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Sasquatch_223 Blog

What, you egg! Young fry of treachery! Also: I've been tagged!

So I have to tell everyone 5 things about me:

1. I only ever eat three jellybean flavors- Bubblegum, orange, and lemon

2. I wear glasses

3. I think Valentine's Day is a big scam- a giant advert for chocolates, flowers and jewelry (or maybe that's because I don't ever get chocs or anything for February 14)

4. I chew pencils/ pen caps when I'm thinking

5. I have to share a computer with my mom

I'll figure out who I'll tag later, I'm in a bit of a hurry, it's lunchtime at school...

Okay, I tag:

1. GSR_ Fanatic (Charlotte *winks*)

2. sid1157 (Sidney)

3. grissomsidle (Amber)

4. vegemite_jet (Jess)

5. UnaLovesU2 (Una *duh*)

Sorry if you've been tagged before :P Just tell everyone some new things about you ;)

Stolen survey (I just LOOVE doin' these):

[x ] Under 5'3 (female), under 5'4 (male)
[x] Weigh less than 110 lbs.
[ ] Love anime and/or manga
[ ] Love Dance Dance Revolution
[ ] Love seafood
[x] Love green tea.
[x] Make straight A's (or A's and B's)
[ ] Love video games
[ ] Dress up a lot
Total= 4.

[x] Love French fries
[x] Love French vanilla
[ ] Drink alcoholic drinks a lot (beer, whisky, champagne, wine, margarita, etc.)
[x] Love sweets
[ ] Go shopping a lot
[ ] Spent over $500 dollars one time while shopping
[ ] Kiss people
[x] Had French toast for breakfast one time
[ ] Your first name ends with "ette" or "etta" (Rosette, Nicolette, Bridgette, etc. or Violetta, Loretta, Rosetta, etc)
Total= 3.

[x] Loves pizza
[x] Love spaghetti
[x] Love macaroni
[ ] Love pepperoni
[x] Love Lasagna
[x] Love parmesan cheese
[x] Love mozzarella cheese
[x] Love art
[ ] Cook a lot
Total= 7.

[x] Like Harry Potter
[?] You (or your parents) makes over $500,000 a year (I have no idea, I'm still just an innocent little kid)
[ ] Over 5'7 (in female), over 5'10 (in male)
[ ] You are on a sports team (any sport)
[ ] Wore a formal outfit cost over $250 (dress or tuxedo)
[ ] Your first name is Brittany (or Britney)
[x] Love rock music
[ ] You're going to a college (or currently in college or been to college) that cost over $30,000 a year.
[x] Have to wear school uniform when going to public school or private school
Total= 2 1/2.

[ ] Love rap music (it's okay)
[ ] You (or your parents) makes under $10,000 a year
[ ] On welfare
[ ] Had at least 2 diseases
[x] Wear baggy pants
[x] Wear long T-shirts
[ ] Wear chains on your neck
[ ] Wear a do-rag (or head cover) because it's cool
[ ] Skipped school
Total= 2.

[x] Love the color green
[x] has brown hair
[ ] Found a 4-leaf clover
[ ] Love Celtic music
[x] Love potatoes
[ ] Love cabbage
[x] Love coffee
[ ] Love ham
[ ] You (or your family) own a farm
Total= 4.

[ ] Have red hair
[x] Have brown eyes
[ ] Wore plaid one time
[ ] Played a bagpipe one time
[ ] Been to a military (or going to one)
[x] Been to a real castle one time
[ ] Love country music
[ ] Met a real king or queen
[x] Been in an ocean before(that means Scottish?)
Total= 3.

I'm Italian??? Hmm, I never knew. I adore lasagna by the way, "it's the food of the gods, the stuff of dreams..." (Garfield. Heh.) I think these are just stereotypes. I mean, just because you're British doesn't mean you're rich and just because you're Japanese you don't have to like anime/manga. Oh yeah, I have no Italian ancestry whatsoever. I'm so Chinese, I practically have tea running through my veins :D

Wah! "Scam" typo! Need to fix immediately (if you're reading this I've already fixed it)

I was poking around in Ms. Rossiter's (English teacher's) cl-assoom when I spotted some laminated weird-sounding insults (presumably for the higher grades she teaches), my favorite being: "What, you egg! Young fry of treachery!" There's also ominous-sounding ones, like :"Pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell." Just felt like sharing those *ahem* ancient insults with you guys.


