Dude what are you smoking? A 6.0 Ghz might exist but only 2gb of RAM would'nt be nough to hold up that proccescer and you'd need a f***ing load of overclocked video cards, you can't make leap's in computers with singal pecies of hardware you need to have everything upgraded at once so that nothing will get overclocked or not be supported.
We can't froget the 12 year old timmy and the hot shot highschoolers how run half the maket with all there free time most 18 - 30 year olds have to work and won't be spending there whole paychecks on games, just putng that out there.
Nah, you don't build healing places in Majesty and that game is really outdated maybe Age of Empires III or a FPS like that would be Sahdowrun with tree of life, ressurect, your kinda lke a hero yourself. Oh, I know what game Army Men RTS you can send out your healing jeeps, and the five main guys are the hero's,lol. I hope this helps.
If I were you buy a newer game not something outdated like CSS which is 3 years old a depending on your graphics card you'll be gettting a way better fidelity out of BF2142, not to mention the more customization with BF2142 if you can only get one gamemight as well squeez as much money from mum's and dad's right? BF2142 all the besides,you can always pick up CSS after a few weeks of allowence fro 20$compared to BF2142 at 50$.
As you know bioshock is coming to a platform near you, but which won will tickle your tounge battling for Xbox SUprmecy with your 360 brother or taking the time tested PC route so I ask PC or 360 for bioshock
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