I was thinking about it today, and from now on I don't think I'm going to make "proper" reviews of games anymore. Not that I couldn't, I guess, but when I write reviews I like to try and sound as professional as I can. When I talk about games I like to talk about it as if I'm explaining my thoughts to a friend. Talking as you would with a friend is always more fun than trying to sound smart. :P .. So for those who read will only get me "reviews" I guess.
Anyway, I bought Enslaved: Oddysey to the West the other day because I really wanted a new game before LittleBigPlanet2 came out, and I had a few extra bucks to spare and so it was between this game and Majin and the forsaken kingdom or whatever it is. Try to guess which I got! :D
First thing I am going to say is that I really liked Ninja Theory! They make such great games! First they came out with Heavenly Sword, and I heard rumor that it didn't do good enough or something so the company was ending, so I was sad, but then they come out with this and it's like YAY! It's not that they revolutionize the gaming industry, but they make very entertaining games. The characters they come up with feel so real and the dialogue sucks you right into the story. I thought they did amazing with that in Heavenly Sword, but it's even better in Enslaved. It really doesn't surprise me either since Andy Serkis, the man who played Gollum in Lord of the Rings, is part of the team. Enslaved's story is one of the finest I've played through in a long time.
In a post-apocolyptic world, you play as this brutishly strong man named Monkey, and you have a lady companion named Trip who has enslaved with using some headband device so that he would help her get home after they both escape a slave ship. Like I said, the dialogue is super believable and the interaction with each other is fantastic. I laughed a lot, felt sadness and even angry at times. Thank you Ninja Theory for being awesome.
I also liked the gameplay as well, because I like to mash buttons and watch my character wildly flay himself into the heat of battle demolishing his foe in s.tyle. That's what the combat feels like in this game. You got your light attack and your heavy attack, and a few shinies in between. Monkey's staff also turns into a plasma gun which can shoot someone in the face too! :D .. But the game never begins to feel stale or repetitive because it oftens switches things up. One point you could be smahing your way through a bunch of angry robots with your staff, the next you're running for your life through a bunch of obstacles, then you're preforming a series of platforming, etc.. It always kept the pace flowing really nicely.
The platforming was nice, but it felt too straightforward. If there were a little bit more freedom in that aspect the game would have gotten a 10/10 for me. But that's just when your climbing stuff, there's all types of platforming stuff in this game. Like jumping onto Monkey's Hover disk and having fun. I love hack and slash fighting and I love platforming so putting the both together for me is a total win!
The story of the game is really where the gold is at. At least I think so. I've talked about the characters and dialogue and such and how they made me feel, and given you enough information about the story so you know what's up. I don't want to give any spoilers out. All I will say is that this games ending was one of my favorites in a REALLY long time! I wasn't expecting that ending at all and it was one of those endings that the impact comes down to a person's point of view and/or morality. It's one of those "Whoa.. What would I do if I were faced with that decision?" Because it's a really tough situation to decide. At least in my opinion. So damnit, get to playing Enslaved so you can watch the ending!
The game probably took me around 10 hours to complete, and I wish I would have played it bits at a time so that I could enjoy it longer while I wait for LittleBigPlanet2 to release, but I liked it so much I couldn't put it down. So now I'll need to find other means to entertain myself while I wait, which won't be hard since I'm pretty simple minded. :P .. So those are my thoughts on a great game. I hope I made reading this bareable haha. I wasn't planning on writing this much about it. Au revoir!
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