We're learning abot psychosis and other special diseases in Science, and I mentioned the Miniature Killer and her reaction to bleach. Even Mr. Gillis, who says CSI is phony, thought that was fascinating. Oh yeah, and today, I kept annoying everyone with CSI quotes. Quote of the day: "There are three things in life that people like to stare at: A rippling stream, a fire in a fireplace, and a zamboni going 'round and 'round." Plus, I'm trying to memorize the Longfellow poem from "Ending Happy", there's one verse not mentioned in the episode. I think I've got Sara's goodbye letter down pat though, let's see if I can remember it:


You know I love you. I feel I've loved you forever. Lately, I haven't been feeling very well. Truth be told, I'm tired. Out there in the desert, under that car that night, I realized something, and I haven't been able to shake it. Since my father died, I've spent almost my entire life with ghosts. We'd been like close friends, and out in the desert, it occurred to me that it was time for me to bury them. No matter how hard I try to fight it off, I'm left with the feeling that... I have to go. I don't know where I'm going, but I know that I have to do this. If I don't, I'm afraid I'll self-destruct and worse, you'll be there to see it happen. Be safe. Know that I tried very hard to stay. Know that you are my one and only. I will miss you with every beat of my heart. Our life together was the only home I've ever really had. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love you. I always will. Goodbye."

Tell me if I've got it wrong please ;)

BTW, you know that sometimes the quotes get muddled up (good example is the beauty one "Since when are you interested in beauty?")? I found, they have CSI transcripts with accurate dialogue and quotes.

Add more later, can't think of anything else to say.

Grissom- You make me happy

Just watched "Ending Happy", loved it. It was so funny, especially the old man who said somebody shot his wife (everyone thought he was crazy, his wife died ages ago, but someone did shoot his wife's photo :D), then there was the Binky/Doris thing, where they were arguing about Happy but then realized the room was rigged for sound, and started saying "I love you" to each other and hugging a lot (then Brass came in and was like: "And I love you both".) SO hilarious! Then there was that thing (thing again) when Sara says: "Well, I'm pretty sure I don't make you sad," then Grissom says: "No, you make me happy". That scene made me smile so much my cheeks hurt (sorry, Grillows shippers :P) Need to go to sleep now :(


I guess getting an AEA IS good!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can put up with anything now, because my parents are getting me the Season 7 DVD of CSI!!!!!!!!! ~SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ We're really behind here (as mentioned previously) and plus, the episodes are all messed up (I'm watching Leapin' Lizards tonight), so I practically NEEEEEEED the DVD ;)

Add more later, nothing's coming to mind now, my weekends are usually pretty boring...

Is getting an AEA good or bad???

I got an Academic Excellence Award at the assembly today (see previous blog entry), that was why I had to sit at the front. Boils down to this: Is getting an AEA good or bad? I know some of you guys'll say that it's brilliant, wowza, blah blah. It is quite brilliant, wowza, blah blah. But since I'm the only one who got an AEA in my class, everyone's like "Why do you even BOTHER to get good grades?" In fact, in Math today, Oscar went right in my face and was like: "NERD". The sub teacher, Mr. Ross (heard the whole thing) was like "What are you doing?" and then that bald-faced liar Oscar went: "Nothing. Just asking some advice." The NERVE of him, when the sub heard the whole thing! :x Anyways, before the AEA, I wasn't exactly flavor of the month either, so there isn't much difference. Oh yeah, and Mrs. Sanker (Math, the sub was only for one period, today was a double) gave me a hug for the AEA. I must admit I can't remember the last time I hugged somebody ( apart from this, of course :roll: )

Enough stuff about geekiness. Today just before PE (we had a session in the classroom; talked about smoking), Marcel was listing off names of girls he'd like to screw to Jeremy (not that any of them would even go near him, he picks his nose and eats it), then Gigi came in and was like "What are you guys talking about?" So I said: "Marcel's telling everyone who he'd like to screw." And then Jeremy was like: "That's the first time I've heard you say the word 'screw'." Then I retorted: "Screw doesn't have to be anything nasty. It can be just like screwdriver or something. I'm sure your dad says 'screwdriver' sometimes." Then our conversation was interrupted because Mr. Stach poked his head out of his classroom and told us to come in.

OK, whatever. That's enough boringness for now. Might add more later.

(This blog isn't exactly cheerful, by the way. Maybe I'll add something funny later.)

Just had this idea when I was in the toilet :): Does anyone want to guess Oscar's last name??? Hint: It's the name of an animal with big front teeth that builds dams (shouldn't be TOO difficult, right?)

