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Scott_inWriting Blog


Chello blog peoples!

First and foremost I would like to say that all of you here on Gamespot are awesome. I enjoy reading all your blog posts, which I have been slacking in lately because of other life things, and have enjoyed the responses to my posts as well. But as of today I have decided that I am going to be focusing my blog posts where my first blog began last year. I have a blog on which I bought a domain name for but changed it last night to something else more fitting - so I'm back with a standard blogspot domain name. I started that blog in 2009 because I was challenging myself to write some creative writing every day and post it but I since deleted most of those posts because it was a failed attempt. Life as we know it can get way too busy to just focus on a blog. Now I use it to write stuff that's in my head as I'm on journey to writing my first book.

The main reason I want to stop blogging on here is because I'm trying to focus my attention more on things I actually want to get done - like finishing my book. I'm an easily distracted person and I'm sure some of you can relate. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop reading and commenting on your blogs though! :) .. I still want to come around and do that because I like people here. A few in particular who I've known the longest during my short time here are Asagea_888, 6h05tly and kairikh - you guys rock! :D

My main blog is titled "Everic Scott Writes". I'm using a pseudonym (pen name) because I wouldn't use my real name to publish a book with. Names sell and my name definitely sounds too goofy for anyone take seriously if they read it on a cover page. Obviously you already know my name is Scott, but I chose to put Everic in it because it's going to be the name of my first son, and in two months I'll be able to find out if our baby is a boy or a girl! I'm sure I could have come up with something that flows more (my wife doesn't like it) but it's meaningful to me.

I've been trying not to sound dramatic during this post because it's not like it's a devastating thing that I'm going to write elsewhere. I'm not that important. :P

So farethewell dear friends! If you like what I have to say about things not only related to gaming you can read it at I wish you all the best and may your days be filled with love and magic!


A Spooky Story

A friend of mine introduced me to a website called which is a site dedicated to scary stories. There is a person who takes these stories and retells them over YouTube in a really spooky way. Her channel is If you like scary stories then click here to watch my favorite she has done! Watch it, then read on.


Imagine that happening to you? You would never look at pictures and windows the same way again. I love getting spooked by these kind of things because the feeling of feeling afraid is sort of like a rush. I'm not saying sometimes I wouldn't want to kick myself for letting myself get spooked though. :P .. Whenever I watch a horror film, if it's really good I'll occasionally look over my shoulder behind the couch just to make sure the coast is clear. :lol: .. I love it.

I'm a writer myself, mediocre at best, and so I appreciate a good story. I've never written a horror story before but have always wanted to, so I thought I would ask here to you all on what kind of scary story would you like to hear? Give me a topic, idea, location, situation, etc, that you think would make for a short scary story that you would like to hear and I will write one for you and post it here for all to read and dedicate it to you.


I've never done anything like this before so I am sort of fearing I will do horribly and make myself look like a great big noob. :P .. So it could take any length of time for me to complete it. I just like to challenge myself and it's good motivation to keep writing. :) .. I will do my best though, and that's a promise.

If any of you would like a story then leave your suggestion below, and if no one wants one or don't like scary stories then I guess the blog ends here! :P

What's Your Weapon?

I'm currently playing through Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and am really enjoying it. A thought came to mind as I was admiring Gabriel's Combat Cross - about what type of weapon would I use if I were a warrior/hero?


Throughout history there have been a variety of weapons forged and used for combat. The most traditional weapon used in medieval times, and in most fables and legends, is the sword. It's the most versatile weapon in my opinion since basically anyone would be able to wield one, depending on the size of it. Being able to expertly handle one in battle is another matter entirely. For the traditional hero the sword is usually the weapon you will see him carry. Would it be my weapon of choice? Probably not. Although it would be awesome to portray a swords master cutting down his foe with but sweeps of his blade, vanquishing whatever evil or force of destruction that stands in his path, I'd rather use something that has a bit more fear etched into it.

Warriors of all shapes and sizes have used myriad different types of weapons to battle their way to victory for whatever cause they were fighting for. The honourable Knight wielding his sword and shield, the shady assassin carrying his dreaded daggers, the rogue cutting foes down from a distance with his bow; a weapon for every purpose. In stories and even video games we witness all types of new weapons being made from the imagination of men, weapons that could logically not exist - Kratos blades, Gabriel's Combat Cross, Sora's Keyblade, etc... There are so many different types of weapons we could think up to use if we were a force to be reckoned with.

