This is not the most imaginative thing here, but then again no one is surprised. I feel like Activision sort of got the business and marketing monkeys and gave them this series to generate income for them. This is the cash cow, like it or not, and it'll never end. No point is bashing, let the kids play their redundant game, spend your money on something else. As far as im concerned, 13 year olds shouldnt be playing this anyway.
Humans will be Humans, Violence is just as much part of life as any other emotional reaction. To tell me that violence in video games is different then the violence in movies is ridiculous, If your gonna pass a law against violence it has to apply to all forms of media. I do agree with enforcing the rating system, just like you would enforce it with any other kind of media. But let me ask you this, just be cause bad parents left a gun within a child's reach, that child then goes and kills a bunch of ppl....are you honestly going to tell me that it is because he was playing a video game? that is what we call a mental illness, bad education and bad parenting will get you. Politicians like to just like to blame someone else for their lack of oversight and for their negligence of the community. I've never heard of this kinda thing happening in other parts of the world.....then again other parts of the world have laws against keeping automatic weapons in your home.
They still should not be able to copy and wonder off with confidential data, there needs to be Read Only privileges....and if its that confidential and important, then they wouldnt need to copy it, so making that data Read Only makes sense
It talks about HDD, how HDD nowadays use USB ports to connect to the PC, unless they physically opened their desktops or laptops, you'd imagine someone would notice that...
If they have such valuable data, id love to meet the admin who thought it was ok to let his users attach a USB to the computers on the network. Forget the fact that its a huge security issue, what if there are viruses on them? (just off the top of my head). Now you allow them to copy the confidential data??, at least have a DLP in place, or data classification with restrictions, or Read Only!!!....or better yet, don't even let them see the data if they are not meant to have access to it. AMD should really work on their internal security system.....
Isnt it enough that we have phones that can do almost anything? Has anyone gone out with friends and suddenly realized there is a moment when everyone is on their phone at the same time......
I dont wanna walk around and play a console, when would I play? while i drive? or at work? or when im socializing and talking to people
Consoles r nice to relax, play at home and on a big screen....there has to be a separation between what you do on your own time and what you do when your socializing with ppl.....
I am all for cloud consoles, don't get me wrong, but cloud at home, with a stable connection to the internet....can you imagine playing Halo 4 multiplayer while on the begs the question....why would you do that? do you really hate social interaction that much that its not enough to have a mobile with everything on you want a mobile console.....
This is redundant, pointless and not exactly social.....make it sound like drug addiction, cant wait to go home an play?
Sav117's comments