It was the second week since the Wii came out, and I decided to go to the Nintendo World Store to get it, knowing they always have it. I called to see when they get their shipment, and they would get it on the Sunday I got it. So I woke up at around 6 to take the train down to the Nintendo World Store and waited in line. I think I was around the 50th or 60th person. I met cool people, and we talked about stuff. Then a Nintendo worker was counting the people in line to see if there's going to be enough Wiis to hand out. After counting, he yelled out, "You all are getting a Wii!". We all cheered LOL. I think they had 200 Wiis in stock. That's to be expected in a Nintendo store xD. I wish people who are looking for a Wii GOOD LUCK!!
You all are Stereotyping girls!! Get her something you like, but don't got at the same time. Let's stop and think. Think of what type of games she wants. If she got Twilight Princess, she would like Metroid Prime 3 or something. If you happan to have it already, get her something that would be fun (being stereotypical here, something corny as well) like Rayman or something. Just make sure you ask her.
Thought I really love the Shonen Jump universe, and DBZ, OP, and Naruto being my top favorites, all I can tell you is going to a walkthrough that explains a lot. You can even try going to Wikipedia to find out some stuff
My Wii Code is 7826 2487 5241 0301 The nickname is Tanto You can PM me, but I would recommend my email adress which is Give your Wii code and nickname and I'll add you xD.
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