl" when I was eight.

3. Artemis & Minerva (Series: Artemis Fowl)~ Both genii, both criminal masterminds. Though Artemis is slightly reformed now. Minerva was only introduced in "The Lost Colony", but it's quite obvious they're attracted to each other. Artemis thinks she's pretty, and smart and funny too. Minerva idolizes Artemis, since he was the first to expose the fairies and he saved her life.

2. Hermione & Ron (Series: Harry Potter)~ Need I say more? They both get really jealous of each other when they hook up with other people, and besides, this is CANON.

1. Number One is *drumroll* HARRY & GINNY (Series: Harry Potter)~ They start dating in Half-Blood Prince, then Harry admits he can't be with her because of Voldemort, and she says maybe she doesn't care. But the Voldemort gets killed, so obviously it didn't matter any more.

Top Five Favorite/[insert adjective here]est TV Couples:

5. Buffy & Angel (TV Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer)~ Not much to say, but here's a photo, because a picture is worth a thousand words-

4. Mulder & Scully (TV Show: The X-Files)~ They had kids together and everything and they worked together for nine years.

3. Wendy & Hodges (TV Show: CSI)~ They both like each other but Wendy doesn't want to admit it because Hodges is such a painfully sad geek, and Hodges makes Wendy mad by describing her as "clumsy but buxom", and Wendy interprets this as an insult, even though Hodges meant for it to be a compliment. Then again, he never meant for her to actually see the little figurine. But I hope they work it out!

2. Catherine & Warrick (TV Show: CSI)~ They both say they would commit murder, and they're both divorced. Plus they almost kissed once, in "Down the Drain". And Warrick hugged Catherine when she said she was scared in "A Little Murder". Also, as someone on the Yo! Bling thread put it, they had "phone-sex".

1. Number One is *drumroll* (this is very predictable if you know me) GRISSOM & SARA (TV Show: CSI)~ The only canon ship on CSI, they're engaged and they kissed in "Goodbye and Good Luck". But it wasn't a happy kiss. It was a goodbye :cry: :cry: kiss. :cry: :cry: :cry: They're both geeks and they're so suited for each other and Grissom's proposal was so cute and Sara said she's not ready to say goodbye and and.....

Enough craziness for now. Might be back to add more (craziness, that is) later.

Can anyone recommend meds for psychosis? Because I 've gone crazy

What with all the-

Excitement: "The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp" tomorrow, plus I got even more excited after watching the mistake promo for CSI: NY (for deatails check out my latest post on the GSR thread)
Frustration: I don't want to do my ~beeeeeeeeep~ing Chinese project! It's holy ~beeeeeeeeeep~in annoying!!! And what makes it worse is that it's due next ~beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep~ing week!!!!
Just Plain Craziness: I was going over some of Ashleigh's older blogs, and I came upon her top 10 TV couples post, and when I saw that GSR was number one, I just started laughing uncontrollably for some reason. Also, I accidetally watched part of a CSI: NY episode today, and I was just wondering whether there are any canon ships? Because I saw an episode where this woman killed a guy in revenge for him crippling her brother (just watched the end, so I didn't really catch on), then Danny and Lindsay were talking 'bout ill at ease or something??? Just wondering.

Oh. Just found out: it's "Love Run Cold."

Since "Goodbye and Good Luck" is showing the exact day I'm moving, (why oh why me? :cry: ), I'm going to ask my BFF to tape it for me. This is a transcript of what might happen when I watch it:

Charlotte: (cries into bowl of popcorn)
Mom/Dad/Sister: (exits out of kitchen) Why are you crying into your popcorn?
Charlotte: SARA LEFT!!! SARA LEFT!!! (bangs table and continues :cry:ing)

On the plus side, I can watch it as many times as I want, until I run out of tears. Also, I won't get cable where I'm moving because you need to sign for at least a year, and I'm only staying 2 months. So I might as well ask Vivian to tape "You Kill Me" too. WEDGES! :D :cry:

Chapter 8 (plus a question for all of you guys + a quizzie!)!!!!

