So I have a one-month Game Pass trial on my PC and I finally checked out Forza Horizon 4. So far I'm impressed given I didn't like some of the early Forza Motorsport games. On another note: this Super League in Europe is absurd and I'm a Barca fan.
Good news since some of those PS1 titles are not available on other platforms unless you pay an arm and a leg for a used hard copy (ex. Xenogears).
Bayonetta 2Doom 2016Breath of the WildPersona 5Nier: AutomataCupheadCivilization VIDragon Ball FighterzSuper Smash Bros. UltimateDevil May Cry 5
Panzer Dragoon SagaXenogearsXenosaga CollectionBurnout 3 and RevengeShining Force IIIVirtua Fighter 5: Final ShowdownFinal Fantasy Tactics: War of the LionsTactics OgreFire Emblem: Path of RadianceBaten Kaitos CollectionPaper Mario: The Thousand Year DoorMuramasa: The Demon BladeCastlevania SOTN + The GBA and DS titlesGolden Sun CollectionF-Zero GXSnatcher and PolicenautsPersona 1 and 2Some of these games cost an 'arm and a leg' used.
As of now: Shin Megami Tensei V, STALKER 2, and Age of Empires IV. I'm not as hyped for news games as I used to be.
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