Nono, I love the mic system, I was just sharing one of the many awkward moments in my life related to it. Sorry if it was off topic.
Sesshiroth's forum posts
I personally have no problems whatsoever with the mic system, other than one incident where I was on a bus playing Phoenix Wright and the thing wouldnt detect my voice. I screamed OBJECTION as loud as I could, and it turned into a ratherawkward moment.
now i see the game really is great. what i dont like about it is that ur baby cant grow old. I hope rune factory 2 will fix that. Anyway when u talk to the ppl do they only say like gud morning? or do they say the their whole line?inzaneetie013
It depends, if youve never talked to them before, or its an event or etc theyll say what its their textbox at times. If you go talk ot them just randomly, say it was a shopkeeper for instance, theyd just say a greeting. Im not sure when Rune Factory 2 is coming out, but judging by the time gap between the japanese and english versions, it wont be very fast. Thank god I know japanese.
I didnt like how kiddy all the characters look in HMDS, or how if you married one of the girls from mineral town, the game would end. I also would say get rune factory, but watch out for the horrid english voices D:
I bought the english version, played it for 10 minutes, heard all the crappy english voice acting they had added, threw it in my fireplace, and ordered an original japanese one. It arrived today so heres a small review:
Graphics: The graphics were not really a let down for me, take into account that it is for a hand held console, and Id say that its graphics level was around that of the n64. The tools were nicely done, but the landscape rather confused me when I left my farm to the north. First it was a birds eye view (sort of) then as you enter town its suddenly a side view (of sorts) kind of caught me off guard.
Traditional: The game follows most of the traditional aspects of HM games, with the farming, cropping, watering, and etc. The women are all unique and original, giving a good variety of choice and events for each. I still havent gotten married since ive only been playing for a few hours, but i assume that you can have kids like in previous HM's. The fishing is the same as in the GBA HM, where Raguna will pull back on the rod and if you press b fast enough you get the fish.
Non Traditional: The new add ons to the game are rather entertaining, including a whole new combat system, which is simple yet fun, and a cave system. Im not to far in the game so I cant really say what the caves are used for but judging by the signs you can plant crops in them. I tend to spend my whole day fishing near the docks 8P
Sound: As was mentioned above, the music is relaxing and nice to listen to. The japanese voices are much better suited for the people they represent, in contrast to the english ones as I mentioned at the start.
All in all its a good game, addicting even now that I have the japanese version. However if you dont want to waste money importing it, then the version in your area should be fine.
The english version of rune factory was really a let down for me because they added some horrid english voice acting.After playing it for 10 minutes I threw it into my fireplace and ordereda japanese original lol
The newest one so far was the english version of rune factory, I played for about 10 minutes, heard all the crap ass english voices they had put into the game, and threw it in my fireplace. My imported copy of the japanese version came in today, and it is alot better. As to one of the most frustrating of the ones ive had, it would have to be Lost in Blue, because you always have to fetch stuff for the annoying girl and she barely does squat to help, and because when your fishing and you know that you speared the fish it suddenly zooms off and you miss.
and sorry a little off topic, but I found that Ouendan 1 and 2 were both alot harder than EBA. Anyone else think so?
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