Chapter 8 submitted! Oh, but before you click on the link, read the rest of my blog first, please. Question: How do you add a category (like if the book you want to write a fanfic for isn't in the categories)? Please can someone comment and tell me, I'd really appreciate it :) *looks hopeful*

Revenge is a Dish Best Shared by Three People

Enjoy! :D

Quizzie stolen from one of Una's older blogs, one which Una stole from Ashleigh:


1. ...cheated on someone? Nah, I've never dated anyone or anything like that
2. ...fallen off the bed? No! :o That would be scary. I sleep in a bunk bed.
3. ...broken someone's heart? Most probably not.
4. ...had your heart broken? Kinda, but not really, if you know what I mean
5. ...had a dream come true? Maybe one or two...
6. ...done something you regret? Um... probably about 10,000 things, but sometimes bad things have to happen in order for good things to happen, if you know what I mean ;)


1. What do you/did you want to be when you finish(ed) school? A coroner. Honestly, I am so addicted to CSI that my job choice is based on it.
2. What has been the best day of your life? I dunno, my life's pretty mediocre, as lives go, but if Jorja replies to my letter, the day I get her reply will be the best day of my life! :D
3. What comes first in your life? Maybe my books/computer
4. What are you most scared of? Oh I dunno...
5. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Ooh, my legs are itchyyyyyyy (I have eczema)
6. Did you lose someone you really loved? Who hasn't.
7. Love your family?Depends on who in my family..


1. Wearing? Purple shirt, black shorts, green windbreaker
2. Like anyone? Define "like".

3. Have any piercings? Ears
4. Drive? Too young.
5. Ever Smoked? Die all smokers, DIE!!!! Didn't change Una's answer, but I have to add: Don't die if you're my friend/close relative. Just try to quit.
6. Tattoos? Nopey


1. Movie: Garfield 2: A Tail of Two Kitties
2. Song: Who are you, who who who who (yes, the CSI theme song)
3. Ice Cream Flavor: Tough... I'd go for coffee, vanilla, chocolate chip, green tea, or After Eights (yes that is a ice cream flavor as well as being a chocolate)
4. Fruit: Peaches/nectarines
5. Candy: Why do you delight in torturung me? Alrighty then, if I had to choose one it would be TOFFEE
6. Day of the Week: Thursday. Double period Science, single Tech. NO CHINESE!!!
7. Colour: Tough again. If I had to go for just one it would be black.

1. to give hugs? No one I know likes to receive hugs, so you figure out the rest, Sherlock
2. to walk in the rain? Depends. If it isn't cold, yeah.
3. ...prefer black or blue pens? Black
4. to travel? Yep
5. ...sleep on your side? Only when my nose is stuffed.
6. ...have a goldfish? Nah.
7. ...ever have the falling dream? A few times.
8. ...have stuffed animals? A couple.

1. Pierced nose or tongue? Neither, but if I had to choose: nose
2. MTV or BET? Um... excuse me? What?
3. 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? What (again)? Are we on the same planet here?
4. Sugar or salt? Salt.
5. Silver or gold? Silver
6. Chocolate or flowers? Chocolate. It tastes better than flowers.
7. Colour or Black-and-white photos? Depends on what the photo is of.
8. M&Ms or skittles? M&Ms 4eva! Skittles are too sweet.
9. Stay up late or sleep in? Both. All the time.
10. Hot or cold? Cold.
11. Ketchup or mustard? Ketchup
12. Spring or Fall? Autumn.
13. Happy or sad? Happy!
14. Wonder or amazement? Amazement
15. Mexican or Italian food? Have to go for Italian.
16. O.C. or Laguna Beach? See the answer above about Dawson's Creek.

STILL CAN'T SUBMIT!!! (Read the comments for my rant)

A humor fanfic I'm writing. Please tell me what you think and suggestions for what should happen next:

Chapter 1:

Sara, Grissom, Greg, Catherine, Nick, and Warrick were in the break room, chatting after a long shift. They were talking about the pranks they'd played a few days back on Sofia, Brass, and Ecklie. "Did you see Brass' face when he opened that box?" Greg laughed. "I can't believe he actually thought it was a three-piece suit!" Catherine added. Everyone laughed as they recalled memories of Brass', Sofia's, and Ecklie's reactions.

Three Days Ago

Greg glanced furtively around him as he snuck into Ecklie's office. Ecklie wasn't due to be back from his meeting until an hour later. That gave Greg plenty of time to glue the openings of the case file envelopes on Ecklie's desk shut. Ecklie would be setting off tomorrow morning to review the case files with the sheriff, and Greg intended to embarrass him. Theoretically, Ecklie shouldn't be able to open the envelopes without ripping/cutting them. Greg giggled quietly.

Grissom carefully placed the suit box on Brass' desk, so as not to disturb the tarantulas lurking inside (the box, not the desk). Grissom had plucked an old suit box from Brass' trash can and filled it with his tarantulas. He hoped that Brass would think someone gave him a suit for no special reason. When Brass opens the box, Grissom thought, all the little arachnids will crawl out, seeking the light. Grissom guffawed under his breath.

