Gotta love the logic here. Yes, re-selling digital goods to a friend is a good idea.. but think about the term "used". If you buy anything at all that is used (non-digital), there is a chance that original packaging could be missing, or the product might have some wear and tear and thus why the price is cheaper. Now with digital, unless the person buying it from you is downloading data from your system and not the main server.. then it's literally not used. They don't get your achievements or game saves, they just get a new game. It seems like you will probably be able to sell it, but there will be a "Microsoft tax" put on it, so that they get their cut of every "used" sale".
Like I said, re-selling digital goods is good for consumers.. but thinking of it as selling a used game is just wrong and I have a feeling it's going to get ugly.
My opinion. Sony won, Nintendo was second, and Microsoft was third this year. I won't go in to much detail, but Sony put on an excellent show, Nintendo was a little boring but I'm rooting for them, and Microsoft.. Usher, really? Their hardware and games were decent, but E3 is not a rock concert.. that goes for Ubisoft as well. To the editor, Laura, if you don't know what the wonderbook is all about, you obviously weren't paying attention.
Setzera's comments