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Sgt_Napalm Blog

What is this Garry's Mod, Anyway?

I am always talking about Garry's Mod, and how great a game it is. Well, Some may be confused about what Garry's Mod is exactly.

Well, let me show you.

Garry's Mod is a popular sandbox modification for games running the Source engine by VALVe. (It was originally for the game "Half-Life 2") It is a game, but only by the textbook definition. Unlike traditional games, there are no set goals, other then the ones you create yourself. You are given a box of tools and "Props" (Objects that you can place in the world.) and you can use them however you like. If you want to make a base and drive a car into it, you can. If you want to-create a scene where you and a group of rebels have to fight the Combine, (Half-Life 2 scenarios, all of them) you can. If you want to create a robot, and then use it to fight against friend's robot in online multiplayer, you can. The game basically lets you be a god.

The game comes with two maps. GM_Construct and GM_Flatgrass.

GM_Construct has been through many versions, and is currently in it's 9th version (Plus the White room version of the first one.)

The current version of Construct contains a small lake and pier, a garage, a "warehouse" that leads to a room that you can change the colour of, and a pitch black room. There is also two skyscrapers out side of the building area that you can build on.

The first version was Version 3, as the first version of Garry's Mod is Version 3.

In is the most played map of all of the game servers.


This is a picture of GM_Construct 10, the 8th version of GM_Construct.

GM_Flatgrass is a very simple map. It consists of a concrete platform in the middle of a sea of grass. And that is it. There is no other bells or whistels. Just a flat plane of grass.

But that is what makes it the 2nd played map online. It's large size and simplicity makes it a very fun map. It's clean slate makes anything possible.


This is a picture of Flagrass after a chaotic scene.

You can learn a lot more by going to these sites.

Garry's Mod Official Website

Garry's Mod Simple Explination

Garry's Mod FAQ

Garry's Mod Forum

Want to get Garry's Mod?


A quick look on the candidates.

Obama: Too young, already has no idea what he is doing.Look at his campaigns, Bush V2 anyone?

Hilary: Not doing well. We don't need another clinton... And besides, she seems... shakey on the issues.

McCain: Knows what he is doing. Elect him please. He has all the issues coverd in a reasonable way.

McCain Plz.

A Prayer

A prayer delivered by Rev. Joe Wright in front of the Kansas House of Reps.on January 23, 1996. This may not be exact. I reprint it hee for it's severe honesty.

Underlined words changed to avoid the net-neutrality that GS likes so much.

Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and seek your direction and guidance. We know your Word says, "Woe to those who call evil good," but that's exactly what we've done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values.

We confess that we have ridiculed the absolute truth of your Word and called it moral pluralism. We have worshipped other gods and called it multi-culturalism. We have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestile. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building esteem. We have abused power and called it political savvy. We have coveted our neighbors' possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our fore-fathers and called it enlightenment.

Search us O God and know our hearts today; try us and see if there be some wicked way in us; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent here by the people of Kansas, and who have been ordained by you, to govern this great state. Grant them your wisdom to rule and may their decisions direct us to the center of your will. I ask it in the name of your son, the living savior, Jesus Christ.

Ask meh questions!!!!

Ask me anything!!!!!!
That's right! for absolutely nothing, you can learn absolutely ANYTHING from your local idiot!!

Also, you get a cookie for reading my blog post today! Enjoi!!!

Also, go to my city.

Also, I'm back!

I'm going away for a couple of weeks.

Okay people, I will be leaving for a few weeks for school and stuff like it. I am getting busy, and I will probably not be able to make it to the computer. For those who like me, I'm sorry, and for those who hate me *CoughRpgCoughCough...* go crazy while YOU STILL CAN!!!

So byes!

(At least I have the decency to tell you this time...)

Generic blog post.

For christsake why is it called a blog?

Also, whoever reads this blog gets free delicious caek.

I rant a lot in bullet format. My colleagues at other unions hate it in the OT (Guess which one it is of the three I go to.). I can't really say freinds because these people hate me, but are far to lazy to do anything about it. Like Americans right now. ("Don't use them gasses, it's unhealthy to the environments.", all the while we buy Hummers.(I'm American BTW)). I'm a disease. Cool!

Have you noticed that Gamespot spellcheck thinks that I'm is spelled wrong, but puts the same exact thing in it's place? Or maybe I'm just wrong and blissfully retarded. Eh.

Recyced banner, I just noticed. But new sig. BUT BROKEN LINK TO THE EPIC RICK ROLL!!! It brought you to a page where the window runs from you and spams the lyrics to the song in an epic fashion. I hope it goes back up soon.

Here is your delicious Caek I promised.

The image

Canadian Chinese (Koreans? Japanese? Asian country?) (Not trying to be offensive, just trying to get it right...)

Life is slowing down for me. After I get my 10 page report done, Life will have officialy no point untill exams. Such is the turning of this bit-a-day world...

Have you ever tried praying the St. Terese Novena? At the end you get a rose in some form. It's cool, try it out.

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