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Shadow-Elite Blog

Bourne Ultimatum 8/10

Eh. It was alright. I didn't have the need to see it but my friend paid for me.8)

The fights were cool, the talking, and the action was all smart just what I expect but it was little bit too cliche.

And another thing why would he give away his position by telling the guy on the phone he was in his office? Funny? Yes. Smart? No.

[spoiler] For those that have seen the movie isn't Bourne's true identity seem a little too familar? Such as Wolverine's past? [/spoiler]

On another note he's my first ever sig (well second haven't really tried one in long time) tell how it looks for a beginnger.




Any Game I Want (But don't know what do get)

My birthday is coming up August 3 and I have the chance to get any game or DVD or anything that has a $60 value at least. But I don't know what to get. I already have two games that I'm getting, Jump Ultimate Stars and Tales of Eternia came in the mail yesterday but my mom won't admit it lol

I really don't know what's out now for me to get. I like RPGs and Action Adventure games. I have a PS2, 360, DS and PSP. I've been thinking about getting back Yugioh GX Tag Force but Tag Force 2 is coming out next month so right now I don't see the point.

And I really don't need another RPG because I'm playing Tales of the World and Legendia now. Once my birthday comes I'll be playing Tales of Eternia giving me 3 RPGs to play. So don't really need another RPG.

The Question is What's Out There Now For Me To Get?:? and times running out!

ANY GOOD GAME or ANYTHING you can think of is fine.

A Tale of Two Tales Games

Well, this week I just brought two Tales of games

Tales of the World is great. Finally a good addicting RPG for the PSP. You have no idea how much I've been waiting for that.

Tales of Legendia is okay. I was a bit surpise that it had random battles and the battle system is going to take some getting used to since the battles are set on one line. But I'm sure its going to easy. :)

As of late I've been buying bad games ie Blade Dancer and Valhalla Knights. But it would seem the Tales series has broken me out of my habit :)

Transforming Robots Never Looked So Good

Pure Awesomeness. I didn't expect it to be good (really I thought it would suck)

Story: 7/10 - If you ever seen Transformers you pretty much know the deal

Transformers themselves: 9.8/10 - They Looked Awesome!

CG: 9.5/10 - Great Stuff

Megan Fox: 10/10 - OMFG...nuff said

Gotta Get Back On The Horse

It's been awhile but I'm finally playing Gears of War again (been since Feburary I think) and I'm back on Xboxlive in general. My skills have dimished considerably... Only 18 kills when back in Feb I use to get at least 30 kills a match...

In Pokemon Diamond I'm Ev training pokemon to used in skilled competivie SINGLE battles. Not really focusing too much on Double Battles now but in the future I most certainly will. I've got a team of 6 ready to go and I'm going to train more to get a total of 4 or 5 teams.

On another note I'm waiting for Tales of the World: Radiant Mythoglogy to come out so I can have a game to play for my PSP. It looks great could be the best RPG for PSP.

And last but not least...

I guess it's not much but I reached 1000! YAY:D:)

Comment Me and I'll Comment:D

Bad Game Buying Streak...

I've been on a bad game buying streak...

First Valhalla Knights. I thought it would actually be a good game to play. An ok battle system and great character customatization just couldn't help save it from me trading it in. And the amount of grinding needed was almost insane.

Then the recent Blade Dancer. I thought since I liked the intro song a lot and the battle system was good I might like it. But after playing it and accidently reading the ending (damn the people the don't put spoiler warnings in their post) I found that the game just wasn't even going to be worth my time.

I returned Blade Dancer and now I have $29 in store credit maybe I'll trade in some games to have enough to get Shadowrun idk.

:( It would seem that the only good RPG that will be coming out for PSP is Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology And I know that will be good at least...

The EV Training Pokemon

This is my current Diamond team that I'm Ev Training so far. Trying to find a sixth one (maybe magnezone) but may leave that spot open for a legendary like Zapados, Entel, Latias, etc NOT Mewtwo, Dialga, Giratina, Darkrai, etc.

lvl 58 Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Nasty Plot, Psychic

lvl 75 Psychio Cut, Leaf Blade, Thunder Wave, Close Combat

lvl 70 Earthquake, Dragon Rush, Dragon Claw, Crunch (In need of a better moveset)

lvl 69 Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Mirror Coat, Last Resort

lvl 72 Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Psychic


I think I have too much sheer power than strategy. This team will more than likely be used for single battles. What do you guys think? Rate.