The time of joy and pain have come and gone, new games to be anticiptating and new wallets to be broken in; it's the time of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) and it's full of great upcoming titles to keep watch of.Here's some upcoming games that caught my eye watching the E3 news.
Fallout 3: Point Lookout:
Just when I thought all the DLC for Fallout 3 has been released Bethesda showed this upcoming Downloadable content at E3 to be released at the end of June.Point Lookoutadds more areas to explore in the Wasteland; a swampy, dark area with mutated humans, cultivists and creepy mansions.Point Lookoutis tailored to players that have reached the new level cap of 30 and promises to be much more challenging than the other DLC released thus far forFallout 3.
Star Wars: The Old Republic:
This new MMO being made by Bioware is one that has caught my attention for a long time. Instead of the usual "grinding" of quests found in most MMOs quests and stories will play out according to the c.lass you select and each will have specific quests to do and complete. It's an interesting concept and I'm excited to see how it turns out, Bioware rarely goes wrong with their games and this could be the MMO to take me away from the Tolkien world.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii:
Announced by Nintendo this takes the s.tyle 2-D Mario games and lets you relive them with up to 4 players cooperative. It's concept is a lot likeLegend of Zelda: The Four Swordswhere you must cooperate to complete the level but you are also competing against each other to collect the most coins in the end. It's a great concept and seems like a great party game for everyone to enjoy.
Metroid: Other M
This announcement caught me by pleasant surprise and the gameplay videos surprised me even more.Metroid: Other Mis being developed by Team Ninja (makers ofDead or Alive) this time around and isn't another Metroid: Prime in the series, which I originally thought. This Metroid returns to 2-D but with some parts first person with 3-D elements, it looks really interesting and seems to have a deeper story and a lot more action. Definitely check out the trailer to this one.
Modern Warfare 2:
I've already talked some hype about this game so be sure to do your part and stay updated on it, the gameplay looked great, (even though I don't think the guy playing it on stage showed it much justice) had new environments and weapons so I'm sure it'll be another best-seller.
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks:
Being a mega Zelda fan I'm pretty stoked about this upcoming release but watching the gameplay videos I'm still pretty skeptical about the whole train gig and Link weilding a whip as an item, ok guys, this isn't Indiana Jones. I'm sure I'll be amazed by it regardless but I'll keep my skepticism.
Golden Sun DS:
Finally, after a long waitGolden Sungets a sequel from the original Golden Sun released on the Gameboy Advance.Golden Sun DSfeatures updated 3-D graphics and touch screen controls. If it's as good as the original I'm sure it won't disappoint one bit.
Metal Gear Solid Rising:
Ah yes, my reason to buy an Xbox 360 now. I should have gotten one awhile back but this just sealed the deal. This game stars Raiden as speculated by the Kojima's teaser website about his next release. No Metal Gear has ever really disappointed so I doubt this one will.
Left 4 Dead 2:
This one is a bit bittersweet.Left 4 Deadis a great multiplayer game. It's damn good. Valve knows how to please it's customers by constantly updating their games throughout the years and adding more content to the game but not even a year has passed since the original has been released and they are already planning for a Left 4 Dead 2. I don't understand why they couldn't just take what they are adding in Left 4 Dead 2 as an update to the first one. They've updated so much forTeam Fortress 2what makes Left 4 Dead different? Just seems a little annoying how they will be seperate games now unless they just add it on top of the original and make it a lot easier. Come on Gabe Newell, you know better than this.
Dragon Age: Orgins:
Personally my most anticipated upcoming game, another from the mighty Bioware RPG kings. The videos just seem to get better and better from this game as the release date draws near, I recommend everyone to check them out.
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