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ScoopRevenge Blog

New banner & avatar

They're not very good but what do expect from someone who sucks at photoshop. If anyone could make me better ones it would be greatly appreciated!!

 later, ScoopRevenge!


Porcupine Tree Gig.................TOMORROW!!!!!!!

OMG!!! I cant wait wait till tomorrow night its going to be AMAZING!!!!

Porcupine Tree's new album FEAR OF A BLANK PLANET is out now.

Me and my Dad are waiting for the special edition to get dilvered to our house from PLAY!!

Tomorrow night is going to be AWESOME!!!!!

I was wondering if they are any other Porcupine Tree fans on GAMESPOT!!!


I feel so sorry for the families of those killed in the tragedy

that happened in Virginia Tech.


Later people,




A Blog for the sake of Blogging

 A blog, yes a blog by me, ScoopRevenge or Robbie as thats my name.

Seeing as i have the cold which i have said in the previous blog(if you read my blog that is, no one really comments my blogs, that makes me sad.:() I havent did that much this week so im pretty bored. Thats why i wrote this blog(hence the title egh, see what i did there:D)

Well i guess i can talk a bit about games seeing that gamespot is a gaming website (what,it is :shock:!!SHOCK HORROR!!:shock: )


Yesterday i bought this:


Its a fun game.Proof fps's can work on psp WOO HOO!!!!!

Also ive started to play this game again on my laptop:

Black & White

I played this ages ago. Started a new game on my lappy.I am just by the bit where you pick a animal. I picked the COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Ive noticed a ram creature running about. WHATS UP WITH THAT could some one tell me plz, if you look at this blog that is.

thats all, i guess oh wait there is something else, i cant believe im going to do this, ugh, PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!, I BEG OF YOU NICE PEOPLE, it would make me HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!! if you dont ill CRY!!!!!!!!!!!:cry:


Man, the cold sucs!!!... and other stuff!

I got the cold and man it SUCKS! But you know what makes it worse I got it the day before the Easter holidays. I wont have really hated if it was during school i would have played some games watched some movies and relaxed but getting it during the holidays means I cant do that much and im stuck in my house when the sun is shining.

ive been playing some PS3 at my friends house. He has motorstorm and call of duty 3. I must say it is pretty good but im not getting for a while yet. COD3 online is really fun with the amount of modes,weapons,vehicles and maps. motorstorm is good but takes a while to get into it.

    Command  Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Kane Edition  Windows GAME


Also my my dad has just ordered comand and conquer 3 tiberium wars kane edition. seeing as we are both c&c fans we are going to pay for half each. 

this blog marks the beginning of a new feature called...

ScoopRevenge's Random pic of the day!!!

This part of blog could be any type of pic i choose and today's pic is...



thats all for today!

see you peeps later!

Some purchases

I went out on Saturday with my dad and came home with these two games:

I've not played any resident evil games before and resident evil 4 got some good ratings. So i thought i would get it. It only cost £14.99. I got the platinum version.

I heard this was a really good game no one played. It only cost £14.00.

So there you go two games for the price of one.

 Possible Future Purchases:

Final Fantasy XII got some really good scores. I've never played any Final Fantasy games before and this seems a good place to start.

I really enjoyed Shadow of the Colossus and seeing that ICO is made by the same people it seems to be a sure buy. I saw it for about £12.96.

Thats all for now

See you guys later!!


Well my Dads just told me im only allowed to pick one of the three next gen consoles Xbox 360,PS3 or Nintendo Wii.

Im having a hard time choosing cus they all have their good points. 360 seems to have great online capabilities, the Wii has a FUNKY!!! controller and the PS3 by the looks of things has superb graphics and FREE online play.

Its just so HARD to choose between them.If i could i would get them ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news ive made a DISCOVERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was in Woolworths looking to buy a game and i walked through the CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! section and my eyes set apon these:


I though to myself ooh these are new and i was going to get them but the queue was to long.

Then i went to ASDA a part of the Walmart family (yey!!!!!!!! WALMART) with my family and got the TRIDENT SPLASH Strawberry and Lime and Vanilla and Mint flavour. As a matter of fact im chewing a bit as i WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this blog.

Also i got my dad to order OKAMI off Play for £24.99. I cant wait to PLAY THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!

Ask me questions about stuff and gaming aswell.

I guess thats all for just now

see you peeps LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SCHOOLS OUT! ......for Christmas and New Year!

Well as of yesterday(for me anyway)there is no more school till January. :D Oh yeah only three days till Christmas I can not wait.

As of other news I've been listening to some My Chemical Romance, The Black Parade. Great album you guys should check that out. I got a lend of Star wars battlefront 2 off my friend. Another great game very enjoyable.

Remember to post some questions for me to answer.

Merry Christmas!

Introducing myself

I thought today i would introduce myself and thats what i did:

Hi im Robbie and i come from Scotland in the UK. I've been playing games for a few years but i cant remember how many. My first gaming machine i owned was a game boy colour.

All together i own 6 gaming machines which includes a game boy colour, GBA, DS, PSP, PS2 and a computer. I am hoping to get a PS3 sometime in 2007 and maybe a Wii.

As for games i want i would like MGS Portable Ops but i dont think that come out for a while in europe, Warhawk and Assassins Creed for PS3.

Feel free to post questions about gaming and what not.

well i guess thats it for just now and look out for future blogs from ScoopRevenge.

Thanks for reading!

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