really? its that hard? hmm... maybe i wont get it....
Ninja Gaiden has to be the most overrated game in the history of video games. I really didn't enjoy it much at all, and can'trecommend it to others unless you really love ninjas and are a huge fighting game fan. The levels are quite short, make absolutely no sense (go from what feels like an ancient asian village to a futuristic airship to a modern-day military base, and there is basically no story at all. Plus its crazy hard and incredibly frustrating. I struggled my way through the first 10 levels to see what was so great about it and finally just said, okay that's it, I'm not having fun. MCH
cause of the downloadable content.. hundreds of demos, videos, gamerpics, themes and stuff. the arcade which has hundreds of classic games like bomberman, street fighter, pac-man, mortal kombat etc., you can burn your music onto the 360 and listen to it whenever, connect ur pc to ur 360 and have pics, videos, music on ur 360 thats on ur pc, 20gb or 120gb of space to download whatever the hell u want, and it has many fun games and xbox live is still awesome.
woah. i seriously didnt notice that. seriously. wooooo.
You answered your own question. I've never seen an FPS that doesn't have some slight air control when you're in the air from a jump. You're jumping then strafing and turning, which is alterting your trajectory. Either don't do it, or be cool and get used to it.the_bi99man
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