Why do i have the feeling that this article bears some malice from GS towards Sony/PS4...? Might be wrong, i hope so. I think im starting to get lunatic haha.
But seriously, its no secret GS is pro Microsoft, or at least pro xbox.
Second DLC... Are you even serious...? The game has not even yet launched!! WTH! And whats up with map rehash...? No matter how much i liked a specific map, i want a new fresh experience...Otherwise i just play BF3...
This is the "danger" of more and more realistic games nowdays... There is some game characters bound to look similar to someone out there...In this one happens to be Page...Get over yourself "Movie Star". Adam Jensen from Deus EX human revolution shares some similarities with me, but im not calling Eidos am i? Lol.
Why are PC related comments on this section...? Guess what, this aint about PC lol. And no one cares either. Im not sure why PC players think console players envy them in any way... Because having a PC is a yacht i guess...
Microsoft was praising the always on line deal, praising the cloud gaming, saying that was the future... They are right. While patches should be tested first, good games will see plenty of patches, either to fix bugs and other issues, as while adding new, free, features to the games...That my frineds is the future and a good reason to be always connected...Yet ironically Microsoft charges for such patches...? HMMMM....Thats a nice future you got there.
Scorex_VII's comments