Sara slowly, cautiously poured the sugar from the sugar bowl into a small clean jar. She then filled the now empty bowl with some salt she had brought from home. Sofia's the only one who uses that bowl, she had thought. All the rest of us are always too busy to put sugar in our coffee/tea. Sara had chosen a fine white salt, hoping Sofia wouldn't notice the difference. Sara chuckled. Sofia's going to get a hell of a shock when her tea's salty instead of sweet.

Present, In the Break Room

Suddenly, all the lights went out. The lock in the door (which locked from the outside) clicked ominously. "Blackout?" Sara suggested. "I don't think so," Warrick replied. "You hear that?" asked Nick. "That's the fridge." "Oh," Sara said, her theory disproved. "Shh!" Catherine whispered. "Listen!" The CSIs heard voices coming in through the gap under the door.

"What??? You didn't throw them in?" Ecklie asked in an exaggerated whisper. "I was afraid one of them would leave! I just clicked the lights off and locked the door! We were lucky we got all of them!" came Sofia's hushed reply. "Never mind," Brass assured them. "Just open the door now, and shove them in quick." Sofia yanked the break room door open, and heaved a pile of sleeping bags in. Then the lights came back on.

"Oof!" Warrick was crushed in the pile of sleeping bags, so Greg pulled him out. "I guess that's their way of getting revenge." Greg said. "Wait a second... they actually expect us to spend the night here?" Grissom asked. "I bags the couch!" Greg yelled, running for the break room's only reasonable place to sleep. "Ugh, the rest of us are going to have to sleep on the floor." Catherine groaned. "At least they were kind enough to give us sleeping bags," Nick said.

Chapter 2:

Sara moved her hand around as she blindly groped for something to hit Grissom with. She settled on a magazine. She aimed, and then whacked Grissom hard on the head. VERY hard on the head. "Stop snoring, for heaven's sake!" Sara hissed. "I can't sleep! Why are you even snoring? You don't usually snore." Grissom replied, "Well, I don't usually sleep on the floor, either." "Whatever," Sara sighed. "Just go back to sleep." She dragged her sleeping bag nearer the refrigerator.

"Turn it down, will ya?" Nick muttered. "I can't sleep," Warrick complained. Greg was listening to Porcupine Tree on his iPod, with the volume fixed at MAX. "How can listening to rock music at 100,000 decibels help you fall asleep?" Catherine asked. "It just does!" Greg replied. Nick, Catherine and Warrick simultaneously picked up their sleeping bags and shuffled closer to the other side of the break room.

Finally, everyone was asleep. Grissom, for some inexplicable reason, had stopped snoring. Even Greg was sleeping, his iPod slipping from his limp hand, which was hanging over the edge of the couch. "Hank... Hank, you naughty dog! You chewed on his shoes again! Gil, didn't I TELL you not to leave your dress shoes lying around??" Sara admonished in her sleep. Greg was singing Supertramp's "Bloody". He was dreaming about being onstage with all of the greatest rock stars. Catherine was muttering, "Lindsey, Lindsey, you said you'd be back by ten! It's nearly 2 in the morning!" "Wha..?" Nick murmured. "What did you say, Clementine? You're going to get a bellybutton ring?" Clementine was a recent acquisition of Nick's; she was his latest girlfriend. "Tina! How could you do this to me?" Warrick sputtered. "I thought I made the right decision by marrying you! I guess I was wrong!" In his sleep, unbeknownst to everyone, even he himself, Warrick picked up Greg's iPod and flung it across the room. He was dreaming about throwing a porcelain sheep at Tina. Further away, Sara, who was next to the refrigerator, felt a small rectangular plastic object hit her on the head. "Ouch." Grissom was cooing: "There, there, my little bees. Don't be scared. She's my fiancée. You're going to be seeing her quite a lot."

Chapter 3:

Greg was the first to wake up. He stared at his hand for a few seconds, realized what was wrong (his iPod wasn't in it), and started hunting around for his iPod. He found it under the refrigerator. The rigid bright orange plastic shell was cracked in five places, and the screen was frozen on "Feel Like Makin' Love". Greg gazed around with a critical eye, finally deciding that the only possible for throwing it was Warrick. Greg poked him. Hard. Warrick woke with a start. "Tina! I...I..." Greg stared at him as if he had sprouted tentacles. "Oh," Warrick realized. "It's you." "Yes, it's me," Greg agreed, "and boy, am I mad!" Warrick lay back down, moaning something about just because Greg's mad, he doesn't have to take it out on me. Greg shook him, snarling," Don't try the innocent act on me. It won't work. I know what you did, and you know it too. You're going to pay for this!" Warrick was confused. "Pay for what?" Greg held up his broken iPod. "You threw it, didn't you?" Warrick replied: "The only thing I threw was a porcelain sheep, in my dream. Wait. Maybe I did throw that. I have the habit of acting out my dreams." Greg hissed, "I haven't decided on what I'll do to you yet, but whatever it is, it's gonna be unpleasant." Warrick shuddered.

