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SexyPorkins Blog

Graduation is Coming...

So graduation is just around the corner (4 weeks or so away) and I'm super pumped...but I still need to find a job. Which is a lot harder than it sounds since the economy is so bad right now. In fact, there was a Career Fair on campus today and there was only around 10 companies there when normally there is at least 30. Depressing...

Oh and softball season has officially started and it seems that yet again we got screwed on scheduling. We have by far the worst schedule in the league. We'll probably end up going 3-2 in the regular season which isn't to bad I guess. I'm hitting 6 for 8 with 4 doubles...not to shabby.

The End of an Era...

Well after over five years of use, Xbox Live has deemed it necessary to no longer allow my gamertag "Sexy Porkins." I'm not very happy about it since I've used that name since the birth of Xbox Live. The only thing I can guess is that some people filed complaints about my name. My world is crashing down...

So from now on it will be...

Bandit Porkins (still doesn't sound right).

Last Semester!

Well my last semester of college has officially started. I'm ready to get it over with and be done for forever. Oh and I got World at rules.

I'm sick...


Thanksgiving Break is just two classes away!  I cannot wait to go home for a few days and eat some awesome food.  Other than that, I'm just going to lay around and be a bum.  I've promised myself that I'm not going to work on any projects or school work whatsoever over the break.  After the break is over, it is just a couple of weeks until Christmas Break! Get excited.

Buy me Call of Duty: World at War and Gears of War 2? :)


So there are three games that are out/coming out that I want (Gears of War 2, Call of Duty: World at War, and Last Remnant), but I can only afford one and I can't decide which one! 

On another note, I had my first "real" job interview today with Sherwin-Williams for after I graduate in May.  It went really well, and the job pays well.  I just don't know if I'll accept the position if they offer.  Guess I have some thinking to do...


As Diddy once said, "Vote or Die." Get it done people.

Vote McCain and Sarah "Drop Dead Legs" Palin.

Fable 2 Ending...

Well I "beat" Fable 2 tonight and I must say I really liked the ending. Especially how you had to choose between the three options. I chose "Sacrifice" and so far it's been pretty cool, but I must say that I do miss my dog. I think the three different endings will make me play through the game again and again just to see how they turn out. Of course I won't start a new game until I get tired of running around on my current one. Some of the achievements confuse me however, I sold a property for twice what I bought it for (it was worth, etc.) and didn't get the achievement, and I've yet to figure out the "Perfect Date" achievement. I never did accomplish the "Duellist" one either. Oh well. What a great game!

P.S.-Went home this weekend for Mama's and Papa's 56th Wedding Anniversary. It was a great weekend. I miss being away from home. Thanksgiving Break can't get here soon enough! Hopefully I can find a great job for when I graduate in May!

Recent Events...

So things have not been going well lately. My grandmother passed away this past Friday and the funeral will be held this Tuesday. And on top of that, yesterday my phone broke and so I had to buy a brand new one at full price since I didn't have insurance or anything like that. And so that basically screws me financially for the rest of the semester. I did the math and I have somewhere along the lines of $25 worth of wiggle room.

On a better note, classes are going ok and the girl situation is looking up.