Oh almost forgot, today in PE we had to do a stupid worksheet on what influences our behavior (like parents, grandparents, friends, etc.). My top three:

1. Parents 2. CSI 3. Jorja Fox!

I'm not going to bother signing these anymore, I'm just too lazy ;)

FINALLY watched Living Doll!!!!!!!(I know, we're REALLY behind)

I was lucky, but I don't know which day I was lucky on(see previous blog entry). On Tuesday I found out that I'd be going to my BFF Vivian's house to watch CSI (She has cable, I don't :cry: ). Yesterday, I found out that the episode was to be "Living Doll". Today, I managed to stay alive until 5pm to watch it. So, YOU decide, on which day did I get lucky?

About "Living Doll": Absolutely whipplescrumtiously fantabulously extroadinarily AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING!!!!!!! Brilliant acting all around, but I especially thought the actress who played Natalie Davis did a good job of pretending to be a crazy psychotic serial killer :roll:

Dunno what else to say, might add something later (after I've scanned Ashleigh's blogs and come up with a good quiz to steal), oh yes, I am SO NOT looking forward to the assembly tomorrow. I am however looking forward to bringing my jelly babies to school :D

A quizzie stolen from Ashleigh:

Name 3 things in your purse:
Don't have a purse, but I'll tell you what's in my backpack

1. My jelly babies!
2. A book

3. Something random, like knitting needles or a magazine

Name 3 things you do when you're really stressed:

1. Bite my fingers (when I'm really stressed; when I'm moderately stressed I bite my fingernails)
2. Bite my lip (biting again...)
3. Watch CSI

Name 3 favorite fruits:

1. Nectarine
2. Peach

3. Mango

Three names you go by:

I don't fancy nicknames much but people have been known to call me:
1. Salad (I think Kerry started it)
2. Lottie (Ugh! Rebekah calls me this, I call her "Becky", which really annoys her)
3 Peanut (Made up by Curtis, now widely used among the Chinese Funeral Boys

Three things you are wearing right now
1. An orange T-shirt
2. Shorts
3. No more clothing to mention, but I do have a watch and dangly earrings on ;)

Who is in the house with you?
My family- Mum, Dad, and sister

Who are you thinking about right now?
Sara... I'm gonna find out when they show "Dead Doll" here and I am GONNA WATCH IT, no matter what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who did you last talk to on the phone?
Vivian, she told me about getting 4th on Sports Day (congrats Viv!)

Who were you with last night?
Does the computer count as a who?

Where is your phone?
I don't HAVE a phone :x

Where do you sleep?
In my bed. Duh. :roll:

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?

My mum, she always thinks I don't have enough shirts :roll:

What was the last thing you ate?
Cheese bread, I think???

What kind of cell phone do you have?
Toldja, don't have a darn cell! Do you have to rub it in? :evil:

What is the closest item near you that is blue?
A little sombrero for a long-lost Snoopy figurine ;)

What's your favorite color/s?
Black. Never goes out of ~beep~ ***** (forbidden word, I have no idea why) :)

What is the last movie you watched?
Can't rightly remember, might have been Bee Movie?

What song do you currently hear?
Lonely by Akon

When did you meet your best friend?
About 5 or 6 years ago (Vivian, my BFF!)

When did you last go to the mall?

I have no idea

When did you last burn a candle?
Yesterday, I was kinda playing with it :oops:

Your favorite actors?
Jorja Fox- All time fave-BRILLIANT

William Petersen- Great as Gil Grissom- FANTASTIC

I like the rest of the CSI cast too, but I practically worship these two ;)

Your favorite singer / band?
Don't really listen to music, but I like Avril Lavigne (My BFF's a total Avril Lavigne addict- has all her CDs, has like three posters of her, etc.)

I Accidentally Wore My Lucky Undershirt Today

Dang it! :x I accidentally wore my lucky undershirt today, I usually wear it on Thursday. Now my lucky day won't be lucky anymore:cry: I wonder if I'll be tempted to commit suicide tomorrow because of my Music exam score. I probably will be, if I don't wear my lucky undershirt :cry:!!! Even though I wore it today, I wasn't very lucky :(. It could've been worse, I suppose. ANYWAYS, a rather LOOONG quiz (more of a survey, actually) stolen from Ashleigh:

All About Me Survey

1. Name: Charlotte
2. Nicknames: Salad (various people), Peanut (I have no idea why Curtis started calling me this last year)
3. Gender: Female
4. Birthday: August 21
5. age:Why should I tell YOU?
6. star sign: Leo
7. place of birth: Hong Kong
8. current residence: Same as above
9. hair color: Brown-ish black
10. eye color: Brown
11. height: 4'4
12. writing hand: Right