So what weapon would I use?

The Maul.

Darth Maul

Oops! Wrong Maul!

war hammer

Whether you call it a war hammer, maul, mace, or whatever, you know what I'm talking about; the giant hammer like weapon capable of bashing in skulls and chests with a single crushing blow. When armor was becoming so strong that swords could only but glance off its surface, the maul was able to cave in even its seemingly impenetrable skin. I know it seems brutal, but imagine yourself in the midst of a battle when suddenly you catch glimpse of a man coming at you with a giant hammer. That's what I thought. I'd rather have a sword cut me in half and get it over with than have a huge maul bash my face in. Any weapon that cuts, slash or pierces doesn't sound fun to have hurt you, but you'd die a lot quicker and less painfully than you would if a large war hammer crushed in your chest. That would be my weapon of choice.

Out of all the weapons ever imagined, logical or not, if I were a warrior capable of great things in a time when such things mattered, I would have wanted to have been a huge warrior with the strength and ability of wielding the maul with deadly effect. That to me is the epitome of bad ass.


If you were a warrior of legend, what would be your weapon of choice? The sword? A bow? An Axe? Your fists? I am really interested in hearing what everyone would choose. It doesn't have to be something logical either. It can also be anything you have seen from a video game, read in a book, or even imagined all by yourself. If you would choose to not be a violent person then tell me what sort of power or ability you would use to aid your allies in battle?

Thanks for reading!

Playing LittleBigPlanet 2 With My Hands...and Feet!

I got really frustrated yesterday because since I've been playing LittleBigPlanet 2 the servers are sort of screwy and I get stuck on loading screen whenever I try to join someone. That, or people just refuse to let you join their game left and right. I've been trying to get these certain prize bubbles and I decided to take matters into my own hands and feet. I won't be able to get any others this way since the last ones I need require 3-4 people to get, but I wanted these ones now! So, I made a video showing me getting these tricky prize bubbles by myself using my hands and feet to play 2 Sackboy's haha. The quality isn't amazing since I had to stick to it being under 100mb, but I wanted to post it here on Gamespot rather than Youtube. I hope it's acceptable enough.

Click here to watch the video.

I should be in the circus! :P

Somebody's Nobody

[Last night I watched the premiere to "Life In A Day" on Youtube that was being broadcasted live from Sundance Film Festival. It was one of the best films I've ever watched in my life. It's being shown tonight again I think so if you can catch it it's at Thousands of people made videos on July 24th, 2010, and director Kevin Macdonald put the best together to show what life was like in a single day on earth. It's moving, touching, inspiring and best of all, REAL. It was quite amazing to watch different cultures and people do their thing on that one specific day in time. You're truly experiencing the story of what happened to people from around the world on that day and it makes it a really beautiful experience.

Because of it, I was inspired to write and this is what I got from that inspiration. I never know what I'm going to write until I start writing. I know the grammar and sentence structures may not be that great but I did my best and really wanted to share it with you all, because it's about people like you and people like me. I can fix all the mistakes and stuff later. I hope you like it!]

Somebody's Nobody

While looking at my video games this morning I started thinking about whom I am. I thought about the things I like, am passionate about, the dreams I have and have had, about what I would eat today for lunch, and how I need to shovel my balcony of all the snow. I thought about art, love, hope, desire; everything that makes me this person. Yeah, sometimes I stand looking about, drinking from my cup of tea, and think about life and where it's taking me. So I thought I would share a little bit about myself with all of you, for no particular reason.

I'm a nobody. Of all the most interesting people you could find in the world, ones with an expert opinion, a talent so extraordinary it renders you silent during its display, or those who just have that special something about them, you won't find me among them. I'm not trying to put myself down or make you believe I don't like myself, because in fact, I love myself. I love that I'm healthy, have a bed to sleep in with a roof above my head, and that I have a close family who loves each other. But according to the world I'm still a nobody. So why would you want to read about me?

