"hitler and einstein were in two totally different time periods"
LMAO to the bolded words. Who wrote that!?!?!?!!!:D Who said that?
I want to say it was Twinblade05 that said that... I may be wrong though. Quite a while ago.
And teh leaves!!! saolin ftw! Can't believe no one had mentioned him yet.
OK, but did that guy start an entire thread just to write that? :?
Saolin? Yeah, he would always start up threads about Fable 2 being better looking than Crysis, having thousands of leaves on a single tree thus making the game better, and a whole lot of everything else. He would also argue by CAPS-LOCKING PART OF HIS SENTENCES to convey emotion, like how much he cared about what he was saying.
Or were you asking if Twinblade did that? No, the thread trailed off somehow... like... wow, I can't even remember. Someone has to have that thread bookmarked, someone always does.
No, I was talking about Twinblade. :D
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