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SexyPorkins Blog

Borderlands 2

The countdown to Borderlands 2 has begun! I'm pumped! Going to play as the Assassin on my first playthrough.

Battlefield 3 Beta Thoughts

Well the Beta is officially over and I thought that I would leave some of my impressions:

  • I absolutely love sniping and how the classes are set up.
  • The amount of unlocks is astounding. I like how you get unlocks for levels, for using kits, and for using each weapon.
  • The destructible environments are nicely done.
  • Wasn't the biggest fan of the Operationm Metro map, but the videos of Caspian Border look amazing.
  • Hoping the optional HiRes Texture package makes a noticeable difference in the retail verson.
  • Looking forward to vehicles!

I am also looking forward to Skyrim and Halo Anniversary.

P.S.-Had my second phone interview with ABF on Monday for the Inside Sales Rep position. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Ugh I need to go reserve Skyrim, Battlefield 3, and Halo Anniversary but I'm to lazy to get up. Someone do it for me?

Call of Duty

How is the Call of Duty franchise still so popular? It's been almost the exact same game since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. They are basically just reskinning the game and people flock to it like sheep to the slaughter. Call of Duty is full of bugs that hardly ever get patched. Call of Duty is old and tired. Battlefield 3 looks dramatically better, but will only sell around half of what Modern Warfare 3 will, which is incredibly sad. Modern Warfare looks just like the past three games and will still be incredibly popular. People must not like new, fresh things. Like sheep to a slaughter...


Well I ended up buying Torchlight and I'm loving it so far. I'm trying to finish up Dragon Age 2 before I get too addicted to it. I have got to be getting close to the end...I'm at 43 hours so far. Need to play more Reach as well...

Dragon Age 2 Quick Impressions

Well I'm about 30 hours in on my first playthrough of Dragon Age 2, I'm loving it so far. It is quite a bit different than Origins in good ways and bad. The combat and graphics are vastly improved. I still haven't made my mind up on whether I like the new way dialogue is handled. Not a big fan that you can't pick race, name, etc. in this game (I understand that for this story or point of view, the way they handled it is necessary), and I don't like how they "dumbed" down the micromanaging of your party members. You can no longer outfit them with almost any loot you find if they have the stat requirements. Each party member has four armor upgrades...I think this is pointless.

I'm definitely going to have to buy Torchlight...take me back to my Diablo days. And new Halo Maps today!

Go Pack Go!

Packers are one game away from the Super Bowl! So pumped!

Suck it Vick!

Suck it Eagles!

Suck it Falcons!

Suck it Cowboys!


Less than a week until I will be Remembering Reach! My life will end...

Go Hogs.

Dragon Age 2

So I'm kinda worried about Dragon Age 2 after reading the updates from Comic-Con. The idea of it taking place during the first Dragon Age's timeline is pretty cool, but I don't like the idea of being confined to one character. You can't pick race, name, etc. I'm also kinda upset that it's not a direct sequel to the first's timeline. They have also updated the combat system which is a big change from the original. I have my concerns, but Bioware hasn't let me down yet...