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ShArP_ShOt Blog

Spore and More!

So the all of the recent news on spore has resparked my interest in Spore (coming out for pc and ds, maybe more?). The first time I remember seeing a preview of the game was probably almost more than two years ago. With all this time and I'm sure money going into the project I'm willing to bet it is going to be a fantastic game. For those of you maybe interested in it, who havent really read anything here ya go;summary

I'm really hoping the game does not get delayed too.

Also, I finally added an avatar for myself which is a creature from the game. Maybe I'll start to look for a banner/try to make one soon too idk.

Oh ya! I was very excited today to find out that C&C Red Alert 3 was announced today. The Command and Conquer Series consist of some of my favorite games when growing up.

New Badge + Warhawk on the PS3

I got my new badge today for seeing tuning into the awards ceremony last week, neato!

Also I purchased Warhawk for the ps3 on Amazon last week. It was a cool 40 dollars and included the bluetooth headset, not bad of a deal in my opinion. Plus I have heard some decent things about it.

In TV news im very excited that the strike is almost over, I love my tv shows, idk what I would do without them if the strike continued. Also, I started watching season two of Lost yesterday. I find the show frustrating yet addictive. Every episode I seem to know less and less, yet I still keep watching it.

Super Mario Galaxy and Ikari Warrior!

Friday I decided to pick up the wii again and amused myself with Super Mario Galaxy. Went from 20 to 40 stars. The game was really well made and looks great. My only complaint so far is that the boss fights are very repetitive. Bowser has basically been the same fight all three times.

In other gamespot news, im level 9, yay!

Favorite Multi-player/online play

So I was just playing some CoD 4 on xbox 360 online and it got me thinking what my favorite multiplayer game was. I have to say my favorite to this date is between socom (the original) and goldeneye for the n64. Goldeneye was by far the first game of mine that I played the multiplayer far more than the one-player mode. My friends and I would get together and play for hours, and the game would be a center point of entertainment during parties and what not (we were young and gaming nerds so sue me ;-)). On the other side was SOCOM for the ps2. The first game that I started to play online, played in clans and hardly ever played. For a little more than a year this game consumed my life almost daily. I thought it was pretty much flawless until cheaters entered the mix and then socom 2 fixed that for the time being.

Anyways, thats my little tid bit. Does anyone have a personal favorite?

and yay giants, i disliked the patriots and bellichick very much

Halo 3 Complete!

Finally, it took me a few months in the long run, but I finally brought myself to play one player and finish the dang thing. Usually if a game has a decent multiplayer (halo, cod4 etc) I hardly ever even bother playing single player, so this is an accomplishment!

Next on the list is assassins creed for ps3! Also level 8 finally too :)

Great couple of days.

Past few days have been awesome. The mets are sealing a deal for johan santana, one of the most dominant pitchers in the game. Can't wait to see him in the rotation, we definetly have a legit shot at the pennant and series this year imo if we finish the deal. Also my roomate went out and bought a 32in 720p samsung lcd tv. It's great so far. It is going to be our new gaming and movie tv. We were on a 15in before this one so it is a huge step up. On top of all of this we bought rockband and that is pretty sweet!

Anyways, I was looking into some games I might be interested in, and was wondering does anyone think that the Turok game will be any good? (360 or ps3) I looked a little bit into it and looks like it has potential, but I didn't care for a couple of the videos.

First week down.

So it is Friday afternoon, officially the weekend! This was the first full week at school and it feels good to be back. I only have class tuesday and thursday which is awesome and sucks at the same time. That means 4 day weekends every weekend though. Just got back from the gym which was absolutely packed. Stupid kids thinking they will keep their new years resolutions >_>. Anywho I don't have too much homework, so if anyone wants to play some cod 4/halo this weekend just send me a message on xbox id be more than happy to play.


I think I'll try to start a blog on here and see how it goes.

level 7 currently, and have had this account since 2004. Also have a gamefaqs account ShArP ShOt since 2002ish. I just got a cool little emblem for voting in the 2007 awards. Pretty Neat!

Anyways feel free to track me, and I'll probably do the same. I get bored pretty quick at school and doing work so I have mass amounts of free time on my hands.

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