I'm not seeing the reason for downloading my games anyways. If I downloaded Uncharted, I'd have stuck my Vita onto a charger, and spent a few hours downloading it. If I'm at my parents house it might take days to download. Then, I've got it on my mem card thatwill hold a handful of games before I have to start deleting them to make room for others. Once I delete one off of it, I'm likely to NEVER sit and download it again just to play it. Also, to save 10% on a game, translates into 5$ at the most. Since a 32 GB card is 100$, it would take 20 &50 games to pay itself off. How much room is left on that card after 20 Games hit it? I choose to go to the store, pay an extra 3-5 dollars, and OWN a physical copy that is always available. A copy that I can lend to my friends, a copy that doesn't eat up my music and video space in the mem card, and it's also a copy that works within 5 minutes of the purchase. No waiting, and waiting, and waiting for a download and install to finish.......That is all, I suppose.
@DS-man, To go along with what you said. People drop 800$ on an iPad2 and $250 on a cellphone with a 2year contract. I'd rather have a PS3, xbox 360, and a vita for the price of that iPad
I have two work cell phones, one's an iPhone 4, the other a Droid RAZR. However, there is nothing in the app store or market that can keep my attention more than a full five minutes. Sure I enjoy Cut the Rope for a quick trip in the bathroom, and I liked angry birds for about 15 minutes instead of five, but there isn't a game I've found, through YEARS of searching, that is actually captivating. There isn't an inFamous, Killzone, Gears of War, Uncharted, SOCOM, Far Cry, Street Fighter, Elder Scrolls, God of War, or Final Fantasy(minus those poor ports from 1 and 2) on the app stores. However, all those games can be pulled off on a dedicated gaming device, and be pulled off well. My RAZR has less of a battery life than my Vita.......
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