Maybe if I told you that one time I stared a teacher in the eye and told her the honest truth, and that my character was what lead her to choose me to be a peer mediator in high school, or that I once read a book so inspiring that I've dreamed of becoming a writer ever since, would you find it interesting? Perhaps you'd laugh if I told you as a child I left my sister for dead in a hole in the snow while running away from a "killer doll" we found in our shed, and because of memories like that we share a stronger bond today. Or maybe if I told you I was brave enough to say "I love you" and that now I'm married to the woman I thought I could never call my own, making me somebody's nobody, it would give you hope?

I'll keep drinking my tea as I stare out the window, watching the man in the truck plough the road of all the snow, and hope for a better tomorrow continuing to be inspired by the nobody's around the world for their hard work, dreams, and love for life. I'll keep drinking my tea and keep reading about you.


I was tagged by Asagea_888 to list my 5 biggest gaming mistakes. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to remember anything since I have a really bad memory :lol:, but I was able to think of some things. Here they are!

5. Whenever I play a game where I have different types of ammo for guns, or have magic ability to compliment my basic attacks, I tend to not use that stuff to make my experience easier. Every time I'm in battle I think "I'll save that magic power for when I'm in trouble." So most of the time I get through the game and I never really used my magic attacks because I didn't want to waste magic power in case I needed it, resulting in not experiencing some really cool things I could have been pulling off. I would use it during boss battles, but most of the time bosses tend to deflect most attacks or dodge them so it's usually a lose-lose. I try not to care about how much magic power or ammo I have left now and try to deliver the best ass whooping I possibly can. :P

4. In World of Warcraft I used to be part of this really great guild, and we regularly ran raids every weekend. This was one of my first experiences in raids because I never really invested much into end game stuff before. When we were going to do Onyxia, a tough fight with a dragon, a guild mate explained how the fight was going to go down over ventrillo voice chat. Both him and the guild leader said to stay away from her tail because she'll send you flying into the egg pit where a bunch of tiny whelps will spawn. And of course, as soon as the fight starts I get smacked by the tail and sent flying into the pit where I start getting munched on by a billion dragons. My reaction really embarrassed me for a while, because when it happened I basically freaked out over ventrillo "OH NO I GOT SMACKED INTO THE PIT!!!!!!ONE!!ELEVEN!!" I sort of got growled at and was told to calm down and not make things worse by freaking out. :lol: .. That was my first Onyxia attempt. I never did that again.

3. I really loved the game Breath of Fire III on the original PlayStation, but near the end there is a place where I got really confused with how I was supposed to progress any further because it wasn't very clear with how exactly to do that. So I gave up and didn't play it for years, always wondering how the ending went down. I finally played it again about 3 years ago and this time beat it. I hate playing a game and really get myself invested into it, then give up. I don't give up anymore.

2. I'm sure this has happened to everyone, but it still merits one of my biggest mistakes. This has happened in different games, but the latest one it happened to was in Final Fantasy XIII. I spent hours playing and never occurred to me to save, since there are no auto-saves, and then suddenly the power blinked and the game shut off. I was so pissed I lost all that time I don't think I played it again for like two months. :lol:

1. I consider this a gaming mistake because it has to do with gaming, even though it's not a mistake I made while in game. While I was a kid, during the time the original PlayStation was at its peak, I was playing Breath of Fire IV and my brother was playing some type of Mega Man adventure game. We only had the one PlayStation so we had to take turns and a lot of the time one of us would get impatient. This one particular time it was me, and I told my brother I wanted to play BoF IV and if he didn't save his game and hand it over to me I would shut the console off on him. He wouldn't do it and so I pushed the power button off with my toe, and he got so mad at me that he went onto our memory card save data space and deleted my BoF IV game save, which had hours of game invested into. I was so discouraged that I still have never played BoF IV again since. So I learned not to mess with a kids game time because he will crush all those hours of your life you spent trying to finish a game. :lol:

Now it's my turn to tag someone for this! :D .. And you are:





You Bitter Sweet Trophies You!

I know this topic is way over done, but damn it, I'm hopping onto the band wagon too!

