Firstly Black & White 1-2 Secondly Elder Scrolls Oblivion. Well at first some people may not see Black & White as a sandbox game but open up your eyes, take a gander at the actual gameplay. There are fun bits like picking up a rock and just tossing it into a herd of worshiping innocents, or teaching your creature to let out giant two story piles of crap on a villagers head just for fun, the game is fun to experiment with and just do random things, even though the first game was MUCH harder than the second one their both worth a gander if you like playing god. And now TES: Oblivion, that game simply blew me away, I don't like new games all that much but this one seemed to win my heart all over again. only a few years previous to it's release I had fallen in love with Bethesda's older games like TES III: Morrowind, but when this baby landed in my lap as the first xbox 360 game I'd played I simply couldn't say no to it's beauty. There are times you can actually be swept away inside this far stretching world and get caught in it's odd but visible humor, and with the expansion pack of the shivering Isle it let you dive into your more Insane side of your self (Which I loved dearly). And that's this crazy Norse's take on two great Sandbox games. Let's hope Red Faction: Guerrilla Warfare turns out good.
The original Street Fighter game, I mean yeah sure it was the most bad ass game of it's time, but it was missing one thing; Chuck Norris was missing. But to completely frank and off of the funny bits. Alone In The Dark was absolutely horrendous!!, that game damn near had me blowing large chunks of food out of my mouth, the driving bits where horrible, the controls where wonky. and I mean the story wasn't that great either, The old Alone In the Dark's where much better than this steaming pile of feces that comes from a carnivorous beast. All in all worst game I've ever played and buggy as all Niflheimr.
Well I think to have the challenge of getting my ass handed to me by the cruel and harsh maiden named AI. I do however remember the first time I played Halo 3 and I tried hard mode but killed everything without even trying (I think my Grenades are homing...) so I had to go up to Legendary mode, even though I still screwed around it was a bit harder. But yeah more people should start playing on harder difficulties for kicks, because you can never get better if your ass isn't handed to you first.
Er.... Well my intuition tells me to steer clear of this one, but I'm quite eager to see how this turns out. Well I don't think this makes any sense, Now this makes no sense... For those who have actually watched Sonic X they should knew that he out ran a F*&$ing ROCKET CAR!, I mean come on mates Sonic should not be in a bloody car. Ugh this increases my reasons for losing hope in future gaming.
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