Catherine, who was a light sleeper, had woken up in the middle of Greg and Warrick's conversation. Her eyes were all swollen from lack of sleep, and though she tried to fall back asleep, it didn't work. So she decided that if she couldn't sleep, no one else should be allowed to. Catherine walked around, alternately shaking Grissom, Sara, and Nick. "Rise and shine!" she called in a mock-cheerful voice. Grissom didn't stir. Sara opened her eyes blearily and mumbled "What? Hank, did you eat all the leftovers in the fridge again? Oh, sorry, Cath, it's you." Then she proceeded to lie back down and continue sleeping. Nick whispered something about Clementine, then rolled over and went back to sleep.

Chapter 4:

"I'm hungry!" Greg whined. Everyone was now awake, but they were still stuck in the break room. Greg yanked the fridge door open and peered inside. "Hmm, what's this? Grissom-DO NOT TOUCH." Greg placed the jar back on the shelf. He decided to look in the freezer instead. "Ice cream! I thought we ran out! I'm going to have ice cream for breakfast! Yippee!" Greg danced around, looking very energetic for a person who had had only 3 hours of sleep. "I guess I can have your Blue Hawaiian then," Sara teased. "Whatever. I'm having ice cream for breakfast! Oh yeah! Wait til I tell my friends! Can I eat from the carton?" Catherine rolled her eyes. "I'll take that as a yes!" Greg grabbed a spoon lying nearby and started eating. Catherine poured hot water from a thermos into a mug. "I'll have some of your Blue Hawaiian too, if you please," she called to Greg. "No!" Greg insisted. "Only Sara can have my coffee. And Grissom too, if he gives me a promotion." Catherine, Warrick and Nick glanced at each other meaningfully. Sara smirked to herself. Catherine sighed. "I guess I'll have to drink that sludge in the coffee percolator then."

Sara, Grissom, Catherine, Nick and Warrick didn't have ice cream for breakfast, but they didn't exactly have bacon and eggs either. Grissom munched on a box of chocolate covered crickets while completing yesterday's Times crossword puzzle. Sara finished her slightly mushy fruit salad, leftover from yesterday's lunch. Catherine nibbled on some of her biscuits, brought from home and kept in the break room. Nick ate a sandwich he left in the fridge for "emergency purposes". Warrick wasn't prepared for a crisis, so Catherine offered him some of her biscuits. They talked quietly about the cases they were working on, with the exception of Greg, who was dancing around the room, while eating chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. "This isn't that bad, actually," Sara admitted. "Yeah," Catherine agreed. "Except for instead of me worrying where Lindsey went, it'll be the other way around."

Chapter 5:

Only when shift started did Sofia, Brass, and Ecklie let the CSIs out of the break room. "Did you have fun?" Sofia asked. "Oh, shut up," muttered Catherine, who was still cranky from not getting enough sleep. Grissom, Sara, Greg, Catherine, Nick, and Warrick stumbled through their shift, hungry and sleepy. At the end of shift they converged in the break room again, to work out a revenge plan. This time, instead of playing three different pranks, they decided to utilize the same practical joke for all three people. Catherine was to sneak into Ecklie's office and place a water balloon carefully on top of the doorframe, then wait. When Ecklie opened the door, the water balloon should fall on his head, soaking him. Nick would do the same in Brass' office, Warrick in Sofia's.

After placing the balloons, the CSIs hid and watched. Uh-oh, Catherine thought. Someone was heading towards Ecklie's office, but it wasn't Ecklie. It was Mandy, reporting to Ecklie's office to give him the print results. Catherine winced as Mandy opened the door and got soaked. "ARGHH!!!" Mandy yelled.

Further down the hallway, Nick chuckled as he imagined Brass' reaction when his suit got soaked. "Oops," Nick muttered to himself. Hodges, not Brass, was opening the office door. "Brass, the unidentified substance from the vic's--Oof!" The water balloon exploded and drenched Hodges.