13. do you bite your nails: Yeah, I never have to clip them because I always bite them down
14. can you roll your tongue: Yup
15. can you do a cartwheel: Yeah, I'm working on one-handed now :)
16. can you raise one eyebrow at a time: (*posh voice*) After years and years, I have finally perfected this skill :D
17. can you blow smoke rings: How can I blow smoke rings if I don't smoke?
18. can you blow spit bubbles: Sometimes
19. can you cross your eyes: After practicing with a finger, I can do it without now :)
21. tattoos and where: Nope
22. piercing and where: Yeah, both ears (I want to get one more in the left ear when I'm older so I can use up all my 'lost partner' earrings)
23. do you make your bed daily: Only if my mom forces me to
24. do you sleep with clothes on: I'm not a nudist, so yeah :roll:
25. which shoe goes on first: Right
26. fave type of shoe: Flippies 4eva!
27. where do you keep your clothes: In my closet, duh!
28. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone? Yeah, once in Drama (that wasn't strictly what we were supposed to be doing at that moment :oops:
31. you got a job: Nope

33. do you like someone/why do you like them: Why should I tell YOU?

34. are you taken by someone: I wish!
35. who: No one
36. what is the date you two began going out on: I've never been ON a date!
37. what is love: Overrated
38. are you willing to try the 'other side': What is the 'other side'? If you mean the dark side, maybe. They have cookies ;)


039. do you twirl your spagetti or cut it: Twirled since I was 7 (though in the beginning it was extremely messy)
040. how many cereals are in your cabinet: One- RICE KRISPIES RULE!
041. what utensils do you use eating pizza:My hands???


042. how often do you brush your teeth: Every night
043. how often do you shower/bathe: Everyday
044. how long do these showers last?: 15 mins
046. Do you curse: Sometimes
047. Do you mumble to yourself:"Catherine: Why are you talking to yourself? Grissom: I'm trying a new technique. Catherine: Is it working? Grissom: I have no idea." Yup, I talk to myself frequently :)
048. Do you spit in public: No
049. Do you pee in the shower: If I need to
050. In the cd player: Pee in the CD player? Of COURSE not!
051. Person you talk most on the phone with: Used to chat with Kerry and Claire a lot, but since Kerry's kinda deserted me for her 'cooler' friends, and there's not much to talk about with Claire, I don't use the phone much anymore.


052. What color is your bedroom: Purple- Two walls Peach-Two walls
053. Do you use an alarm clock: My mum's my alarm ;)
054. Name one thing you're obsessed with?: CSI
055. Have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: Never skinny dipped, period.
056. Ever sunbathed in the nude: Never sunbathed, didn't see the point when I could be splashing in the sea or building a sandcastle
057. Window seat or aisle: Window seat
058. What's your sleeping position: Usually back, but if my nose's stuffed, side
059. What kind of bed do you like: Giant bouncy king-sized ones with fancy curtains! Unfortunately I've only slept in those once, it was at B & B in England *sigh*
060. In hot weather do you use a blanket: Of course not you wouldn't BELIEVE how hot it gets here in August!
061. Do you snore: Just a little if I'm sick (stuffy nose)
062. Do you sleepwalk: No... at least as far as I know...
063. Do you talk in your sleep: I don't THINK so...
064. How about the light on: I sleep with the room light off, but the little flexi-neck lamp near my bed on.
065. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: Never. If the TV/radio is worth listening to (like CSI on TV), I wouldn't fall asleep! And if it wasn't worth watching/listening to, I would turn it off before I went off to Dreamland!


066. Were in love: What constitutes being 'in love'? Does crushing on someone count?
067. Kissed someone: On the cheek, probably 6 months ago. On the mouth, never
068. Watched the discovery channel: I don't have discovery channel at home, but I watched it nonstop in Vancouver at the Holiday Inn where I stayed half a year ago...
069. Cried: Can't remember...
070. Talked on the phone: Dunno... I answered the phone yesterday, but all I said was "Hello"? since the guy was asking for my dad :roll:
071. Read a book: Erm... Half an hour ago?
072. Hit someone: Today- Curtis hit me because I turned off his laptop using a shorcut key, I hit him back ;)

BTW, I have to sit in front at the assembly tomorrow, they advertised it in the bulletin today, I have no idea why I can't sit with my buds! :cry: Antti (Weird name, huh? He's Russian or something) and Sharon have to sit in front too. And Samantha. At least I'll be sitting with people I know *sigh*

