Dude, Ron Paul is not insane, insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results, he wanted to do something different. All the people who thought Obama was going to "change," honestly how do you feel now that you know how wrong you were. do not ever trust politics, or anything related to politics, politics is just about 100 percent made up of lies.
SegaGenesisfan's forum posts
I hate christians who do the same things with, ARE WE IN THE END TIMES? Its thing like this that has held me back so much, when I realise that the bible never says when it happens, so stop speculating it!
And eventually the calender is going to end, they can not do stuff forever. Its a bunch of horse RADDISH IN MAH EYES.
I like what Max Payne said in that game "there are only personal apocalypses." You can learn a lot from playing that game :)
Actually I would say that it would be to her advantage to marry you, because then you will be more likely to have more money at your age (sometimes anyways), so she wouldnt have to wait as long.
I was on my bike, waiting to cross to go home from stupid highschool, then I see one car stop fast, and another rams into it. Then I was like crap, I dont get to go home, lol!
Never ask a girl that, have her come to you, women will let you know if they want you, because they always show their emotions while men dont. also you should not have a woman take the leadership role of choosing. I am pretty sure this is the best advice, plus I think it makes a lot more sence then men taking the brunt all the time. Meh, I really do not get how people meet up and marry anyways, seems like a crule game. Just no.1 the girl should be the one asking, just read the bible in the ot, were that one women before the book of Samuel goes to the man and ask him to marry her. Obviously there is nothing wrong with women asking men out since they are more obvious when they want to go out. The real thing is first have a home before you do marry, I think its pointless to date if you do not have a home in my opinion.
There is a reason you feel uncomfortable, just forget about her, it would be easy to ask a woman if it felt obvious.
I've never been to church...is it really that bad :?
Its as bad as having a 1 long converstation with a college professor trying to shove his beliefs on you, going back and forth, with nothing getting done because one person or the other never will admit to actual facts, or just ignore them... I have done this :x He was an obscure college professor obviously wanting to make money while he shoved his beliefs on people.
Ok, not quite that bad, but it just makes you feel so isolated within a crowd. Heck, I have no problem with god and the bible, its just that people love tradition, and they don't realise the part were Jesus says "you honor me with your lips and tongues, but in your hearts you hate me;" is actually referring to people who like going to church, and singing. God bless that kid!
Anyways the way pretty much every church goes, you enter, you stand there for an hour (stand, sit, stand, sit), you listen to someone who likes their voice. Then at the end people gather who know eachother well, then you realise that church is only fun when you are with people you personally know. It is even worst when you are forced to go when you are a kid, oh well nice knaps anyways :)
Because the terrorist are the ones who actually follow it, while the muslims who pick and choose what they follow are the ones who dont cause problems. Also the whole "kill anyone who likes jesus!"
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