Lately I've been in trophy mode on my PS3 and want to get as many as I can. Although, I never actually get 100% because I hate those "collect/find all orbs/crap in the game" trophies. I think objectives like finding all the hidden items in games (like all the little red experience orbs in Enslaved) are ridiculous. I can understand if they are items that give you instant power ups or something like that, because it's always cool to acquire new abilities. But just plain ol' "get this crap for a trophy" irks me. Mainly because I like to try and do things without following a guide. But anyway that's not what I'm writing about. :lol:

I love and hate trophies/achievements. I find that being able to acquire trophies (and I say trophy because I only own a PS3) while playing a game gives you a little more incentive to keep playing it. It adds replay value which is nice since games today are expensive. Whatever makes it last longer. That sort of sounded dirty. lololololololol - Ok geek moment has passed. My only problem with games that have trophies is that it makes me not want to play the ones don't have them. I hate that!


Like I said, I like getting trophies and lately have been wanting to get as much as I can, with the exception of the "find these turdlets", so now I'm being turned off from my others games like Eternal Sonata, Folklore and Oblivion. Trophies are like an addiction! That's when I realized that people who look only to get trophies/achievements, they can't play a game just for the game. So last night I forced myself to start playing through Eternal Sonata again just because I remember it as being a fun game. Because really, what are trophies/achievements going to bring you in the end other than a larger e-peen? Sorry, I needed to say that. :lol:

Trophies are fun to get, but playing a game to experience the pure enjoyment of the game is even more fun to achieve.

That is all. :)


I'm not very far into the game yet, but from what I've played I can safely say they Mm have really outdone themselves! LittleBigPlanet2 is AWESOME! The new gadgets you can use are a really fun addition and I especially like the cutscenes following the storyline now. It actually feels like there is a purpose to the story. But anyway, I don't even know why I'm writing lol. The sackboy plushie is awesome too! :D .. Fun fun fun!


I'm just sitting here typing away while listening to music from Flower - specifically Purification of the city song. You know why? Because I'm just sitting here, and I'm just sitting here because I'm not standing, and I'm not standing because I felt like bending my joints, and I felt like bending my joints so I could relax, and I'm relaxing because I felt like eating a sub, and I ate a sub because I felt hungry, and I felt hungry because Elmo speaks to me, and Elmo speaks to me because waffles tastes good, and waffles taste good because last year I hung a picture, and, oh wait...

Section break for the sole purpose of doing it.

... and I hung a picture because I watched a bird fly, and I watched a bird fly because I sang a song, and I sang a song because I laid my cup on the coffee table, and I laid my cup on the coffee table because of the color purple, and the color purple just because it's crazy.

The end.


Video Game Therapy

I have bought more games this month than the last 6 months combined. I just want to play everything for some reason. Truth be told, the last couple months especially have been sort of hard for me. I'm normally not the type of person to tell people these types of things, unless you're very close to me, because I'm super introverted. It probably hasn't hard to tell from a couple of my blog posts I had done before the new year that I wasn't feeling very cheerful. And that's usually not the person who I am. I'm typically a cheerful person. I used to be depressed all the time, then I started going to church and it helped me look at life in a different perspective. I learned to appreciate more.

The last couple months have been pressing on my mind though, and I think when I get down I spend money, which is a REALLY bad thing lol. This time I've been spending on games haha. I usually never spend until I get myself in a jam though. I'm more responsible than that. Anyway, for some other reason this month I've been obsessed with obtaining trophies for some reason. I normally don't give a crap about those either, which is weird, and last night I decided to get the trophies from the game Flower. I only have a couple left to get.


As I was playing, something about the combination of such beautiful music, and free flowing as the wind through amazing visuals, just really did something to me. I sat mesmerized, as if high on some type of drug, and felt for the first time in a while that everything was going to be okay. It's hard to explain the feeling I had, but it was like a blanket washed over me and took away my sorrow. I thought of the child my wife and I are going to have in a few months, and imagined myself sitting with him/her in my arms as we listened to this music together, feeling happy.

I have played through flower before and thought it was wonderful, but something about it last night really touched me. The man who composed the music for the game is a genius, the person who designed and created the game is a genius, and the team that put it together really made something special. I have never before in my life experienced a video game help put my mind at rest.


I am definitely buying the soundtrack for flower! I have always been a fan of instrumental music because I personally believe it holds the most feeling and expression. It's the best music to get really lost in. Like I said, I normally don't share my feelings with people because I don't like them knowing my thoughts, but nobody I know personally reads this blog, except for my best friend, so I can let it out this once. I just wanted to share the beautiful experience I had playing Flower.

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