Even if they weren't lying about this, it would be kind of stupid to put a lot of time, money, and effort into marketing this in Japan. Just look at how "well" the 360 has done there....
@Aydenuille @2bitSmOkEy How the mighty have fallen.... I remember going to the game store and seeing a Squaresoft game on the shelf and you just knew it would be a high quality game no matter what.
I think a lot of consumers, who aren't very privy in the video game world, are going to be in for a big surprise when they buy a game used and have to pay an additional fee when they get home. And I don't think their reaction will be a positive one....
Well Kojima does have two MGS games on his plate at the moment so I don't think he could work on ZoE3 if he wanted to. And the reason the HD Collection had a lot of issues was because they had High Voltage port it over. Still sucks though....
@tightwad34 I'm glad this was considered successful. I pre-ordered the game just to help support something different. If games that do something different aren't supported the market would be even more saturated with shooters. And the last thing we need is more of them.....
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