So I have to tell everyone 5 things about me:
1. I only ever eat three jellybean flavors- Bubblegum, orange, and lemon
2. I wear glasses
3. I think Valentine's Day is a big scam- a giant advert for chocolates, flowers and jewelry (or maybe that's because I don't ever get chocs or anything for February 14)
4. I chew pencils/ pen caps when I'm thinking
5. I have to share a computer with my mom
I'll figure out who I'll tag later, I'm in a bit of a hurry, it's lunchtime at school...
Okay, I tag:
1. GSR_ Fanatic (Charlotte *winks*)
2. sid1157 (Sidney)
3. grissomsidle (Amber)
4. vegemite_jet (Jess)
5. UnaLovesU2 (Una *duh*)
Sorry if you've been tagged before :P Just tell everyone some new things about you ;)
Stolen survey (I just LOOVE doin' these):
[x ] Under 5'3 (female), under 5'4 (male)
[x] Weigh less than 110 lbs.
[ ] Love anime and/or manga
[ ] Love Dance Dance Revolution
[ ] Love seafood
[x] Love green tea.
[x] Make straight A's (or A's and B's)
[ ] Love video games
[ ] Dress up a lot
Total= 4.
[x] Love French fries
[x] Love French vanilla
[ ] Drink alcoholic drinks a lot (beer, whisky, champagne, wine, margarita, etc.)
[x] Love sweets
[ ] Go shopping a lot
[ ] Spent over $500 dollars one time while shopping
[ ] Kiss people
[x] Had French toast for breakfast one time
[ ] Your first name ends with "ette" or "etta" (Rosette, Nicolette, Bridgette, etc. or Violetta, Loretta, Rosetta, etc)
Total= 3.
[x] Loves pizza
[x] Love spaghetti
[x] Love macaroni
[ ] Love pepperoni
[x] Love Lasagna
[x] Love parmesan cheese
[x] Love mozzarella cheese
[x] Love art
[ ] Cook a lot
Total= 7.
[x] Like Harry Potter
[?] You (or your parents) makes over $500,000 a year (I have no idea, I'm still just an innocent little kid)
[ ] Over 5'7 (in female), over 5'10 (in male)
[ ] You are on a sports team (any sport)
[ ] Wore a formal outfit cost over $250 (dress or tuxedo)
[ ] Your first name is Brittany (or Britney)
[x] Love rock music
[ ] You're going to a college (or currently in college or been to college) that cost over $30,000 a year.
[x] Have to wear school uniform when going to public school or private school
Total= 2 1/2.
[ ] Love rap music (it's okay)
[ ] You (or your parents) makes under $10,000 a year
[ ] On welfare
[ ] Had at least 2 diseases
[x] Wear baggy pants
[x] Wear long T-shirts
[ ] Wear chains on your neck
[ ] Wear a do-rag (or head cover) because it's cool
[ ] Skipped school
Total= 2.
[x] Love the color green
[x] has brown hair
[ ] Found a 4-leaf clover
[ ] Love Celtic music
[x] Love potatoes
[ ] Love cabbage
[x] Love coffee
[ ] Love ham
[ ] You (or your family) own a farm
Total= 4.
[ ] Have red hair
[x] Have brown eyes
[ ] Wore plaid one time
[ ] Played a bagpipe one time
[ ] Been to a military (or going to one)
[x] Been to a real castle one time
[ ] Love country music
[ ] Met a real king or queen
[x] Been in an ocean before(that means Scottish?)
Total= 3.
I'm Italian??? Hmm, I never knew. I adore lasagna by the way, "it's the food of the gods, the stuff of dreams..." (Garfield. Heh.) I think these are just stereotypes. I mean, just because you're British doesn't mean you're rich and just because you're Japanese you don't have to like anime/manga. Oh yeah, I have no Italian ancestry whatsoever. I'm so Chinese, I practically have tea running through my veins :D
Wah! "Scam" typo! Need to fix immediately (if you're reading this I've already fixed it)
I was poking around in Ms. Rossiter's (English teacher's) cl-assoom when I spotted some laminated weird-sounding insults (presumably for the higher grades she teaches), my favorite being: "What, you egg! Young fry of treachery!" There's also ominous-sounding ones, like :"Pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell." Just felt like sharing those *ahem* ancient insults with you guys.
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