Until I hear the official report on the PlayStation 4. all of the guess work isn't going to sway me until I hear it from Sony. I've heard people say the new ps4 sure he is going to have direct download only, be based on old technology,or it won't be near as powerful as the ps3. people who deal in such rumors are obviously threatened by the thought that Sony will launch first with a superior device. As for Blu ray being an old technology, none of us wants to go through the whole DVD/HD-DVD/Blu ray controversy again. I think it'll be quite some time before Hollywood is interested in upgrading the disk format for their movies. So if anything Sony will probably introduce a new Blu ray player with a higher capacity yet compatible with old Blu ray disc.
Once again video games are the scapegoat of violent crimes. There has been violence before video games were thought of. Then it was Dungeon & Dragons and other dice based RPGs. What about Charles Whitman? Who in 1966 climbed a tower and shot and killed 14 people and wounded 32 others. Was that the fault of violent games? No back then they blamed it on the literature of the time. The NRA and gun enthusiast have always played that shell game with the topic of gun control.
Its strange that the same games that we Americans are playing are the same ones on shelves in England, Japan, Switzerland, Australia and others. And yet those countries don't have a tenth of the violent gun crimes that we experience here in the U.S.
I've played very violent video games, read violent novels, and seen violent films. None of that has ever given me the idea to seek such things in the real world. That's cause I know its not real. I'm not Agent 47, Kratos or Nathan Drake. Sure I enjoy the fun of killing non existence people. Gears of War, Call of Duty aren't real cause you don't get the real experience of war. The scent of burning flesh. The cry's of mothers for their fallen children. The pain of really being shot. and you don't get punished. There's no jail time at the end of Grand Theft Auto. For those that can't tell the difference, it wouldn't be of such concern if they weren't able to get their hands on guns. Its true a gun by itself can't kill. But a human without a gun can't kill as many.
its my hope that Sony doesn't prevent 2nd hand sales. I used to collect comics but the prices got so high I gave up that hobby back in 2005. If video game became unreasonable in price I would give up this hobby as well. Sony and the Video Game industry have to remember that they are fighting for my entertainment dollars. I could easily spend the money on movies, music, Role playing games (they are making a come back) Novels, biking, tennis, basketball. The list is endless.
I had tons of fun with Monster hunter on the PSP. I have a 3DS but I don't think I want to play this game on such a small screen. Its either comes out on Vita or just forget it.
It seems to me that you were expecting this to have all the features and frame rate of the console version. I agree that EA could have put more effort in to the game. Especially have seeing what Naughty Dog did with Uncharted Golden Abyss. But I have to say that this is the best portable football game I've ever played.
Battle Royale sound like a lot of fun. I can't wait to get my hands on it.. I think that there is room for an Xbox 360 version with Master Chief, Marcus Fenix, Kameo, and Alan Wake.
I can't wait for Littlebigplanet Vita. Being able to add photos from outside will really add to the creativity.
@ChronoJ01 I agree. PC gaming has its own problems. One of the things I like about Consoles is the load and play. No patches, drivers, or sitting at a desk. PC gaming can't compete with Console games and the 60 inch HDTV. Being able to sit in bed or on a couch while you play. Even if you use a Laptop its just not as relaxing.
Developers and Game writers can't wait for new consoles. They butter their bread with the new. However if Sony and Microsoft have nothing new to hand in then we should wait. They all seem to forget that we the consumers are in a recession right now and are watching every penny.
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