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Scamander24 Blog

A shock

I was experimenting with my wires and batteries when I had an idea of playing with the plugging. When I was doing something with my "electricityless" fan, I suddenly got a huge shock. It almost burned the house!! Luckily, it didn't

One dumb dream: BEES!!

When I closed my eyes to sleep, it suddenly opened, then I noticed outside the window that everything was getting white and the sun was rising very quickly. Then the next thing I knew I was in the car going to my friends house, and then I noticed that everything was stinky around there, especially my friend's room. I then spotted a bee and killed it. That made lots of bees come to me, not anyone else. Bees appearing out of nowhere. Then one very huge bee came toward me. All the bees bowed down to her, and said, "QUEEN! QUEEN!" The queen bee picked me and ate me up, while my friend and my sister helplessly watched me be eaten. Then by a sudden flash, that woke me up. I didnt know what the dream meant but that is it.

Sky High

Sky High is coming to theaters and I cant wait to watch it! Kids with superpowers... heros and sidekicks... a school to develop their superpowers....... Oh man I just cant wait!!

Tamagotchi's new generation

I have been taking care of my Tamagotchi very much seriously, and now it has reached it's third generation.I cant believe my Tamagotchi would grow so fast! First it was a boy , then a girl, and now it's a boy.

Avatar coming back!

Nickelodeon did had some problems with creating new episodes of Avatar: The last airbender in the past few weeks. Now there is a rumor that Avatar: The last airbender will be coming back. I hope this rumor is true! But there is another rumor that Avatar: The last Airbender will be cancelled forever. I really hope Avatar: the last airbender would bw coming back.

Harry Potter and the half-blooded prince

When Harry Potter 6 the half-blooded prince was released--July 16--my mom had bought the book. When we got it, my sister (Broomfleet) had quickly got the book in her bare hands and she read it first, 'cause she was older then me...
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