Scubei's forum posts
I am looking to buy a 360 elite. I am a PS3 owner, but am thinking about comming over to the dark side.
Which game/games that are system specific would I buy it for?
Heavenly Sword no question... jus pop it in and you'll see what im talking might be short but damn is it beautiful monsteronthego
I AGREE.........the facial animation is top of the line.
Here are some games that u can play with more than 2 peolpe. ::::Smackdown Vs Raw(any year), any Timesplitters game(ps2),
any sports game(Madden/2K, basketball games, Tiger Woods(any year), ) so just grab those game and beat the heck out of your mates, mate. I personally like the wrestling against my boys. U can talk some serious smack after u beat them.
They should. Just because their system is one dimensional doesn't mean that they shouldn't be able to watch HD movies (on disc). This will be inevitable because sony is gonna get paid whether it's from more PS3s sold because of Bluray playback, or because of MS paying for it. This kind of stuff happens all the time. We forget that Sony has a personal stake in BD's success. It's not just about gaming systems anymore. The more they sell, the better off they are. They should wait until the "I'll buy a PS3 because it plays bluray" surge dies down and then let MS use it.supreuph
i agree
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