[QUOTE="T_P_O"][QUOTE="modestkraut1291"]Isis. reminds me of Indie music but metal.PuddinPantI second this. I third that Isis are post-metal, like Pelican and Jesu. It's like Explosions in the Sky or Mono, only metal. "Indie" can encompass a lot of things, but I think of stuff like Beirut and The Decemberists when I toss that term out. The post-whatever tag helps differentiate things. Oceanic is in my top 5 albums ever. :o
Jesus kid, did you just start listening to metal? Juggernaut140That's the point, you can't recommend Drudkh or Alcest to someone who's never heard even heard Opeth or Bodom. Edit: Should have read the whole post chain, never mind my third comment.
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