My imported version got in, so now i can better answer the question at hand. Id also like to rephrase what I said before: the voices dont suck, its just the english ones. It is an interesting HM game, and it follows the traditional everything with a few add ons including the fights and cave system (i think the cave system is new anyways). If there are combos with weapons, I havent been able to figure any out, but then again im not that far in game. I just tend to go fishing all or most of the day. It is a game worth buying, and if you dont want to waste extra money to get the original japanese version, the version that has come out in your area should work well enough. Cheers.
Sesshiroth's forum posts
Natsume screwed up twice. One, they put voices in the game, and voices were and should never be an element of the harvest moon games. and two, is that they added horribly crappy english voices that suck horribly, forcing me to burn my american copy and import the japanese one. D:
Youve been warned
im also waiting eagerly for Rune Factory to come out. I was wondering, what is the Japanese name/version of the game? I'd rather import it unless i can be sure that theres nohorrible english voice acting or edits to the game to make it 'more for kids' or somewhat.
I really like the sound of it beacuse you can play as Train Heartnet and Eve. Im not sure if its in Super Stars or Ultimate Stars knowledge is limited.
actually I dont care thats it Japanese. The english voices are sh**. I believe that anybody that plays/watches and game that has been altered for a different language is playing a 'flase' game. Not literally, but with voices bad enough that make it too different to be the same. I know Japanese as well, so I have no problem in that area. My only concern is that the US continues to alter games so that they are less violent and stuff, but i think itd be difficult now that we use 3d models instead of sprites...
ive seen some reviews for it and it gets pretty good ones. Im not sure if theres alot of japanese but even if there is, it'd be better than hearing their horrible english voices. If you do get it, and dont want to figure it out by trial and error, you can probably find a menu translation somewhere, maybe gamefaqs...
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