I Am Now Going To Bore You All With Details Of My Day

Periods 1 & 2: Humanities

Was okay I guess, learned a lot. I used to hate Mr. Thomas because he's a perfectionist, but at least he's a FUNNY perfectionist (unlike my 6th grade teacher) :P Anyways, there's this Japanese guy in my class, he's a midget and kinda looks like an elf, except he's totally addicted to Runescape (I'm pretty sure elves don't play video games) and he's really hyperactive. He's sometimes quite funny, but mostly he just gets us all in trouble. Ok, enough about Hisataka. Back to today, Humanities: So Hisataka was being disruptive as usual, and Francesca, who sits across from him was like: "HISA!" to get him to shut up. Mr. Thomas just stared. A couple minutes later, (I have NO IDEA what Francesca said/did) Hisataka yelled: "FRAN!" and Mr. Thomas just said (something like that, I can't remember exactly): "Do you two want some time alone together?"then everyone laughed because they just couldn't imagine Hisataks & Francesca together :D

Periods 3 & 4:

Drama, pretty much normal. We were pretending to be different people and taking turns Hotseating each other in character. So our group was hotseating Joyce, and someone asked: "What is your deepest fear?" and she was like: "My dad" and it just sounded so hilarious :D

Period 5:

Science, was pretty boring. I usually love Science, but today we did something about measuring the area of circles, and I was thinking: WTF!?!?!?!?!???!!?!?!? I THOUGHT THIS WAS MATH!!?!?!?!??!?!? (BTW, I hate Math)

Period 6:

My most dreaded lesson-Chinese. UGH! (Not much more to say)

Periods 7 & 8:

English-just as normal, blahdiblah (I'll spare you the details)


P.S. Just found out: Pantyhose is WICKED for sliding around in on hardwood floors :D

A Handy Tip For Y'all (+ Stolen Quiz + My New M.O. For Killing Cheese Bread)

02-25-2008Whenever your name has to be picked out of a hat (or rather, a bag) and you don't want it to come first, second, third or anywhere near the beginning, for that matter, fold up the paper as small as you can. Trust me, I've tried this about 5 times, and mostly I got picked last or second last.


I've inserted a photo above to see if it works. If it does, expect to see a photo quiz here soon! If it doesn't, I apologize for the short and not sweet blog entry.:P

About the cheese bread killing:

I've developled a new M.O. for serially killing cheese bread- I eat almost all the slices in the loaf, but leave the last slice in the bag. It's better to say: "I ate a lot of the cheese bread, but there's still some left" than "I ate all the cheese bread." Besides, the last slice usually doesn't have a lot of cheese, so it's not that much of a loss :roll:

RULES: Only answer in pictures. Go to photobucket and type in your answer. Pretty easy. Thing is you can only use the first page. Have fun!

1. What's your name?



2. Favorite food?

ice cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! And yes, it has happened to me before: The whole scoop of ice cream just jumped off the cone, it was so annoying:x

3. Relationship status?

 single SINGLE

4. Celebrity Crush?

Eric Szmanda

That'd have to be Eric Szmanda:oops:

5. Fave Show?

 csi csi

God, it's the only TV show I can actually WATCH without falling asleep:roll:

6. A band you like?

i dunno

I dunno...

7. What did you have for breakfast?


8. One thing you're wearing?

Danny in school uniform

Crappy school uniform :evil:

9. Fave colour?

 black black

Black :)

10. One word to describe you?



11. Your thoughts on the last person you were with?

 FUNNY funny

Actually, hilarious!

12. Electronic you personally love?

I Love My Computer Because My Friends Live In It


13. Fun thing you did in the past three months?

triple os

Ate at Triple O's, their milkshakes are so thick you think you're drinking ice cream... Mmmmm.....

14. Song you currently have stuck in your head?

Akon Lonely

Lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely, I have nobody, I'm on my own...

15. How do you feel?



Why can't I get a life???

For once, none of my school friends are on Facebook. You know why? Because they're all enjoying themselves (*ahem* Claire probably isn't though, she's probably bored to death, Asha's not there, but I think Julie went???) at the VALENTINE'S DAY DANCE!!! It IS too late, because of the stupid RCSV. Not that I care, because I'm not even AT the dance! Most (correction: all but a few) of my friends are now at the dance, eating pizza and, well, I suppose, dancing (though Jayme and Holly probably aren't). Does it bother me that all of my friends have actual LIVES? Well, yes, a bit. I'm kinda making a mountain out of a molehill though. Not one of my friends has someone to dance with at *ahem* A DANCE (as far as I know) :roll:. But as the posters say: "You don't have to bring a date, the right person might be just around the corner!" Oh, well, it all boils down to my topic title question: Why can't I get a life? Signed: Socially Life-less Reject, Charlotte P.S. Wingki "is going to eat as much as she can and make herself exremely happy": Of course she can stuff herself. God, she's so skinny and short, she's practically as tall as her little brother. *Sigh* Sorry Wingki, I'm jealous :oops: