Shadic95 / Member

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Shadic95 Blog

The Sonic Quiz

Why was Sonic created?

Was tail orinnally a girl? true or false

When was Knuckles introduced ?

Sonic first racing game ?

Amy's first aperance ?

Sonic's brother name ?

When was Sonic introduced ? {for the dumb people}

What color emerald does Shadow always have?

Who killed Sonic??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How did Sonic meet Tails???


Who is Sonic's greatest rival??

all games part 1

Sonic Riders 2 : Who new do u think will be in it and whats the plot.

DBZ Tenkaichi 3:Who new besides what supergohan1told us.

Halo 3: How do u think I'll end.

GTA IV: Will it be better than the rest.

Do u think I'll be a Shin Bodokai 3

Sonic Rivals 2:Who is the last character

Smash Bros Brawl: Did sega comfirm Sonic being in it.

2D mario or 3D Mario

2D Sonic or 3D Sonic

Long Blog

Sonic Riders 2 : Who new do u think will be in it and whats the plot.

DBZ Tenkaichi 3:Who new besides what supergohan1told us.

Halo 3: How do u think I'll end.

GTA IV: Will it be better than the rest.

Do u think I'll be a Shin Bodokai 3

Sonic Rivals 2:Who is the last character

Smash Bros Brawl: Did sega comfirm Sonic being in it.

2D mario or 3D Mario

2D Sonic or 3D Sonic

Game Fuel

Do not drink mountain dew game fuel it will tear up your stomach but its good got to go. "ahhhhhhh my stomach"!


Gamespot is f***ed up how did my profile pic change 2 times by itself!!!!!! I dont have my avatar any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who his Shadic

Shadic was apart of my imagination when I was younger. He was origganlly a fusion of Shadow and Sonic and was blue and redbut then I said It'll be too much like DBZ. So I chaned him Into a Silver and Blue[like on sadow] but spikes where like Sonic unless he got a choas emerald then his spikes where like Shadows and was suposed to be Sonic's older brother.Shadic could run at the speed of light unlikeSonic that can only run at the speed of soundand Shadiccould do anthing sonic could do and more.And he has a friend thats Tails brother but his not a punk and smarter than tails and his name is Fly3r.
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