SenorGuapo's forum posts
A box appears when i try to find a match and it says Downloading game settings... Its been going on for 15 minutes now, whats going on??
Actually, there is a writer named Otto Veenhoven here in netherlands. He wrote an autobiogrphical book about his life in prison for murdering his father or something. Well he was searching his family tree, and came to visit my parents for a cup of tea. We had a ex-convict in house for about an hour and a half :P
my last name is veenhoven
Edit: PS, when he visited he gave us a copy of his book, so we knew what he did only after reading the book
The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults. These intelligences are:
Linguistic intelligence ("word smart"):
Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")
Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")
Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart")
Musical intelligence ("music smart")
Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")
Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")
Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")
Dr. Gardner says that our schools and culture focus most of their attention on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence. We esteem the highly articulate or logical people of our culture. However, Dr. Gardner says that we should also place equal attention on individuals who show gifts in the other intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists, designers, dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and others who enrich the world in which we live. Unfortunately, many children who have these gifts don't receive much reinforcement for them in school. Many of these kids, in fact, end up being labeled "learning disabled," "ADD (attention deficit disorder," or simply underachievers, when their unique ways of thinking and learning aren't addressed by a heavily linguistic or logical-mathematical ****oom. The theory of multiple intelligences proposes a major transformation in the way our schools are run. It suggests that teachers be trained to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways using music, cooperative learning, art activities, role play, multimedia, field trips, inner reflection, and much more (see Multiple Intelligences in the ****oom). The good news is that the theory of multiple intelligences has grabbed the attention of many educators around the country, and hundreds of schools are currently using its philosophy to redesign the way it educates children. The bad news is that there are thousands of schools still out there that teach in the same old dull way, through dry lectures, and boring worksheets and textbooks. The challenge is to get this information out to many more teachers, school administrators, and others who work with children, so that each child has the opportunity to learn in ways harmonious with their unique minds (see In Their Own Way).
Once a YEAR, me and 25 million other XBL members gladly shell out $50. No justification is needed. We got the COD maps way before you right? I talk to my friends while im gaming no matter what we're playing. My online network is integrated into my console and all my games. My downloads are at least twice as fast. The level of competition on XBL is a higher standard than PSN. My netflix has never stopped mid-movie to buffer. XBL is leading the way. Ill give PSN credit, theyre only about a year behind, but they will always be that 1 year behind for the foreseeable future. Ya we pay, but its not even an inconvenience as its automatically charged to my card. ill gladly take my girlfriend out one less night per year to enjoy a better service year round[QUOTE="shadow8585"]
[QUOTE="KevinButlerVP"]Its just the lems trying to justify what they pay every monthlafiro93
Edit: spelling
And there are so many more things we get early to, but all they can say is "i am not getting that"Also its about 40$ a year and if you cant pay 40$ a year! then you need to get off your ass and get a job.
Dont say its cheap, its a rip-off man, come one. I do pay though, i know my logic is flawed. but dont say thats cheap, its f'ed up we have to pay :P
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