Around the corner, Wendy was strolling into Sofia's office, calling "Sofia, the sample from the SAE kit matches your suspe-Ack!" Wendy closed her eyes as the balloon descended on her. "They're not going to like this," Warrick said grimly.

Chapter 6:

Ecklie wondered where Mandy had gotten to. She was supposed to report to my office about an hour ago, he thought. He opened his office door, found puddles of water and shredded balloon bits, then went to confront Mandy. Ecklie walked into the print lab, only to find a wet and angry Mandy toweling herself off. "Ecklie!" she shouted. "Did you HAVE to stick that balloon up there?" Ecklie was baffled. "Why are you all wet?" Mandy growled, "Because you had to put a water balloon on your door, so that when I opened it to give you the print results, I got completely and totally WET!" Ecklie thought for a minute. "Wait... I know now. The CSIs must have put that balloon there to get back at me for the sleeping in the break room thing." Mandy had no idea what he was talking about. "Never mind," he said, "Give me the results later, I have to get to Sofia and Brass now."

"Sofia! Jim!" Ecklie yelled down the hall. "Did you-" At that moment, Sofia came running down the corridor, an enraged Wendy chasing her. Wendy was shouting, "Now I'll have to go home and change before my date with Hodges!" Sofia was surprised. She stopped running for a few seconds, and asked: "You're going out with Hodges?" Wendy didn't reply, but only continued chasing Sofia. Ecklie sighed as they turned the corner.

"Hodges! What happened to you?" Brass enquired as Hodges entered his office. "You tell me," Hodges snarked. "How would I know?" Brass asked, confused. Hodges rolled his eyes. Suddenly, the door burst open, and Ecklie came barging in. "Wait!" he yelled, sounding like a deranged madman. Hodges' jaw dropped. "Jim, the CSIs are getting back at us for the break room thing, and they accidentally got the lab rats instead of us!" Hodges looked insulted and clueless at the same time. "Hey! You didn't have to call us lab rats! Without us, you wouldn't be able to solve any of your cases! What are you talking about anyways?" Ecklie didn't answer him, but dragged Brass out of his office. "Come on. We're going to rescue Sofia from Wendy, and then we're going to hunt the CSIs down."

Chapter 7:

"Wendy! This is unacceptable!" Ecklie admonished. "Even if Sofia had played a prank on you, which I'm sure she didn't, you had no right to chase her around the hallways! Get back to work immediately!" Wendy meekly mumbled something that sounded vaguely like "sorry", and shuffled back to the DNA lab.

Ecklie pulled Brass and Sofia into his office, and shut the door. "You've realized, haven't you, that the CSIs wanted vengeance for the break room thing, and instead of getting us, they've upset the lab rats!" Ecklie said. "Yeah," Sofia replied, "But what do we do now? After all, we weren't the ones who got soaked." Brass suggested that they should just sit back and watch, because Mandy, Wendy, and Hodges were sure to get their own revenge. The question was, did they believe that the CSIs drenched them? Or did they think that Sofia, Brass, and Ecklie made up the story?

Okay, here's the summary I'm going to put when I publish it:

Grissom, Sara, Greg, Catherine, Nick and Warrick play a prank on Sofia, Brass, and Ecklie. They retaliate by locking the CSIs into the break room for an entire night. Greg has ice cream for breakfast. Implied GSR and hints of Wedges. NO FLUFF.

Comments make me happy! (i.e. PLEASE COMMENT!) THANK YOU!!!

Found Two Dead Bees-Grissom Would Be Proud Of My Efforts To Take Them Home

Went to Ngong Ping (who cares if noone knows where that is, if you don't know and you want to know, just look it up, I won't bother to elaborate :P), saw two dead bees on the pavement, my BFF Vivian couldn't stop smiling (NOT because she was so happy, but because: "Smiling suppresses the gag reflex."). I tried to convince my parents to let me take them home, but they wouldn't let me, so I just stood there and poked them with leaves for ten minutes until my dad told me to keep walking and forget about them. When I was poking them, I noticed a lot of fascinating things. For example, there are two little sacs full of white fluid on either side of the bee's abdomen. I never realized that before. Anyways, watched "Go To Hell" last night, and this morning, apparently my letter to Jorja Fox inspired Vivian to write to Corbin Bleu. Honestly, how DOES that girl write straight on non-lined paper? I can't write along a line unless I actually write along a line, if you know what I mean ;) (Okay, that was kinda confusing). Oh, and I'm watching "The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp" next week!!! ~SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~






OOPS! I arggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhed off the page :o