When Sony came out with the PS3 they were behind the 8 ball. They were year late to the scene and they had awful e3. They were playing catch-up from the start. It’s seems like with the PS3 Sony was really trying hard. Yes it was expensive at $599 but at the time it was a incredible value, blu-ray player, built in WiFi, 60 gb hard drive, sd card slots 4 USB ports and full backwards compatibility with the PS2. It was a remarkable peice of tech at the time.
And man the amount of new iP’s...
The PS3 had an incredible list of New IP’s.
The Last of US
Little Big Planet
Demon Souls
Heavy Rain
Mod Nation Racers
Fat Princess
Ni No Kuni
Motorstrom Series
PS all-stars
That’s a staggering list of new ip’s, the PS4 will have been out 5 years this year. It feels like a lifeless rehash machine. It’s like Sony was trying so hard durning the ps3 era and they’ve seemed to get this big lead and have just coasted.
They were trying innovative features like PlayStation Home and Original Programing like the tester.
Plus it had Free Online, what are we paying $60 dollars for? It feels like PSN is worse then it was on the PS3 yet now it costs money?
Plus it’s such a barebones system, no 4K blu-ray player on your pro model?
Plus the amount of HD Collections were amazing they were new at the time and you basiclly didn’t need your PS2 anymore they put out so many.
Plus the AAA exclusives
Killzone 2 and 3
The 2 Ratchet and Clank games on the PS4 all we get is a remake of the original ?
The new Sly Cooper was amazing.
MLB the Show etc...
I feel the PS4 is arguably sonys worst system. Yet it get all kind of praise.
And I also enjoy 3D Tvs more the VR. VR tech is so new and basic every game for it is a tech demo there charging money for. 3D was easy throw on some glasses and you’re good to go.
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